Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Signs of a person's death

Signs of a person's death

Signs of a person's death

Signs before death, birth and death are human nature, and everyone has to face them. When relatives are dying, we are always sad, but we don't know how long they will live, so someone will ask a person what are the signs before death?

Signs before death 1 signs 1: The breath is cold.

It is said that the gas exhaled by human body is cold before death. As we all know, when a normal person breathes into the palm of his hand, his palm can feel the temperature and it is hot, but there is still smoke when he breathes in winter, because when the temperature drops rapidly, the hot air will be converted into gas, but if the gas exhaled by a person is cold, it may indicate that the person may be dying.

Symptom 2: You will hear strange sounds.

It is said that for people who are about to die, they will hear some strange sounds, some like knocking at the door and some like walking. Any sound is possible anyway. There is a saying that there is a couple who live a normal life at home. Suddenly one day, her wife heard strange sounds every day, but her husband couldn't hear anything. A few days later, his wife died. At this time, he remembered why his wife could hear strange sounds every day.

Symptom 3: I can't see myself in other people's pupils.

Pupils are the only way for one to see the outside world. According to the principle of pinhole imaging, we can see the outside world, and we also know that a person can see himself through other people's pupils. However, it is said that if a person can't see himself through other people's eyes, then this person is likely to die. Although there is no scientific basis, there is no statement or evidence to explain this problem, but it can also be used as what we should know.

Symptom 4: You can see the soul haunting.

The night before a person dies, a soul appears and is often found at the door. It is found that this dying person often has no expression on his face, but his facial features look clear. Bodies appear and disappear, sometimes becoming very real. When people try to greet him or her, he or she will suddenly disappear. Strangely, sometimes when two people are together, one can see and the other can't.

Symptom 5: The limbs will feel inexplicable pain.

It is said that the function of limbs will gradually stop before death, because the heart and brain can no longer control the activities of limbs. At this time, the human body will feel inexplicable pain in the limbs. This statement has a certain scientific basis, but whether people who died of natural causes are established has not been specifically studied.

Symptom 6: People around you will suddenly feel more burdened.

Everyone likes to oppress the doorman or relatives and friends the night before he dies. In our countryside, they are generally called "Yan" people, that is, there are people at the door, and relatives and friends suddenly feel that their bodies have become very heavy, and it is particularly difficult to walk or ride a bike. When sleeping, people who feel dying continue to walk or float on themselves, unable to move, and have severe breathing difficulties. After some time, people returned to normal.

Symptom 7: The stool will turn white.

There is a saying that people often defecate before they die. Because the human body can no longer absorb new energy, it will always consume its own energy, so there will be frequent defecation. It is said that the stool will turn white a few days before death.

Symptom 8: Crows will pass by the door.

The most striking image of crow to the outside world is that crow is synonymous with terror and a bridge connecting hell and the world. But this statement is actually self-defeating, because crows have their own living areas and cannot appear everywhere. However, in western countries, crows often appear in those desolate places and are synonymous with death.

Symptom 9: Teeth will turn black and dry before death.

There is a saying that people lose a lot of calcium in their bodies before they die, so their teeth will turn black and their bones will gradually calcify. This statement has scientific basis.

Symptoms 10: Ears will wither.

It loses its luster before the human body dies. So as we said before, ears are also very important. At first glance, this ear suddenly lost its luster, withered, and almost the same. There are still six months left.

Logo 1 1: I will dream of the person I love.

Some people dreamed of their favorite grandson a few days before they died, saying that they were dying, and sure enough, they died soon. If the grandson asks him (her), he (she) will generally deny it. Others give their dreams to other relatives, usually people they trust and love.

Signs 12: People will see stars in broad daylight a few days before they die.

This statement is unacceptable to more people because it is impossible in basic theory, but many people will say it before they die.

Sign 13: People are not afraid of the sun before they die.

I don't think the sun is dazzling when I watch it. The sun is at noon, of course, not in the morning. The midday sun looks, people look, alas, dazzling, and they can watch it quietly.

Logo 14: There is no shadow in the sun.

There is a saying in China that ghosts have no shadow, because they are nothing. This will be described in many film and television themes. In the normal communication process, people who communicate with each other will suddenly find that they have no shadow. Only then did I realize that I was facing a ghost, but there is a saying that people stood in the sun or the moon a few days before their death, and there was no shadow.

Constellation 15: the mood is capricious.

Sometimes the mood will fluctuate greatly for no reason and can't be controlled. When these signs appear, one of them may leave within half a year, especially the thirteenth and fourteenth, with a life span of only about three days.

A sign before one person dies, a sign a week before two people die.

1. One week before death: 15 before death.

There are fifteen signs before the old man dies. If they have one of them, their life span is only six months, and they will leave within six months. Especially the thirteenth and fourteenth species, if both are available, the life span is about three days at most. . . . .

The first one is breathing in the palm of your hand, and I feel that the breath I spit out is cold. Oh, spit on your palm. The breath we usually exhale must be hot, and this feeling is cold. Signs three days before death.

The second is that you can't see your own shadow in the pupil of other people's eyes. Generally, this is visible, and anyone can see it, but the dying person can't see it. How to judge that the old man is dying?

The third is the four major attenuation, severe pain in limbs. This is a sign that the old man is dying.

The fourth is that the stool turns white.

The fifth is that the teeth become very dry and black.

What are the signs of the old man before he dies?

The sixth is that the ear has withered and lost its luster. So as we said before, ears are also very important. At first glance, this ear suddenly lost its luster, withered, and almost the same. There are still six months left. The seventh is the nose. It's crooked. It's crooked.

The eighth is to see the stars in the sky in broad daylight when others can't see them. Why do dying people smell?

The ninth is that when you look at the sun, you don't think it is dazzling. The sun is at noon, of course, not in the morning. The midday sun looks, people look, alas, dazzling, and they can watch it quietly.

The tenth is that the urine turns sour. There is a lot of sour gas, sour taste, this is the tenth kind. Did you have a hunch a few months before you died?

The eleventh is that under the sun or the moon, I can't see my shadow, no shadow.

The twelfth is that the lines on the forehead will swell up.

The thirteenth is that there will be red pimples in Dantian.

The fourteenth is the sole of the foot. The Yongquan point on the sole of the foot hurts like a needle in Tang Yin. This thirteenth and fourteenth, if any, is quite dangerous. People give their relatives some hints before they die.

Fifth, the mood is changeable. Fluctuations for no reason are so severe that they are out of control.

When these signs appear, one of them may leave within half a year, especially the thirteenth and fourteenth, with a life span of only about three days. The peculiar smell of people before they die.

Signs of a person's death Three people may suddenly wake up before they die, or they may be confused and even suddenly want to eat.

First, there is a warning before death.

It is said that people are spiritual, especially when death comes, which means that the soul is about to leave the body. At that time, there are actually some special signs. For example, when a person feels that he is going to die and exhales, he will find that the gas he blows into his hand is very cold, which means that death is coming. Because the human body is at a constant temperature, the exhaled gas also has a temperature, which is why you can see yourself exhaling in extremely cold winter. But if even breathing is cold, it means that the yang in the body has been hollowed out, the body has been gradually occupied by yin, and the absolute body is in a dangerous bald state.

Second, you will suddenly wake up before you die.

Some people are troubled by a long illness, maybe they have been lying in bed, confused and crazy. But when you die, you will suddenly be particularly conscious, and you will also arrange things after death in a special place. Even for every family member, enough entrustment can be issued.

And some people will even be happy, have a little sense of destiny, and even predict when they will die in advance. It's like I've seen death clearly, and I'll recite the scriptures myself. This is a different performance in peacetime, just like a dead light.

Third, the body suddenly gets better.

And those people seem to filter out what happened in their lifetime when they are dying. In particular, some elderly people have memory problems with Alzheimer's disease, but when they die, they can recall things that have long been forgotten. And suddenly my legs and feet become numb, and the whole person looks good, which is also a precursor to death.