Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Zhuang Yan fortune-telling

Zhuang Yan fortune-telling

Died of stone spear and Wu Yin. This is the real wuyue hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period. (7) Main authors: leisure and happiness.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Yue almost perished in the battle of Fujiao in wuyue. Finally, almost at the request of Fu Cha, the king of Wu, he reluctantly agreed to stay in Yue. But the condition is that Yu Jian, the king of Yue, must personally take his wife to Wu as a slave to show his sincerity. But why is such a big thing not recorded in Spring and Autumn Annals? Zuo Zhuan explained that both sides of wuyue did not inform the Central Plains countries about this war, but fought the war and solved the problem by themselves. The central plains powers just thought that these barbarians were blind in July and August and were too lazy to record them in history books.

It can also be seen from this incident that Yue's defeat was also due to his barbarian status and isolation. There is no way but to beg for mercy. Even Fan Li, who is full of wisdom and tricks, had to comfort Ju Jian: "Once upon a time, Shang Tang was imprisoned in stepping down, surrounded by yǒu, and Jin fled to Zhai. From this point of view, why can't our situation today be a blessing? "

Sentence Jian sighed, hung his head and cried with mixed feelings. After a long time, I turned around and took Ho's hand and said, "Dr. Fan and Dr. Wen, when I leave, I will entrust you two to Yue Guo."

He said, "Your Majesty, let me go to Wu with you! This is extremely dangerous, and you need someone to help you. "

Sentence Jian said with emotion, "Doctor Fan, I regret not listening to your advice. You advised me not to attack and stand by and join forces, but I didn't listen, which led to such a fiasco today! I did this to you. I didn't expect you to do this to me ... "

Wu's soldiers were impatient: "Have you finished your performance? Get on the boat, it's getting dark! " "

Sentence Jian secretly scolded: I'm trying to fight, what's the matter! Damn, people's feelings are just brewing!

But he said, "Let's go! Coming! What's the hurry? You're still afraid I'll run away ..... Dr. Wen, it's up to you to cross over. Parting is imminent. Do you have anything to tell me? "

Wen Zhong said with tears, "I'm not worried about Fan Li's work. I have nothing to say to him, but you must remember, remember! "

"Which sentence is so important, come on!"

"In a word, bear it!"

In this way, Sentence Sword and others were escorted to the State of Wu and immediately taken to Gusutai to satisfy the King of Wu Fucha.

Fuxi sat haughtily on the high platform, listening to Wu's songs with his head wagging, and didn't really look at the sentence practice under the stage.

Sentence Jian endured humiliation, worshiped the land, and made a mistake to apologize: "Sentence Jian, a minister in the East China Sea, was ashamed of heaven and humiliated the land. He overreached himself and humiliated the king's men. Your majesty's kindness, forgiving me for my death and showing me the way to rebirth, I am deeply grateful. I would like to ask you to be a minister, your wife to be a concubine, and your brother to be the first horse of the king of Wu. "

Fu Cha waved away the singer, looked up and down at Jian, and asked, "Are you Jian?"

"It's a minister."

"Ugly enough! You look like a bird! (Note 1) "

"Be, be. I am really ugly. "

"Hum, when my father was killed, did you ever think about today!"

"Be, be. I deserve to die. May the king have mercy on me! "

Wu Zixu, a nearby Wu Xiang, lost his temper. Seeing his eyes like running fire and his voice like Hong Zhong, he said angrily, "I heard that birds are on the clouds, but you still have to shoot them with a bow. Are you wandering by the pond and gathering in the palace? " Sentence Jian hid in Huiji Mountain before, and we couldn't cure him. Fortunately, the butcher can cook him in my kitchen. Don't let go of the delicious food delivered to your door! "

Fu Cha said, "I heard that killing those who surrender will harm three generations. I am not a glass. I didn't kill him because I like simple sentences. I am afraid that God will hold me accountable for my sins! "

However, Aibo, the Taizai, had accepted the bribe from Yue before, so he naturally had to speak for Ju Gongli: "Wang Ming! Wu, don't be so angry! Sentence Jian is just a dead fish. What storms can it stand? "

Wu Zixu's straight face has turned gray. He turned to Bobo and shouted, "You little man, it's not your turn to interrupt here! When the late king died, he entrusted the old minister to make Wu invincible forever. You should know the danger when the blade is hanging over your head; Get lost, you must know to turn back! You can't believe a good lie, and you won't listen to your tricks. After all this, the old minister confessed to the king. " Then he left without looking back.

Fu fork grind way: "! What is crazy! "

He smiled cunningly and said, "No wonder Wu lost such a big temper in front of the King of Qi. He often tells people that in the past, the king was made a prince because of him and Wu Zixu. "

"Wu Zixu named me Prince! Everyone knows what you want! " Focha only felt that there was a fire in his heart to blow himself up.

Sentence Jian secretly watched the play, filled with joy, but on the surface he was quietly waiting for the king of Wu.

For a long time, Focha calmed down and waved: "Jian, pay attention to safety when you come. Tell you what, I will build a stone room for you at the foot of Gusu Mountain, in the direction of the tomb of the late king. You can help me raise my horse and go there. Think of yourself before the spirit of my late king! "

"Yes!" Sentence Jian kowtowed and bowed, and walked away carefully on his knees.

So Jane lived in a stone house at the foot of Gusu Mountain and became the groom of Fu Cha, the king of Wu. The former king of Yue is now the lowest slave of the State of Wu.

Without good clothes to wear, I can only wear an apron, which is very shameful; I don't have to wear a hat, so I have to wear a thick scarf to make up for it, so as not to scare the children with long hair. The three of them are unkempt and unkempt, and they are a group of beggars.

If it's physical pain, that's fine, and what makes the sentencing sword even more unbearable is mental humiliation.

At that time, every time the King of Wu traveled by car, Sentence Jian took the initiative to lead the horse in front to clear the way for him, and let the people of Wu next to him point: "This is the King of Yue who was beaten down by our king. Look, what a loser! He was born a slave! "

"Yes, yes, he looks like a bird. He thinks he is a parrot! "

"I also heard that in order to survive, Sentence Jian gave his wife to the king of Qi to sleep, hee hee ..."

"Really? How can he be so mean! "

"sentence Jian sentence Jian, if he is not cheap enough, how can he be called sentence Jian?"

"Ha ha ha ha ....."

Jian didn't answer back or get angry. He just bowed his head and led the horse by himself, comforting himself in his heart: it's no big deal, just walk the dog by himself!

Bitter, this life is simply not a person's life. But it seems that the sword is a natural ninja, so unbearable pain and humiliation have been abruptly endured by him. So there are three people, including Judge Jane and his subjects. Men mow the grass and feed the horses every day, while women carry water, dig out dung and sweep the floor every day-hard work. Three years have passed, and Judge Jane has never been angry for a moment.

So after a period of time, one day, Fu Cha was so bored that he took his favorite uncle to visit Gusutai early in the morning. At this time, it is the dawn of early spring in the south of the Yangtze River. The smoke cage is filled with spring water, and the vegetation is beaming, which is a quiet and peaceful scene. Ah, Focha was intoxicated when he suddenly saw a scene that was extremely out of harmony with the surrounding scenery, and his brow wrinkled.

I saw three people, namely Jian, Jun and Chen, dressed in rags, unkempt and haggard, sitting on the edge of a pile of horse manure, holding a few steamed buns in their hands, without a drop of oil in their dishes.

Focha couldn't help feeling pity. In the past two years, the couple have been slaves in Gusu, which is really honest. It is better to let them go back!

Aibo listened to the exultation and immediately sent someone to secretly tell Jian. Sentence Jian quickly found a way to share his joy: "Dr. Fan, my mood is so complicated, just like a deer bumping around in the park." I'm happy and worried. I'm glad I can do it this time. What I am worried about is that I am afraid that the king of Wu will change his mind temporarily and make me happy. "

Fan Li smiled and said, "Don't worry, your majesty. I'll see if it's auspicious or ominous. "

Fan Li turned countless formulas in his mind and his face suddenly changed. He said: "No, today is Wuyin's prison day, and Shi Mao is deeply trusted, which is the image of' four days, everything hurts' in Tian Ke. Your majesty, you'd better not be too happy, lest you be overjoyed. "

Jane collapsed on the ground, pale and speechless.

Of course, Fan Li could not solve the mystery of fate so easily. In fact, a real fortune teller is an expert in understanding human nature. Fan Li has decided that Fu Cha is naturally indecisive, and he is not so easy to make a decision.

Sure enough, as soon as Wu Zixu heard that Fu Cha had the idea of pardoning punishment and frugality, he rushed into the palace to raise an objection: "In the past, Shang Tang was imprisoned without killing him, and King Wen was imprisoned without killing him in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, but they were all destroyed by the other side. Your Majesty, if you really say that, you will only repeat the same mistakes. "

Fu Cha really hesitated, and what Wu Zixu said was not completely unreasonable. Why don't we observe it for a while?

Seeing that his own good deed was about to come to nothing, Abreu quickly choked with Wu Zixu and said, "Your Majesty, Wu Zixu actually compared you to an unruly person! What peace of mind does he have! Once upon a time, he returned the 50-mile land given to him to Yan, thus gaining the reputation of benevolence and righteousness; The flood war in Song Xianggong, praised by later generations, was not broken until the Chu army finished crossing the river. Qi Huangong made a name for himself, but Song Xianggong was defeated, but the benevolent government remained forever. Now if the king can pardon the sentence, then yours is higher than the five tyrants! "

After listening to this, Focha felt that what my uncle said was also very reasonable. His life's ideal is to strive for hegemony in the north, wrestle with the great powers of the Central Plains such as Qi and Jin, and defeat the barbarians of Yue, which is really not on the table. Well, you all have a point, so let's see Jian's performance before making a decision.

So Bobo quickly found a cheap sentence, begged him to be cheaper, humble himself, behave well, and strive for "commutation and release" as soon as possible. Just then, Focha fell ill, very ill, and stayed in bed for three months without getting better. Sentence Jian felt very subtle, happy and a little worried: the king of Wu was ill in bed and didn't know when he would get well. If he is paralyzed for ten or twenty years, do I have to accompany him to suffer all the time in Wu?

He immediately called Fan Li, who he trusted most and could only trust most, to discuss countermeasures.

"Doctor fan, can't you tell a fortune? You help me calculate whether the king of Wu will be well and when! This is very important to me. "

Fan Li pretended to be a god and made a fuss. He said, "Well, the king of Wu won't die, but he will be cured on April 26th."

"Can't you? I have been thinking about it for several days. Dr. Fan is really working! Admire you! "

"Hey, nothing." Fan Li smiled smugly. In fact, where can he really predict the future? However, his teacher, Ji Ran, naturally passed on his superb medical skills to Fan Li. As Chinese medicine says, "look, smell and ask", Fan Li can guess seven or eight points by observing the face of Fu tea.

The sentence said to himself: "Since Focha will recover soon, there is hope for me to return to China ..."

At this time, a crazy idea suddenly flashed through his mind, and he was almost frightened by this idea-should he tell Jian? It's a little hard to say!

Jane hesitated at this and asked, "Does Dr. Fan have any good countermeasures?"

"Your Majesty, I think, I think ... this is an opportunity."

"Now is not the time for you to prevaricate. Speak quickly!"

Fan Li gritted his teeth and said, "I have a trick here, which is a little disgusting." I am afraid the king can't accept it. "

"At this point, I'm afraid of what's disgusting! I'll do it as long as I can go back to China. What do you think, yes or no, tell me! "

"Your majesty, you're right. My unique skill is to ask you! "

"ah? ..... no! "

"Yes, since the prince has been ill for a long time, you can take this opportunity to visit the condition of the prince, and then ask him to have a taste and see its color at the same time, and then kneel on the ground to congratulate him and say that he will not die and will recover soon. In this way, the king of Wu will be moved by your behavior, and then we can go back to China! "

Sentence Jian silly, you really want to go alone!

"This, this, I somehow is also the king of a country, how can you eat other people's shit? Moreover, Focha's face is disgusting, and his shit must stink! "

Fan Li replied, "If a husband wants to achieve great things, he doesn't care about good behavior. The prince of Wu is indecisive and has no husband's decision. He wanted to be pardoned, but suddenly he changed. If you don't do something special, how can you exchange his pity and return to China smoothly? "

Sentence Jian didn't speak, held his head, struggled for a long time, and finally made a decision: "Well, just do as Dr. Fan said!" "

The next day, Berger took kiku to visit Focha as planned, and said, "kiku was very worried when he heard that you were in poor health and begged me to take him to see you."

Focha looked at the sentence practice by the bed with a morbid face and said, "Oh? It's rare that you still have this heart. "

Sentence Jian kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have also studied medical books for several years. Just let me have a look at the patient's complexion, and I can know a little about his illness. "

Focha said weakly, "Oh? You have such ability? Right, I just finished it, so you can take a look at it for me! "

Abel sent someone to move focha's toilet out of the room. After saying goodbye, he followed out of the room, uncovered the lid of the bucket and pretended to observe.

April pinched her nose and screamed, "Look, don't keep the king waiting too long."

The sword waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute …" Then he reached into the toilet, fished out a fresh thing, looked at it in front of his eyes, suddenly closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue to supplement it …

They were dumbfounded, and several ladies-in-waiting even turned their heads and felt sick.

April fought back her chest and covered her nose. "How does it taste?"

Sentence Jian touched it twice and said, "Bitter and sour, a little soup. Although it is not good, it is not as bad as I thought. Do you want to try it? "

"Wow ..." Finally, someone couldn't stand it, squatted on the ground and vomited wildly, and was quickly taken away.

Originally, it was very promising for the giant sword and Wu Zixu to compete for the revenge prize, which was popular in the Spring and Autumn Period. Unfortunately, his disgusting performance made his heroic image collapse in front of the public. This is a stain on his life, and no matter how many great achievements he makes in the future, he can't hide it. After all, a person who actively tramples on personal dignity is really disgusting.

Focha heard something in the room outside. He was surprised. Berger and others re-entered the room, but the others looked a little strange.

Focha asked, "How?"

Sentence Jian kowtowed again and said with a full face of joy, "Congratulations, congratulations, your majesty, you will be well on April 26, and you will be as strong as before and become a living dragon!" "

"Why are you so sure?"

"I learned some strange medical skills in the East China Sea, when it tasted like grain. Whoever smells contrary to the seasonal smell will die; And in line with the seasonal smell, the patient will recover. Just now, I tasted your ... "

"what! ? "Fu check a little don't believe my ears.

Berber and others can't stop nodding.

Sentence Jian pretended not to see it, and then said, "By the way, I did taste your king just now and found that your stool was bitter and sour, which should be next spring and summer, so I probably calculated the time when your king recovered." But your majesty, you must remember to go to the convenience on time and on time! "

After Fu's tea break, he couldn't help saying, "What a kind word! I'm completely touched by you! Tell me, who is a courtier in the world, is there anyone willing to taste him for the sake of the health of the monarch? "

Everyone is speechless.

Focha turned and asked Abreu, "Can you do that?"

April shook her head and said, "Although I love the king deeply, I ask myself that I can't do such a thing."

Focha sighed: "Not only you, but even my own son may not be willing to do such a thing for me!" "

Sentence Jian bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty is kind to rebuild my life. He is even closer than my own father. Such a trivial matter is not worth mentioning. "

Fucha moved the truth and couldn't help crying: "Don't say anything, tears are sprayed ... a little practice. From now on, you will be a better courtier. Everyone will forget all the unhappiness before, okay? "

Sentence Jian held Fu Cha's hands tightly and smiled at his iconic star eyes. "No, your majesty, it was our fault to cross the country before. It is my great honor to serve you. If I am lucky enough to return to China, I must warn the subjects of Yue: In the future, I must closely unite around our great leader King Wu and do my best for your cause. "

Focha sighed with emotion: "Good, great. From today on, you should stop raising horses and stay in my palace. I'll send you back to Yue when I'm well. "

Two big men, so affectionately said disgusting words in front of everyone, who would have thought that just a few months ago, Prince Fu Cha was still thinking about how to torture each other with new tricks?

A few days later, on April 26th, Fu Cha, the king of Wu, recovered and was overjoyed, so he was allowed to return to China as promised. When he left, he knelt down and kowtowed, swearing by heaven: "When I died, it was the kindness of the king that made me leave the humble life and enabled me to live in my old country. Sentence Jian dare not forget the kindness of the king, and will certainly do his best to serve him! For God's sake, I really appreciate my heart. If I fail Wu, God will not bless me! "

It seems that the Best Actor Award in the Spring and Autumn Period belongs to Ju Jian, the King of Yue. Of course, Sentence Jian also paid a considerable price for performing this great event well. In his future years, bad breath will almost accompany him all his life. No matter how hard he tried to get rid of bad breath, it was useless. It can be said that Ju Jian, the King of Yue, made a bad start in the history of China, and created an evil example of unscrupulous means to achieve his goal.

In fact, in the Spring and Autumn Period before this, although the ceremony was also broken, there were still some markets for Zhou Li. People played tricks, worried about some bottom lines and did nothing. At that time, Kim was a terrible person, but he would not kneel down for this matter, nor would he ask his sworn enemy to come over and pray for his wife like a sentencing sword, and even gently taste the servility of the other party and show it to the public. This kind of repression and forbearance is tantamount to. In addition, in order to get revenge, Zhu Jian pretended to help but boiled the seeds, which made the people of Wu get nothing, so it was thick and dark, with no lower limit. Some people say that focha is stupid. In fact, anyone who can be the overlord is not stupid. It is normal for him not to destroy Yue, and so did the former overlord. As we have said before, Zhou Li advocates "prosperity, following the peerless world and benefiting the people", so "everyone in the world will return to their hearts" (Note 2). People like Qi Huan and Chu Zhuang can win the support of governors. In addition to their strong national strength, the more important reason is that they can "thrive and destroy the enemy", rather than being wild and proud of destroying the enemy. It is impossible for this hegemonic standard not to have a profound impact on Focha.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Fucha. He was cheated by that sentence, because no one had done it before, and he was not prepared at all. He can't imagine anyone letting himself go like this, so he has no resistance to this behavior at all. Moreover, modern psychology tells us that as a strong side, it is often easy to ignore, weaken or even deny the psychological feelings of the weak side; Especially successful aristocrats like Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, have no empathy. Therefore, Ju Jian, the king of Yue, has completely gained the advantage of trying first, and those who pull the lower limit can always get some benefits from it.

In other words, the history of China slipped from the Spring and Autumn Period with a higher moral level to the jungle world of the Warring States Period, and the "successful example" of the King of Yue Zhu Jian should be "indispensable". "Zuo Zhuan" said that "if it is not my race, its heart will be different." One of the people who broke the moral bottom line in China's history is really not a gentleman in the civilized world, but a sentence-making practice in Dongyi District that has never been contaminated by Zhou Li. This should not be accidental.

Note 1: According to Records of the Historian, the shape of sentence Jian is "long-necked beak".

Note 2: See Yao Yue.

The above is related to Shi Mao's death on Wuyi Day, and it is about Fan Li's sharing. I hope this will be helpful to everyone after watching the birth of Wuyin Riding!