Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Outline of the Story of Dunyue Dunzhu

Outline of the Story of Dunyue Dunzhu

Once upon a time, there was a country called Doba Sanglin. The king's name was Baradewa and the queen's name was Gonsoma. Their relationship is very harmonious and their life is very happy. However, after many years, they did not give birth to a man and a woman. The king was so worried about his heir that he had to ask God for divination and fortune telling. One day, a famous wizard in China was invited to perform divination. The wizard told him: Outside sea island, there is a high gorge continent, where the dragon lives. If you can support it devoutly, you will get the child. The king was very grateful. He took his princess, ministers and people, dressed in gorgeous costumes, and put sacrifices on the elephants all the way to their destinations. Arrived at the seaside, walked by boat for five days and five nights, and came to the residence of Shenlong in Gaoxia Prefecture. There, for seven days in a row, I worshipped the dragon according to the rules every day. On the seventh night, King Baladeva saw the incarnation of the Infinite Light Buddha in his sleep. Akumaru told him that he would get two princes in the near future: one is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the other is the incarnation of Manjusri Bodhisattva. When the king woke up, he saw other auspicious signs and his heart became happier and happier. He packed his bags and returned to the palace. Nine months and ten days later, Queen Gonsoma gave birth to a prince. When he was born, flowers in the sky fell like rain and rainbows appeared like tents. So, there was a big banquet in the palace, celebrating with joy, playing snails, hanging flags, ringing bells and drums, and generously giving them to wizards. Because all his wishes have come true, the king named the prince "Dunzhu", which means success and perfection. When Prince Dunzhu was five years old, he could automatically recite the six-character mantra of "Aye, Bah, Bah, Bah" as soon as he studied, which surprised everyone. Who knows that in this year, Gong SOMA, the Queen, suddenly fell ill, asked God for advice and took medicine, but it didn't work. Finally, she left her husband and son and died. The whole country grieved. A year later, the king married a commoner, and nine months and ten days later, he gave birth to a prince. The king thought it was reasonable for him to come, so he named it "Dunyue", which means it has real meaning. This month, the prince grew up day by day. He refused to live with his mother or wet nurse. He wants to live with his brother Prince Gordon Pearl all day. So, two people study together, play together, eat and drink together, and have a rest together. The king was glad to see their friendship.

One day a few years later, the princess opened the windows in the east, west, north and south of the palace. Everyone heard that the little prince could not inherit the throne. She was secretly surprised and thought, "It seems that Dunzhu can't be underestimated. Although his mother is dead, his influence is not small! Judging from today's situation, most of them will inherit the throne in the future, and my son has no hope for next month. My son can't be king, my mother is nothing ... hey! I have to think more. " So she pretended to be ill and threatened the king to enlarge the prince Dunzhu. So the king decided to send his eldest son Dunzhu to Bianhuang. The news soon reached the ears of the two brothers. Dunyue said to Dunzhu, "You go to Bianhuang, and I will go with you." Dunzhu advised his younger brother: "It is very dangerous to go to Bianhuang, and you have to suffer a lot. You should listen to your parents at home and inherit the throne and manage the affairs of the country in the future! " He didn't listen to Dunzhu's persuasion. Finally, there is no way. One night, Dunzhu got up secretly and was ready to leave. However, he was noticed by Dunyue again. He grabbed his brother's neck and kept on crying and pestering him. Dunzhu had to wait for Dunyue to fall asleep, put dry food and beef jerky on his back, slipped out of the palace and headed for the northern Bianhuang. I don't know. I woke up the next month and my brother was gone. I found my footprints and cried, "Brother! Brother! " Pursuit. Dunzhu heard his brother crying from a distance and sighed, so he had to wait for him to catch up. The two brothers went to Bianhuang together. At that time, after several honest ministers knew this situation, it was the last straw. They secretly sent three servants with elephants and horses to see their brothers off and take care of them along the way. After walking for more than half a month, when they reached the border, the servants could not walk any further, so Dunzhu sent them back. The three servants were reluctant to leave their brothers, so they all cried. Although Dunzhu was sad, she advised them to go back. The two brothers have been walking towards BianHuang. In addition, the king and princess found that their two brothers had run away. They were very anxious and sent people to look around. Who knows, the two brothers are like fallen leaves floating in the forest, like stones sinking in the sea, more like fog floating in the sky, and even a shadow can't be found. The princess who pretended to be sick saw that her beloved son was also lost, and she was really seriously ill. People are worried about the future of princes. ...

Zhu Dunyue's two brothers passed through scattered villages, black tents of herders, a vast beach and a dense forest, and came to a deserted place. They ate up all the rations they brought, even the pockets full of dry food. The two brothers were thirsty and weak, so they had to sit down and rest. Dunzhu found some fruit on a tree, picked it for his brother to eat, and then dragged it reluctantly. When he came to Niubi Mountain, Dunyue couldn't walk any further. Dunzhu told him to sit down and rest, and went to the back hill to find water himself. After a long walk, I saw that the ditch was dry and the pond was dry. Looking back, my brother was already lying on the ground. He strode back, and the moon was dying. Dunzhu picked him up, opened his eyes and said, "Brother! I'm afraid I can't go with you. Take care! " Dunzhu felt like a knife, holding his dying brother in his hand, and tears flowed out like spring water. At this time, a cuckoo and a nightingale flew around them as if praying for them. After a while, Dunyue closed her eyes and didn't breathe. At this time, the mountains in all directions shook, a flower-like rain fell in the sky, a kind of music sounded faintly in mid-air, and many wild animals came down from the mountains-tigers, monkeys, apes ... They didn't infringe Dunzhu, but seemed to protect him. Dunzhu cried for a while, then walked forward with his brother's bones on his back, climbed over eight mountains and came to a big forest. There are sandalwood trees all over the mountain and milk in the river. Dunzhu thought, "This is the best place. Just put my brother's bones here! " "Under a big sandalwood tree like an umbrella, he put away the bones of his younger brother Dunyue and surrounded him with many sandalwood trees so that his younger brother could live here. Then, step by step, he went to the northern Bianhuang.

Dunzhu walked through thirteen more mountains and saw a Buddha flag flying in the treetops. He thought, "Where the Buddhist flag flies, there must be a village, maybe a shepherd's tent, and at least some people will have food." So he walked in the direction of the Buddha flag. He approached the forest on the mountainside and saw someone's footprints on the ground, which made his heart more practical. I embarked on a journey and walked out of the forest. I found a big grass dam ahead. Someone could vaguely hear chanting on the grass dam, and he thought there must be a temple nearby. I climbed up the mountain in one breath. I saw a clear pond at the mountain pass. On the edge of the pond, there was a white-haired and elderly Lama, chanting scriptures and mantras, while throwing Sodom (the name of the offering, the tower made of ghee and Bazin) into the pond. Prince Dunzhu bowed down and said, "Living Buddha! Please guide me! " The old Lama looked back and was surprised. He asked, "Are you a man or a ghost?" It turned out that Prince Dunzhu had been eating and drinking all the way, traveling long distances, not enough to eat, and could not sleep. Coupled with the grief of his brother's death, he has been tortured to a bone and his hair is fluffy. He is really three points like a man and seven points like a ghost. He told the living Buddha that he was not a ghost but a victim! The Lama asked him about his origin. Seeing that he was really pitiful, I led him into the cave. Let him take a bath, shave his hair, put on clothes, get him something to eat, and then ask him about his life and origin in detail. Speaking of sad places, Dunzhu couldn't stop crying, and even the Lama felt sorry for him. Later, he worshipped the Lama as a teacher, got up early every day, carried water and firewood, and got some soft grass to make cushions for the Lama. A few days later, the Lama saw that he was still very sad and asked him what was on his mind. Dunzhu replied that he missed his brother Dunyue. If only he could transport his brother's bones. The master said, then I'll go with you. Soon, the master and the apprentice set out to look for the bones of Prince Dunyue.

Besides, Prince Dunyue died of thirst and was put under the sandalwood tree by Prince Dunzhu. Who knows that at night, it rained heavily. Rain dripped from the sandalwood tree, dripping on Dunyue's face, flowing into his mouth and slowly flowing into his throat. Just like the crops in a dry year encounter rain and dew, Prince Dunyue slowly wakes up. Ouch! It's like having a dream and watching yourself surrounded by sandalwood. Brother Dunzhu disappeared. He shouted: "Brother Dunzhu! Brother Dunzhu! " But no one agreed except the echo in the valley. I thought to myself, "Ah! Oh, no! Didn't the beast kill my brother? How can I be worthy of him! " So he jumped up and stumbled into the forest and shouted, "Brother! Brother! Where are you? Where are you? " Eat some fruit when you are hungry, drink some water when you are thirsty, and look around for your brother Dunzhu.

When Dunzhu and his disciples went to the original place where Dunyue's bones were laid, they found that the original firewood pile had been scattered and there were some shells on the ground, as if someone had been there. Dunyue's bones disappeared like a rainbow in the sky. Dunzhu felt sad. Were Dunyue's bones destroyed by wild animals? He searched everywhere for seven days in a row, but there was not even a shadow. The old Lama advised Dunzhu not to look for it again, saying that his brother must have been rescued by the man of God, and he would have a chance to see him again. Dunzhu believed the master's words very much and returned to the cave with the old Lama. Master asked Dunzhu to learn etiquette again, because he was about to go to the nearby palace to recite the scriptures.

One day, Prince Dunzhu went down the mountain to buy some materials. On the flat dam at the mouth of the valley, he saw many shepherds playing games. He also took part in the competition. Everyone likes him very much, so they elected him as the leader and led everyone to play around. After returning to the cave, the master asked him why he came back so late. He told the truth. The master told him, "Be careful not to tell others about your life, so as not to cause trouble." He agreed. A few days later, he went down to buy food and played with the children. Everyone is more powerful, and no child can match him. The children asked him how he had such great strength, and he said, "Well, you know I belong to the dragon! Will the power of the dragon be small? " So the children called him "dragon", and later this nickname became famous.

Plague and flood occurred in a nearby country, and many people and livestock died. The king listened to the wizard's trick and threw a young man belonging to the dragon into the lake every year to sacrifice to the dragon king in exchange for the health of the country. So the dragon boys in China died and fled. This year, it is the Dragon Boat Festival again. But there are no boys who belong to dragons. The king was very anxious, so he ordered the minister to visit him. Zhishu is a sinister guy, jealous, resentful and cunning. Killing is his only hobby. He throws people into the lake every year, and I don't know how many boys he killed. When he heard from a group of children that Dunzhu belonged to a dragon, he hurried back to report to the king. The king sent him to catch Dunzhu. By the time he drove his large group of people into the forest, the old Lama had seen clearly that night owls were unlucky when they entered the house, and officers and men were evil when they entered the homes of ordinary people. Hurriedly hid Dunzhu in the haystack and put a broken jar on the mask. At the same time, he was told not to come out until he heard the call, otherwise his life would be in danger ... The minister went into the cave, grabbed the old Lama and asked him to hand over the son of the dragon. The old Lama refused to admit that he had a son, so he had to throw himself into the cave. He took out a knife and gestured brightly to go away. It looked really ferocious and terrible. Dunzhu hid in the haystack and saw this in her eyes. He thought he couldn't let his master suffer for my business, so he jumped out of the haystack. Xu Zhu grabbed Dunzhu and tied it tightly back to the palace. Dunzhu was taken into the palace by Zhi Zhu and was first seen by the princess. The princess liked this handsome young man very much. She asked the king to let him play with her. The king obeyed his beloved princess and never refused her, so he promised her. At the same time, I also saw that Prince Dunzhu looked magnificent and majestic, and his heart was somewhat cherished. Seven days later, on the day of offering sacrifices to the lake, Xu Zhilai took Dunzhu away, and the princess cried and begged the king. The king also thought it was a pity to throw such a handsome young man into the lake to feed the dragon, so he asked Xu Zhi to find another dragon to replace him. Zhi Xun said, "How can you take back the arrow you said you shot? ! "The king of Qi was speechless after listening to Zhi Shu's words, and was in a dilemma. The princess wept bitterly. At this time, Dunzhu thought, "If I don't sacrifice to the Dragon King this time, I'm afraid another dragon will die. I can't cause others' pain for my own happiness. " Then he turned his head and said, "Your Majesty! Princess! You don't have to be embarrassed, or I'll leave! " The princess wouldn't let him go, so she had to take them to the boat and swing to the center of the lake. Dunzhu plunged into the mirror-like lake of Ming Che when the princess was sleepy. When the princess woke up, it was too late to save her and she had to return to the palace with tears in her eyes.

After Dunzhu was thrown into the water, he came to the door of a magnificent palace. A group of shrimps, soldiers and crabs will catch him and send him to the Dragon Palace. At this time, the Dragon King, the Dragon Mother, the Dragon Son and the Dragon Sun all gathered together, waiting for this sumptuous "banquet"! When they saw that the person sent this time was so handsome, so brave and without any fear, they were very surprised and asked about his origin. Dunzhu told her own experience, from birth to suffering, the death of her brother, the separation of master and apprentice, and the love of the princess. The dragons sighed in surprise. They are very sympathetic to his experience and respect his spirit of self-sacrifice. So I let him live in the Dragon Palace and entertain him warmly. Dunzhu lived in the Dragon Palace for three months. Every day, he talks about reason, friendship, respect for the old and love for the young, and touches all the dragon gods. They vowed never to eat people again, never to make waves and endanger the people. They also gave Dunzhu many treasures, including many big pearls, and countless gems, agates, corals and jadeites. . The dragon king told the prince to close his eyes and think about where he wanted to go. Prince Dunzhu thought, "I'm going to visit Master. I wonder what happened to his old man!" " "When I remember, I only heard the sound of water in my ear. After a while, I opened my eyes and saw myself coming to the cave. I saw the master sitting on the futon chanting! The prince whispered, "Master!" The old Lama looked up and saw it was him. He was so surprised and happy that he couldn't help but faint. Dunzhu quickly sprinkled sandalwood water on his face, and his master woke up again. The old Lama said, "Did you meet in a dream? "Dunzhu told the master all her experiences and dedicated all the jewels brought back from the Dragon Palace to the master. After this ordeal, the relationship between master and apprentice became closer. It is true that eating is the same, and so is sitting.

King Gocha always felt sorry for the old Lama when he saw Dunzhu thrown into the lake. As expected, the whole country was peaceful and the grain harvest was bumper. He sent a minister, Qu Baiba, to the mountain to welcome the old Lama into the palace to support him. The old Lama couldn't refuse, and he was reluctant to put Dunzhu alone in the mountains, fearing that he would be recognized by the king, which was dangerous. Finally, Dunzhu was put on a mask, saying that poison bee had stung her face and had a sore. He pretended to be his new apprentice and took it to the palace. When they arrived at the palace, the king showed great respect to them both, and they ate well. After four days, no one recognized Dunzhu. On the fifth morning, master and apprentice accompanied the king for a walk on the roof balcony. At this time, the princess came up with precious things such as ivory in her hand to support the Lama and asked him to bless Prince Dunzhu to ascend to heaven as soon as possible. Suddenly a gust of wind blew the old Lama's hat to the ground. Dunzhu hurried to pick it up, but as soon as he bent down, his mask fell off. Everyone knows it's Dunzhu. The princess hugged him and sobbed and cried, and the servants, lamas and kings beside her were also very sad. At this time, the old Lama explained the life and experience of Prince Dunzhu in detail. King Gocha decided to let the princess marry Dunzhu.

Soon, King Gocha passed the throne to him and went to learn Buddhism from the old Lama himself. Prince Dunzhu really became king. Two years later, Dunzhu still misses her brother Dunyue all the time, and she can't help worrying. He took many ministers and servants, rode elephants and horses, took all kinds of weapons, dry food and money, pretended to travel and looked for places he had traveled in the past, but there was still no trace. Along the way, Dunzhu helped people do a lot of good things: talk about rivers, build bridges, put infrastructure and repair houses, so people knew where the king was. At this time, a villager came to report: "There is a strange animal on the top of the mountain. It has a human body and is covered with white hair. It lives with monkeys all day." When Dunzhu heard this, his heart moved: "Is it that my brother Dunyue is in bad karma?" I quickly asked the villagers where the animal was. I told the ministers and servants to wait here, and I went to find it with the villagers. They went all the way over the mountains, across the river and into the depths of the forest. They saw humanoid animals pick some fruits from trees and put them on the slate, shouting, "Brother Dunzhu! Where are you? Brother Dunzhu! Where are you? " Dunzhu felt like a needle when she heard her brother crying. He couldn't stop crying and promised loudly, "Brother Dunyue! I am here, my brother is here! " Dunyue paused for a while, then rushed over and threw herself into Dunzhu's arms. After the two brothers hugged each other tightly and burst into tears, they laughed again, unable to tell whether they were happy or sad.

They went back to the palace together and told these stories of resurrection, which made people cry. The two brothers are happy to live together. But Minister Xu Zhi was jealous and colluded with foreign robbers to attack. Dunzhu and Dunyue led the troops to attack, beating Xu Zhi and others out of the water, fleeing in haste and dying.

Later, the two brothers missed their parents very much and took the troops back to China to visit their parents. King Baladeva was very old. He lost his son in his later years. He was very sad and often cried and prayed for his sons' forgiveness. Life is bleak. Suddenly, he heard that all the northern countries were leading troops, and he was very dismayed, but there was no army to resist. He was anxious. Suddenly, he saw that the leader of the army who came to the palace was none other than his two sons Dunzhu and Dunyue, whom he talked about every day. The father and son wept bitterly, telling the story of these many years' experience, which was inevitably another burst of sadness. Fortunately, everyone has encountered it, turning grief into joy. Later, Baladeva passed the throne to Dunyue. Dunzhu returned to the fruit tea and became king. The two brothers lived in harmony and friendship until their natural death.