Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - A brief introduction to the life of Sui Wendi, the founding emperor of Sui Dynasty

A brief introduction to the life of Sui Wendi, the founding emperor of Sui Dynasty

Emperor Wendi of the Sui Dynasty, Han nationality, the heir of Yang Zhen, a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the son of Yang Zhong, a general in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, was also the pioneer of the Sui Dynasty and an American scholar Michael? h? Hart ranked him eighty-second among the 100 celebrities who influenced the course of human history. The following is a brief introduction to the life of Emperor Wendi, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty. I hope you like it!

Brief introduction to the life of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty.

Sui Wendi and Sui Wendi Sui Wendi were the founding emperors of the Sui Dynasty. They were born in 54 1 and died in 604. Now he is a native of Shaanxi, an authentic northerner. The ancestor of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty is the famous Yang Zhen, who is really the former Han Taiwei, and Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty is the fourteenth grandson of Han Taiwei. Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty didn't use Yang's surname before. Later, after Emperor Wendi came to power, he restored the Han surname and changed his surname to Yang. The previous surname of Emperor Wendi was Pu Liuru Xianbei, which was given by Emperor Wendi's father Yang Zhong. When Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty was in power, he did many great things, which will remain immortal. Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty unified the whole country and conquered Chen. At that time, China was divided, and all dynasties wanted to unify the world and fight in their own way. However, the struggle between one country and another has never stopped for hundreds of years, and no one has given up the idea of protecting their own land. Emperor Wendi of Sui successfully unified China at this time, so he was also the most prestigious warrior, known as? Sweat of saints? . Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty made amazing innovations in both military and political aspects. During the period of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, the system of selecting officials was initiated, talents were cherished and culture was valued, which made China a rich and powerful country. During the reign of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, China was a prosperous scene with a vast territory and a population of more than 7 million, and its farming civilization was brilliant. The scene of Emperor Wendi at that time was a beautiful blueprint of China.

Who is the son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty?

How many sons did Emperor Wendi have? Who are they? Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty had five sons, namely Prince Yong Yang, Wang Jin Yang Guang, Yang Jun, King of Qin, and Yang Liang, King of Han.

Yong Yang was the eldest son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, and Yong Yang was born to Queen Dugu and Yang Jian. After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Yong Yang was the eldest son and was named Prince. Yong Yang was deeply loved by Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, who was suspicious in his later years. When Yong Yang was a prince, he made many suggestions every time he participated in politics, and was later distrusted by Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty. In 600 AD, 20 years after the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Yong Yang was deposed as a prince, demoted to Shu Ren, and later sentenced to death.

Yang Guang, the second son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, was later called Yang Di, the second emperor after Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty. Yang Guang is ambitious, but also very powerful. Yang Guang became emperor in 604. After becoming emperor, Yang Guang made a series of achievements. Yang Guang ordered the construction of the Grand Canal, and Luoyang was also ordered by Yang Guang. The famous Silk Road also originated from Yang Guang. Imperial examination and great construction are all great innovations of Yang Guang.

Yang Jun is the third son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty. Yang Jun and Yong Yang, Yang Guang, Yang Ji and Yang Liang are half-brothers. Yang Jun believes in Buddhism, and he is very caring. At first, Yang Jun was deeply loved by Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. At that time, Yang Jun also made great achievements as a talented young man. Later, Yang Jun didn't know what happened, and his life became extravagant and decadent. He is not only a group of wives, but also extravagant and wasteful. He built luxurious palaces and lent usury, showing the image of a rich second generation.

There is not much information about Yang Ji, the king of Yue, and there is not much introduction to Yang Ji, the fourth son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty in history.

Yang Liang, the fifth son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, was named Zhang De. When Emperor Wendi proclaimed himself emperor in the Sui Dynasty, Yang Liang was named Hanwang, and there was not much information about Yang Liang in history.

Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty was the founding emperor of Sui Dynasty. When he was in office, he and China presented a prosperous scene, and he felt honored for it? Saint Khan? . Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty had five sons, namely Yong Yang, Yang Guang, Yang Jun, Yang Ji and Yang Liang. Among them, Yang Guang, the later emperor Yang Di, succeeded to the throne. Although controversial, he also made some contributions to China like his father.

The process of Emperor Wendi's usurpation.

Yang Zhong, the father of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, was a general in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. After Yang Zhong's death, his eldest son Sui Wendi inherited his father's title and became a general of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Yu Wenxian, the king of Qi, looked at Emperor Wendi of Sui and thought that he was not a contented man. Later, Yu Wenxian told Zhou Wudi his thoughts in order to let him be careful of Sui Wendi.

Emperor Wu of Zhou thought that what Yu Wenxian said was very reasonable, so he alienated Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, whose position in the DPRK was very embarrassing. Emperor Wendi, who had high aspirations, had long wanted to take the opportunity to launch a coup, but when the time came, Emperor Wendi did not dare to do it easily. After the death of Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty, his son Yu Wenyun proclaimed himself emperor, and later made Yang Lihua, the daughter of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, queen. Therefore, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty was appointed as Zhu Guo Jiangjun. During Yu Wenyun's reign, he only indulged in debauchery and was too busy to take care of major events in the DPRK, which provided convenient conditions for Emperor Wen of Sui to seize power. Yu Wenyun died at the age of 22 because he was addicted to alcohol all day. Subsequently, Yu Wenchan proclaimed himself emperor and became Zhou Jingdi. Yu Wenchan was only seven years old when he ascended the throne, and the power of state affairs fell into the hands of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. At this time, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty had many political parties in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and they all supported Emperor Wendi's actions. Subsequently, Emperor Wendi became prime minister, which provided convenient conditions for him to usurp the throne and seize power. In order to eliminate the influence of the Northern Zhou imperial clan, he took the opportunity to cheat Zhao Wangzhao, Chen, Yue, Dai Wangda and Teng to Chang 'an and kill them. Subsequently, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty used military force to destroy the forces that hindered him. In 58 1 year, Emperor Jing of Zhou offered Emperor Wen of Sui a meditation position. After Emperor Wendi proclaimed himself emperor, he changed his name to Da Sui, and he became the founding emperor of Sui Dynasty.

Who is the son of Emperor Wendi Sui?

Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty and Queen Dugu have five sons, namely Yang Yong, the king of Fangling, Yang Guang, the king of Qin, Yang Jun, the king of Shu, and Yang Liang, the king of Hanwang. Yong Yang is the eldest son and literary queen of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. When the Northern Zhou regime was still alive, Yong Yang was a general. Later, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty overthrew the Northern Zhou regime, became emperor and appointed Yong Yang as the Crown Prince.

Soon after, Emperor Wendi of Sui became less and less fond of Yong Yang's way of doing things. At that time, Yang Guang repeatedly made meritorious military service and won the favor of the literary queen. Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, at the suggestion of Queen Wen and Su Yang, abolished the status of Prince Yong Yang and changed Yang Guang to be the Prince. In 604 AD, Emperor Wen died of illness. Immediately after Yang Guang acceded to the throne, he forged Emperor Wen's testamentary edict and killed Yong Yang.

Emperor Yang Guangdi of Yang Di is the second son of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. When Yang Guang was king of Jin, he led troops to fight many times, made meritorious military service and won the praise of the imperial court. In 600 AD, Yang Guang became the Crown Prince, and in 604 AD, Yang Guang succeeded to the throne and became the emperor of Yang Di. Yang Di, eager to make contributions, ignored people's lives and plundered a lot of people's essence. Finally, the people abandoned the Sui Dynasty and were killed by Yu Wenhuaji in 6 18.

Yang Jun, king of Qin, was the third son of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty. Yang Jun was praised by Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty for his good manners and habits. Later, Yang Jun changed his temperament and gradually pursued a luxurious life. Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty ordered the dismissal of Yang Jun. Later, Yang Jun died of illness at the age of 30.

Yang Xiu, the king of Shu, is the fourth son of Yang Di. He is cruel and loves to have fun. Later, Yang Guang framed Yang Xiu for rebellion and was put under house arrest by Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty. After Yang Guang ascended the throne, he often took Yang Xiu with him. Later, after Yu Wenhuaji killed Yang Di, he planned to support Yang Xiu as emperor, which was opposed by ministers. So Yu Wenhuaji killed Yang Xiu.

Yang Liang is the fifth son of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. Because he was dissatisfied with Emperor Wen's appointment of Yang Guang as a prince, he mobilized troops to rebel. Subsequently, the uprising failed and Emperor Wen put him in prison.

How to evaluate Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty

No one is perfect, let alone a monarch who rules the world. How to evaluate the merits and demerits of an emperor must be considered from many aspects. As the pioneer of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty not only ended the Xianbei people's rule over the Han nationality and pacified the war in the north, but also initiated the Sui Dynasty era, which made China develop to a certain extent. So on the whole, Emperor Wendi did more work than he did.

Sui Wendi Sui Wendi, an official in the Eastern Han Dynasty, later served in the Northern Wei regime of Xianbei nationality. Therefore, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty also had the surname of Xianbei nationality. He came to power through a coup, which shows that he is a relatively successful politician. After he came to power, he attacked the Turks in Chen Guohe militarily, recovered the lost land of the Han nationality and unified the northern territory. From this point of view, he has the talent of a general and can fight. In agriculture, he understands that the country needs to be rich and strong to build a foundation. He carried out a lenient policy, letting soldiers plow the fields when there was no need for war, reducing the pressure on the people to pay corvee, enabling them to live and work in peace and contentment and concentrate on developing production. During this period, the Han population gradually multiplied and increased. In this respect, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty was a good monarch who loved his country and people. But he also laid a curse for the short life and demise of the Sui Dynasty. Politically, he did not improve the relationship between the court and aristocratic men, leaving a hidden danger of rebellion. He doesn't know the better right and wrong, but he believes Su Yang, and his son Yang Guang doesn't have a good moral character in family education. Culturally, worshipping Buddhism and attacking Confucianism almost cut off Confucian culture.

Generally speaking, Wendi is diligent and loves the people. He was the first emperor to unify the north for the Han nationality in the long-term chaos. He was also a great emperor in history, and his reputation even spread to the west.

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