Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune telling for pregnant women lost in American TV series _ Fortune telling for pregnant women lost in American TV series

Fortune telling for pregnant women lost in American TV series _ Fortune telling for pregnant women lost in American TV series

About the American TV series Lost

Lost is the latest drama with the most popular elements broadcast by ABC TV since Alias. From the perspective of professional doctor Jack, the story mainly tells that a passenger plane crashed on an island in the Pacific Ocean and 48 passengers survived. At first, people were glad that they were still alive and looked forward to the arrival of rescue troops. They gradually found that people like them had been to the island, and their distress signal had been broadcast for 16 years, but no one seemed to find them. ...

How do they survive in the face of such a desert island? Without good medical equipment, Jack can only save dying people one by one in the simplest way. Jack became a hero in struggle for existence. ...

However, even heroes have skeletons in their closet ... Survivors have different nationalities, races, cultural backgrounds and personalities. 14 stars, there are brothers and sisters, fathers and sons, friends, couples and enemies. They have to overcome the bad weather and look for food and water in the wild tropical jungle, as well as a mysterious creature that makes everyone tremble at night; People are mysteriously disappearing and dying, and the island is filled with mysterious atmosphere. No one knows what terrible things have happened on this island. ...

What is more difficult is that they must overcome their personal desires, eliminate barriers, help each other in the same boat and survive. ...

Diversified stories:

Introduction to diversity in the first season

first episode

When Jack woke up, he found himself lying in the jungle, covered with scars. He couldn't remember why he was here and what happened until he struggled to a beautiful and quiet beach-now it has become the scene of an air crash full of screams and smoke. Jack immediately set out to rescue the passengers still trapped in the wreckage of the plane.

Jack went into the jungle with the sewing kit he found. He met a young female passenger Kate. Jack told her that he was a doctor and asked Kate to help him sew up the wound on his back. The other survivors on the beach gradually calmed down from the initial shock. Said and Charlie raised a bonfire, hoping to attract rescuers. Hurley collected the scattered food and distributed it to everyone. Michael checked the safety of his son Walter. Jack told everyone that if we could find the first half of the plane, we might be able to get in touch with the outside world through the radio on the plane. Kate and singer Charlie volunteered to go with him, when there was a horrible howl in the jungle.

The next day, three people braved the heavy rain through the jungle and finally found the first half of the plane. They found that the pilot was still alive and got the bad news: six hours after the flight, the flight lost contact with the ground and crashed on the way to Fiji. No one outside knows that they have left the original route. While the transmitter was being repaired, there was another howl nearby. The pilot leaned out of the window to check the sound source, but was quickly taken away by a mysterious force. Jack and his three men ran desperately to the beach, but on the way they saw the bloody body of the pilot hanging on the top of the tree.

the second group

Sharon dug out her bikini in her luggage and basked in the sun leisurely on the beach, dismissing other people's efforts. Kim collects sea urchins at the seaside. He heard Michael ask Song if he had seen Walter. When Michael left, Kim severely scolded Song for unbuttoning his first shirt. Walter searched the jungle for Vincent, the dog, but found a pair of handcuffs on the ground.

Jack and his wife are walking back to the beach. Kate asked Charlie what he was doing in the bathroom when he was in the wreckage of the plane. Charlie vaguely perfunctory.

Jack brought back a transmitter that only Said could repair. During the conversation, it was found that he had participated in the Gulf War-Said was a communications officer of the Iraqi Republic Guard. The repaired transmitter still couldn't receive the signal, so Saeed suggested trying to climb to the commanding heights of the island. In response to my brother Boone's selfish criticism, Sharon joined the mountaineering team, while Jack stayed to operate on the seriously injured passengers.

The marching mountaineering team found something chasing them, and Sawyer pulled the trigger to the rear. They wondered around the killed creatures: Why did polar bears appear on this tropical island? Sawyer explained that the gun was found on the beach and there was a police officer's card, which meant that there was another criminal on the plane. Kate took apart the pistol magazine and gave it to different people for safekeeping.

At the top of the mountain, the transmitter finally received the signal, but the nearby signal interfered with their contact. Sharon translated this repeated French sentence to others, and the mountaineering team heard a terrible thing beyond imagination. ...

Episode 3

After the operation, Jack set up a tent for the police. He found a wanted notice in the police officer's pocket with Kate's picture on it. Hurley also saw the wanted notice. He and Jack wanted to know what Kate had committed.

The mountaineering team camped for the night on their way back. Sharon, Boone, Sawyer, Said and Kate decided that in order to temporarily save everyone's hope of salvation, they had to hide the contents of the French signal and agreed to give the pistol to Kate for safekeeping. After returning to the beach the next day, Kate told Jack about the signal privately, but Jack didn't reveal that he already knew Kate's identity.

The police officer's condition continued to deteriorate due to the lack of antibiotics. Jack entered the wreckage of the plane in a hopeless search, only to find that Sawyer was stealing the property of the deceased. On the other side of the beach, Charlie found a wheelchair for pregnant Claire, while Sun was looking for a suitcase for Kim. Walter told Michael that Locke said a miracle had happened, and Michael ordered his son to stay away from the eccentric Locke. After the rain stopped, Michael went into the jungle to continue looking for the puppy. When he heard some dangerous sounds and ran away, he met his grandson who was taking a bath.

The police officer is dying slowly, and his screams torment everyone's body and mind. The police officer asked to talk to Kate alone, and suddenly there was a shot in the tent ―― when Jack rushed into the tent, he found that Sawyer had shot at the police officer, but failed to aim at the heart. After several hours of painful struggle, the police officer finally stopped breathing.

The fourth episode

The whole camp was awakened by the barking of dogs. Walter's dog Vincent growled at the wreckage of the plane. Jack and the others heard strange sounds in the wreckage, and there was nothing but the dead ... Three burly wild boars suddenly rushed out and disappeared into the jungle. It turns out that they come to eat the bodies every night. Faced with a large number of dead people, people decided that cremation was the only option.

Another more pressing crisis approached the survivors: the food had been eaten up. Locke found a set of knives from the luggage compartment and suggested hunting wild boar as food. Michael entrusts Walter to Song to join the hunting party with Jack. At the same time, Saeed plans to use a homemade antenna to locate the source of the French signal. Boone noticed that survivor Rose hadn't been in the rice since the plane crash, and Sharon lured Charlie to catch fish for her.

The hunt for wild boar didn't go well. Michael hurt his leg, and Locke insisted on hunting alone. Kate climbed all the way to the top of the tree to set up the antenna, only to see that unknown monster knocked down the distant trees and destroyed the antenna, and it was coming towards Locke.

Claire found a letter addressed to Said in the wreckage, and Said couldn't take his eyes off a photo of a woman in the envelope. The hunting party brought back the news of failure, but Locke later appeared on the beach. He not only escaped the monster's pursuit, but also brought back a wild boar, but he didn't see the monster either.

After dinner, there was a pile of cremation on the beach, and Locke was thinking about the secret in his heart.

Episode 5

Memories of childhood tormented Jack in his sleep. Suddenly Charlie's exclamation woke him up, and someone was desperately calling for help in the sea. Jack struggled to swim to the drowning man, but only had time to help Boone, who also saved people in the water. Jack was blaming himself for not saving the drowning man when he suddenly saw a man in uniform standing in the water. Kate thinks this is just an illusion caused by his lack of rest.

There are only 46 survivors left, and fresh water is running out. Jack saw the man in uniform again. He immediately chased into the jungle, only to find that he was very similar to his dead father. Claire, a pregnant woman on the beach, fainted in the steaming heat wave, but others found that the rest of the fresh water had been stolen. They found a bottle of water beside Song, and Sawyer gave it to her. Sawyer said that water comes from gold, and they just made a "deal".

Jack continued to chase the mysterious man. He went through the darkness and reached another part of the island, where there was fresh water and a coffin. The purpose of Jack's trip is to transport his father back to California for burial. There was also a coffin on the plane that crashed, but it is empty now. Jack was surrounded by all kinds of complicated emotions and destroyed the coffin.

On the beach, people found Boone, the real thief. Just as they were going to punish him, Jack immediately brought back the news of the water source. He told others that six days later, the rescue team had not appeared, and perhaps it would never appear. They must face and accept this fact.

"If you can't live together, you can only die alone."

The sixth set

Song watched Kim fishing by the sea with his bare hands. She recalled the good times when they first met, but since Kim, who was originally a hotel waiter, worked for her father, he gradually became cold and heartless. Kim suddenly attacked Michael at the seaside and almost drowned him until Sawyer subdued and handcuffed Kim to the wreckage of the plane. Because of the language barrier, they decided to cuff Jin until they knew the reason.

Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, Charlie and Locke are on their way to get water. Charlie accidentally stepped on a beehive. Under the attack of bees, the four of them fled in different directions. Kate walked into a cave and tripped over two skeletons. With medical knowledge, Jack concluded that it was a man and a woman who died 40 years ago, but there were no signs of trauma. Among their few relics, there is a bag containing two stones, one is white and the other is black.

Charlie exposed his drug addiction to the mysterious Locke. He was forced to hand over drugs, but accidentally found the lost guitar. Locke said meaningfully, "You can get a lot from this island ... as long as you are willing to pay it back."

Song, who studied English behind her husband's back, explained why Kim attacked Michael, but Michael's mind was occupied by his son: it turned out that Walter didn't know he was a father before he fled.

When Jack returned to the beach, he suggested that everyone move to the cave, but some of them insisted on staying on the beach, so Kate and Jack separated.

The seventh set

Charlie became more and more excited, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore and asked Locke for drugs. Locke told Charlie to quit drugs only by his own willpower, and he would ask Charlie for it three times before giving it to him for the third time.

Said told Kate about the plan to locate the French signal, but in addition to the homemade antenna, the radio transmitter needs new batteries. Kate knew clearly that Sawyer was looking for the wreckage of the plane and successfully obtained the battery from him through provocation. On the other hand, Jack and Hurley continue to carry some materials into the cave. In the cave, Charlie and Jack, who lost their self-control, had a quarrel. This is because the top of the cave suddenly collapsed, Charlie escaped and Jack was trapped in the depths of the cave. Charlie ran to the seaside for help, and Michael, as an architect, directed everyone to start digging from the most suitable angle. But people can only dig a narrow passage. Little Charlie volunteered to climb into the cave, but then there was a second landslide.

Kate, who was setting up the antenna, got the news and rushed to the hole, but Jack in the hole felt desperate: before people dug the hole, they would die of lack of oxygen. Charlie suddenly noticed a moth that just broke out of its cocoon. They found a ray of light on the moth. Kate threw herself into Jack's arms with surprise and joy.

Said and others successfully set up the antenna, but when he almost received the signal, he was knocked unconscious by a branch ―― a mysterious force didn't want them to flee the island.

The eighth set

Kate met Sawyer swimming naked on the coast and saw him holding a novel called shipwreck. Sharon's asthma attack, Boone inferred from the novel that his luggage became Sawyer's trophy, but Sawyer found it while turning over the asthma spray and was beaten. Jack and Sawyer clashed until Kate stopped them. Sawyer agreed to hand over the spray in exchange for a kiss from Kate.

Saeed angrily investigates the truth of his attack, and Locke gives him a knife to protect himself. In the cave, Song looked after Sharon, who was ill, anxiously. Jack went to spray again, but Sawyer still refused. Charlie and Claire recalled their lives before the plane crash. Claire misses peanut butter very much. Charlie agreed with her that if he could find peanut butter, Claire would agree to live in a safer cave.

Said suspected that Sawyer had attacked him. In order to save Sharon, Jack reluctantly agreed to let Said torture Sawyer by special means, but there was still no result. Finally, Kate got the truth with a kiss: Sawyer got the novel from the sea, but he didn't get Boone's luggage. Said cut Sawyer's artery in the melee, but fortunately Jack stopped the gushing blood in time.

Song used eucalyptus leaves to relieve Sharon's asthma, but Saeed could no longer face Sawyer. He decided to leave the camp, walk around the island alone and draw a map.

Episode 9

Said came to a strange beach. He didn't know that there were a pair of eyes watching him in the dark. A metal line was exposed on the beach, and Saeed entered the jungle along this line, but was hung in the air by a trap laid, hurting his leg. When he woke up, he found himself tied up, and a familiar French female voice tortured him: "Where is Alex?"

In the cave, Jack is still busy treating the survivors' illnesses, while others are trying to cheer each other up. Michael designed the shower system, and Hurley found a set of golf clubs and planned to hold an "Island Open".

Said found out that this French woman named Danielle sent the French signal. She was stranded on this island because of a shipwreck 16 years ago. Said repaired a broken music box for her and told her that 46 survivors of the air crash were also here. The roar of terror suddenly sounded again. Danielle laughed at Said's warning about "monsters" and took a rifle to hunt bears. Saeed took the opportunity to unpack and escape, and took the rifle and some maps from Danielle's desk.

People in the camp watched the golf game happily, and for the first time since the air crash, everyone burst into laughter. But Walter found Locke behind his father's back and asked him to learn the skills of using knives. Said was stopped by Danielle. Although she finally agreed to let him go, Danielle refused to go with him. Alex is on the island. "He is my son." Danielle told Saeed sadly.

The tenth episode

Claire woke up from a terrible nightmare, and Charlie patiently comforted her, only to find that her hands were covered with blood. Jack diagnosed Claire as sleepwalking because of stress. In the next few nights, she was still scared by nightmares and often screamed. It is not only the upcoming due date that torments her, but also the past events surrounding the baby in the womb, which is the root of Claire's panic.

Hurley plans to count the list of survivors. He met a strange passenger named Ethan Rome on the beach. Boone suggested that he try to ask Sawyer for the passenger list. Unexpectedly, Sawyer readily agreed to Hurley's request.

Jack gave Claire some sedatives, hoping to help her get rid of her nightmare. Claire insisted that someone did attack her, and those nightmares were not just hallucinations. Claire was very angry, packed her things and moved back to the beach, but unfortunately, she had pains and contractions. Then Charlie asked Ethan who was passing by to inform Jack.

At this time, Saeed returned to the camp with news about the French woman Danielle, and Hurley also found that the name "Ethan Rome" was not on the passenger list.

On their way back to the cave, Claire and Charlie met Ethan Roma.

Episode eleven

Jack and Locke found Charlie's backpack on the road, with footprints and traces of heavy objects being dragged. Jack didn't listen to advice and rushed into the jungle at once. Locke packed his equipment and joined Jack. Michael volunteered to go with him. After being rejected, he intends to leave alone.

Jack searched in vain in the jungle. He recalled the medical accident of his father Christian: a pregnant woman died on the operating table. Jack doesn't want to see the same bad luck happen to Claire. Locke, Kate and Boone caught up with him, and they found the bandage fragments left by Charlie. Four people with different opinions were divided into two groups: Locke and Boone followed the footprints, and Jack and Kate followed the bandage.

Sawyer got the news and went to the cave. He temporarily put aside hostility and eagerly asked Said about French women and exploration. Walter and Hurley played chess to kill time. Young Walter showed extraordinary talent.

Jack and Kate were chased by monsters and separated. Ethan suddenly appeared in front of Jack. He warned Jack to give up looking and knocked him out. Kate who arrived later found Charlie hanging from a tree.

After waking up, Charlie said that Ethan's goal was Claire, and Locke, who had not returned to the camp, found some exciting clues.

Episode 12 (TV Story Collection/)

Kate met Sawyer while picking fruit. Together, they came to a jungle they had never set foot in and found a waterfall and a lake. They found two bodies tied to airplane seats at the bottom of the lake. Sawyer searched the property and took an aluminum password box that Kate found.

The tide gradually appeared on the beach where people camped, and the survivors had to pack their bags to find a new camp. Sharon was suspicious of Boone's going out early and coming back late for several days, but Boone just talked about looking for Claire and laughed at Sharon as a loser. Said was very worried about the map of French women, and Sharon promised to translate French signs for him to prove himself.

Kate tried everything to get the aluminum box back, but at the same time, Sawyer couldn't open it. Kate turned to Jack. They dug up the police officer's body and found the key. In addition to four pistols, there is also a small plane model in an envelope in an aluminum box. Jack asked why and left angrily with a gun.

Sharon told Saeed excitedly that she finally understood what the chaotic words on the map were. Boone, who was hiding in the dark, listened thoughtfully to his sister singing the French song Across the Sea.

By a campfire, Kate, who was alone, looked at the toy model and quietly shed tears.

Episode thirteen

On the beach, Boone distractedly warned Saeed to stay away from the salon, and Saeed naturally did not give in. Locke warned Boone not to make enemies, especially Saeed, a potential good helper in the future.

Because Boone and Locke are busy with their mysterious new jobs, the whole camp has not eaten protein for a week. Hurley, a fat man, reluctantly learned to fish with Kim, even though he didn't know the language. Kate works in the small garden reclaimed by Song Dynasty. She thought Song didn't understand English, so she told many stories about the past.

Boone tried to tell his sister what they found, but Locke knocked him unconscious and tied him to a tree. Locke concocted the wound medicine and applied it to Boone, leaving a knife nearby. The terrible howl rang again and Sharon's screams came from nearby. She was also tied to a nearby tree. Boone struggled to reach the small knife and cut the rope between them, but Sharon was unfortunately caught by the mysterious monster.

Boone returned to the beach and angrily accused Locke of killing Sharon. Unexpectedly, Sharon actually chatted with Said unscathed. Locke told Boone that the wound medicine contained psychedelic drugs, and Sharon's death was just an illusion.

Boone carefully recalled the feelings brought by Sharon's "death", and he followed Locke into the jungle again.

Episode XIV

Michael anxiously searched for his son Walter in the jungle. He found that Walter was actually learning to fly knives from Locke. Michael didn't want his son to live on an island, so he decided to build a raft and leave across the sea.

Charlie searched Claire's belongings, hoping to find some clues. He found Claire's diary missing. Kate suggested that he go to Sawyer's house to find the diary.

Michael and his son quarreled with Vincent the dog because of Locke again. Locke suggested to Michael that Walter was a very special child and should be treated as an adult. Michael scoffed at this.

Walter was trapped in a bodhi tree by a giant polar bear while chasing a puppy. Hearing his son's cry for help, Michael came in despair. With Locke's help, Walter wounded the polar bear with a knife.

The father and son who haven't seen each other for a long time finally cleared up the misunderstanding and estrangement at night. Charlie found that Claire mentioned the black rock in her dream in her diary, and Said had seen the same word on the map of the French.

At this moment, suddenly coming out of the bushes made Claire dizzy. ...

Episode fifteen

Charlie was awakened by the chaotic footsteps. He was pleasantly surprised to see Locke show up at the camp with Claire in a coma. Jack examined her at once, but when she woke up, Claire said blankly, "Who are you?" Charlie told Claire that she was kidnapped by Ethan, but she didn't remember either.

Charlie and Kim go the same way to the beach. Ethan suddenly appeared and knocked Kim unconscious. He ordered Charlie to bring Claire back, or he would kill a survivor every day. Said and Locke proposed to set up defensive measures in the camp, and Charlie and Jack could only temporarily cancel the plan to go out and hunt Ethan.

The next morning, there was a scream from the seaside and the body of the first victim was found. Everyone finally agreed to take the initiative to catch Ethan. Jack distributed four pistols in aluminum boxes to everyone. Claire finally learned the truth from Sharon and asked to go with him. She is the best bait to trap Ethan.

After a fierce struggle, Jack broke free and subdued Ethan with his bare hands. Just as people were about to interrogate Ethan, several bullets killed him. Charlie appeared, clutching his pistol. "I can't let him hurt Claire again." But many secrets disappeared with Ethan's death.

Episode sixteen

Sawyer, who still lives alone on the beach, found that his trophy was destroyed and his tent was stripped of waterproof cloth, but the criminal was a huge wild boar. Sawyer angrily chased into the jungle, but was chased by wild boar without a trace. Then the breeze through the jungle brought a ghostly whisper. ...

Kate and others put the pistols back in the aluminum box, but Sawyer refused to return the weapons, and Kate volunteered to convince him.

After Ethan died, Charlie seemed to be a completely different person. He even refused to go near Claire. Hurley asked Saeed if he suffered from "post-traumatic stress disorder" in the Gulf War, because Charlie was troubled.

Sawyer's pursuit of wild boar is still fruitless. Kate laughed at him for asking Locke for advice, but Sawyer called it "personal". Locke told a strange story that reminded Sawyer of the secret purpose of his trip to Sydney. Sawyer finally found a wild boar near a quagmire, but for some unforgettable reason, he put down his gun.

Kim and Song are repairing fishing nets on the beach, Michael and his son are making rafts, Charlie and Claire are walking slowly, and Sawyer returns the pistol to Jack.

Episode 17

Jin looked for his wife Song everywhere, but Song swam in a bikini, and the couple quarreled about it. Michael, who was making a raft nearby, came to stop the fight and was slapped by Song. Angry Michael didn't want to pay attention to Song who apologized later. He just wants to finish the raft and get off this damn island as soon as possible.

That night, Kate and Song were talking by the campfire. The fire on the shore alarmed everyone: Michael's raft was completely burned. Michael couldn't see Kim in the crowd, and he angrily decided that Kim was the murderer of arson. Song found her husband in the cave, and Kim was rummaging through Jack's belongings for medicine ―― he burned his hand!

Sawyer tracked down and caught Kim in the jungle. Just when people wanted to punish him, Song explained to everyone in English that Kim's burns were caused by fire fighting, but no one believed him until Locke reminded everyone of a fact that he didn't want to mention: there were other people on this island.

Michael intends to make a stronger raft again, and he gets unexpected help: Jin comes to the beach with newly cut bamboo.

The eighteenth episode

After the raft was destroyed, Kim and Michael became better and better, and they could communicate even if they didn't know the language. Jack often comes to the seaside to see the progress of his work. Michael told him that they should continue to try to send distress signals to the outside world instead of leaving the island on a raft. Everyone remembers that Saeed mentioned that French women have batteries there.

Hurley saw a series of very familiar numbers on the map, which said bring back: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. He heard this number from a semi-crazy veteran and used it to buy lottery tickets, but after winning a huge bonus, bad luck began to follow: grandpa died suddenly, his brother divorced, his mother was injured, the factory closed down, the house caught fire ... Maybe this air crash should be included? He decided to find the answer alone. Worried about Hurley's safety, Jack, Said and Charlie caught up with him and walked to the French residence together.

Hurley experienced many dangers and faced the muzzle of French woman Danielle Rousseau. Danielle told me that her expedition was also guided to the nearby waters by this series of digital signals 16 years ago, but shipwrecks and diseases took the lives of others. Danielle finally found the signal source built on the black rock and changed it into a French distress signal.

Episode 19

Locke could never open the mysterious hatch. Boone is tired of this fruitless work. His confidence in Locke began to waver, and he doubted whether Locke was insane. At night on the beach, Locke burned his feet with the embers of the bonfire, but he didn't feel anything. The paralysis caused by the car accident troubled him again.

Sawyer asks Song which herb can cure a headache, and Kate tells Jack in the dark. Jack reluctantly agreed to let Sawyer have a check-up, but he asked a series of ridiculous questions, which made Sawyer feel teased. Jack tells Kate, who is also dissatisfied, that Sawyer doesn't have the brain tumor he imagined, but he is far-sighted.

Locke's leg problem is getting worse and worse. He can't even stand up smoothly. He asked Boone for help: "Give me a hand, my son" ... They found a small plane hanging on the top of a tree deep in the jungle. Boone climbed onto a drug dealer's plane looking for clues. Just as he was debugging the radio, the plane fell from the top of the tree and Boone was seriously injured.

Locke takes Boone back to the camp and gives it to Jack. He came to the door, and he beat the door with tears, and a light came out from the door.

The twentieth episode

Although Jack's emergency operation restored Boone's breathing, severe blood loss finally took his life. Claire asked Boone, who was in a semi-coma, about her blood type, and other hospitals immediately set out to find a matching blood donor.

Kate got alcohol for surgical disinfection from Sawyer, and the cry for help in the jungle brought her to Claire's side: Claire had contractions and the baby might be premature. Passing Kim immediately ran to the cave to find Jack.

At this time, in the cave, Song Faxian got a hollow sea urchin thorn, while Jack with type 0 blood was transfusing blood for Boone. He couldn't get away from seeing Claire, so he had to teach Charlie the essentials of midwifery urgently. Boone still didn't get better after blood transfusion, and Jack finally found that his leg was completely necrotic. Jack asked Michael to make a hay chopper for amputation, but Boone prayed that he would die safely.

In another part of the jungle, Claire gave birth to a healthy baby boy with Kate's help. At the same time, Boone stopped breathing.

The survivors celebrated the birth of a new life. Only Jack was livid and packed his backpack. He retorted Kate that Boone was not "dead" but murdered, and Locke had to give an answer.

The unbearable Locke appeared in front of people, and Jack angrily accused him of being a liar and a murderer. However, due to long-term fatigue and ischemia, Jack suddenly fainted and watched whatever TV series he watched. Gossip girl mainly talks about things on campus, while Lost is a little suspense and looks more exciting.