Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune-telling karma

Fortune-telling karma

Can learning Buddhism dissolve the character of the eight-character pair of relatives?

Doing good deeds and learning from Buddhism can be resolved, and fate is karma, which is basically doomed. But what goes around comes around is uncertain, so it can definitely get better.

"chanting Buddha is another force that can change karma, turning force into force. Once liberated, don't be delusional. As long as you recite the Buddha, the established bad karma will be transformed for a long time. ? "~ Master Chang Guanyin

"Women, especially after marriage, don't dye their hair golden or other colors, plus full eyebrows, that is, no eyebrows or only a few eyebrows, which will affect marriage. If they quarrel with their spouses, it will easily turn into a big problem, even lead to confrontation and even divorce. It is also easy for both parties to have an affair, especially the man. Turn the coat color black again, and release the life span of 7 times the sum of your nominal age on the birthdays of yourself and your spouse in the lunar calendar to solve the robbery. ? "~ Chang Guanyin master

"There are also many people who go to fortune-telling the first thing in the New Year and predict the good or bad luck in the future. Entrepreneurship can only delay the occurrence time or reduce the harm, and there is no way to avoid it. The distribution of stars, geomagnetism, and the combination of parents and their careers at the moment of birth are all doomed, just like the finished products made in the laboratory, which have been regulated in temperature and humidity, pressure and light. People's ten fingers have been fixed, and only by doing good things with them can we affect the outcome of tomorrow's things. ? "~ Chang Guanyin's mentor

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