Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Interim Measures of Kunming Municipality for the Detention and Repatriation of Urban Vagrants and Beggars

Interim Measures of Kunming Municipality for the Detention and Repatriation of Urban Vagrants and Beggars

Article 1 In order to maintain the social order in our city and provide assistance, education and resettlement for vagrants and beggars, these measures are formulated according to the Measures for the Detention and Repatriation of Urban Vagrants and Beggars in the State Council and relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation in our city. Article 2 The following persons living in Wuhua District, Panlong District, Xishan District and Guandu District of Kunming (hereinafter referred to as the four districts) shall be taken into custody and repatriated:

(a) into the city begging for survival;

(2) Wandering in cities without going ashore or sleeping on the streets;

(3) Wandering the streets due to abduction, running away from home and other reasons;

(four) wandering in the streets, parks and other public places, making a living by fortune telling and other superstitious ways;

(five) unable to return to the original place of residence due to property losses;

(six) other personnel that the civil affairs department believes should be taken in and repatriated. Article 3. Vagrants and beggars, fortune tellers, fortune tellers and other people living in the four districts of Kunming are taken in by the municipal detention and repatriation stations and police stations, and then the local offices and towns where the inmates are located are notified, or sent directly to the local offices and towns where the inmates are located, and handed over to their guardians for strict discipline to help them solve their life problems. They are not allowed to wander, beg or tell fortune. The district civil affairs department shall assist the regional offices, townships, towns and relevant units to do a good job in the management of vagrants and beggars in this district.

If a prisoner has no guardian, the local people's government shall instruct the civil affairs department or the relevant regional offices and towns to make proper arrangements and seriously solve their production and living problems. Article 4 The public security police station shall assist the local civil affairs department to accept reeducation-through-labor personnel who are active in this area. Should be timely to check the inmates, and their names, identities, home addresses, activities before admission and other detailed inquiries and registration. Those who meet the conditions for detention and repatriation shall be sent to the detention and repatriation station.

When the police station sends the inmates to the detention and repatriation station, it shall go through the handover procedures in detail. Personal legal property belonging to the inmates shall be kept by the detention and repatriation station. Fifth detention and repatriation stations take the main streets and public places in urban areas as the places of detention. After the reception, the inmates shall be inspected and registered in time. Article 6 Those who fail to meet the conditions for detention and repatriation after examination shall be released immediately.

If the detention and repatriation station receives the detainees sent by the police station, it shall negotiate with the repatriation unit in time. After consultation, it should be accommodated and repatriated, and it should be accommodated; For those who are not suitable for detention and repatriation, they shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 3 or immediately released from detention; If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, both parties shall report to their respective superior departments for decision. Article 7. Those who meet the accommodation conditions and lie on the street will be sent to the nearest hospital for treatment by the local public security police station in cooperation with the district civil affairs department, and then sent to the detention and repatriation station after being cured. In principle, medical expenses shall be borne by me, my family or my unit. If it is found that it has no ability to pay, the local county (district) civil affairs department shall pay in advance with the certificate submitted by the organ or department. Eighth detention and repatriation station is responsible for strengthening the ideological and political education, labor education and management of the detained and repatriated personnel, and do a good job in repatriation; Responsible for receiving and repatriating reeducation-through-labor personnel from other provinces, cities, prefectures and States. Article 9 The object of detention and repatriation at the detention and repatriation station shall be strictly implemented in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of these Measures, so as to prevent arbitrary collection and wrong collection. Article 10 When the inmates enter the detention and repatriation station, they shall undergo health examination, and those who are sick shall be treated in time. Female prisoners are inspected by female staff. Article 11 Leprosy patients who have been taken into custody and sent back shall notify the health department in time before being sent back according to the regulations after being cured. Twelfth prisoners must abide by the following provisions:

(1) Comply with national laws and regulations;

(two) truthfully answer the staff's inquiries, indicating the name, identity, home address and activities before being taken in;

(3) Obeying detention, repatriation and management;

(four) shall not damage public property;

(five) no fighting, no weapons and other dangerous goods;

(six) are not allowed to buy and sell in the detention and repatriation station;

(seven) no other illegal and criminal activities;

(eight) during the period of detention and repatriation, it is not allowed to gather people to make trouble, and it is not allowed to boo; During repatriation, you are not allowed to jump or leave the repatriated personnel without authorization.

(nine) abide by the rules and regulations of the detention and repatriation station. Article 13 The detention and repatriation station shall register the personal belongings of the detained persons in detail, keep them in a unified way, and return them when leaving the station. Article 14 It is very important to organize the repatriation of inmates to their original places. Waiting time of detained personnel: generally not more than 15 days in the province; Outside the province is generally not more than 1 month. If the detained person falls into one of the following circumstances, the detention time may be appropriately extended:

(a) because of the critical condition, it is necessary to continue to stay in hospital for rescue or stay in the station to observe the condition;

(two) the original residence of the accommodated person is located in a remote area or a cold climate area;

(three) the need to find out the address;

(four) other need to extend the time to be dispatched and approved by the Civil Affairs Bureau. During the waiting period, we should strictly strengthen management and carry out ideological and political education and labor education.