Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the postcode of Cangshan District, Fuzhou?

What is the postcode of Cangshan District, Fuzhou?

The postcode of Cangshan District, Fuzhou is 350007. Because the arrangement of postal codes is divided by geographical location, and 350007 just corresponds to the postal code of Cangshan District, Fuzhou. Specifically, the postal code consists of six digits, the first three digits represent provinces or municipalities directly under the central government, the middle two digits represent prefecture-level cities or regions, and the last/kloc-0 digit represents delivery areas, counties or streets. The first three postal codes of Fujian Province are 350, the middle two postal codes of Fuzhou City are 00, and the delivery area code of Cangshan District is 7, so the postal code of Cangshan District is 350007. This coding method can facilitate the postal department to classify, distribute and deliver mail, and improve the efficiency of mail processing.