Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How can ability let oneself affection last?

How can ability let oneself affection last?

How to maintain a long-term relationship? Starting a relationship is always interesting and exciting, but it is very difficult to make it last. A long-term love, a feeling of mutual commitment, is very beneficial. Let's see how to maintain a long-term relationship. How to maintain a long-term relationship 1 1? Set aside time for romance. Although "date night" sounds reluctant, you and your partner should meet at least once a week if you can't date often. If that sounds too tacky, then you don't need to call it "date night", but you should set a goal, at least once a week, to spend a good time with others without being disturbed. On date night, you can do the same thing, such as cooking together and then going to the movies, or adding some spices and making something new. If you don't go home that night, you can light candles and play some light music to create a romantic atmosphere. Whatever you do, make sure you have time to chat together. If you go to a noisy concert, you can't have a good chat. Learn to say no on "date night". Your best friend may beg you to go to a bar, but if you have arranged a date, tell them that you can't go and plan to go again next week. If you are always willing to give up "date night", you will ruin many things. You should always keep your appearance beautiful, tell each other your love for each other and have a long talk with each other all night. 2. "Close love" at least once a week. You don't have to put it on your schedule, I hope you don't, but you should consciously try to do it once a week, no matter how tired you are after work or how busy you are that week. Making love has always been a way to stay close. You should also take time to hug and kiss, and don't let the other person feel that "making love" is just a routine. 3. Take some time to talk. Maybe you are really busy, but you should try to talk every day, no matter how many things you need to do. You can talk while eating, and you can call each other when you are separated. Get into the habit of understanding each other's lives. Maybe you are tired of knowing every detail of each other's life, but you should get used to each other's daily life. If you are apart for a week, you can set at least fifteen minutes to talk to each other and remind your lover how much you love him and miss him. When you are talking, you should not be distracted by other things. If you are playing games or watching your mobile phone at the same time, it is not a real chat. How to maintain a long-term relationship? First, attitude, attitude determines everything, attitude determines mentality, and attitude determines action. Do we treat every relationship with a playful attitude or with a lifelong attitude? This is instructive. The initial attitude often determines what we do in our feelings. Casual attitude will inadvertently hurt your lover. Only when you are serious can the other person feel your piety and calm down and go on with you. If you have an interesting attitude, you can't manage a relationship well. The second is to consider the feelings of others. Nobody likes selfish people. You think of each other, and they will think of you. So are feelings. Think from each other's point of view and try to get into each other's heart. When you think of each other everywhere, the other person's heart will start to think of you. Emotion is interactive, not the relationship between actors and audiences, nor is it a one-man show. Feelings need two people to support each other and cooperate with each other in order to sing the play of life well. Third, it is also very important. Is to judge our position in this relationship. Only a fair relationship is a long-term relationship. If one party gives blindly and the other party is unwilling to accept it, then it is better to leave sooner or later. What is a fair relationship? To put it bluntly, if two people in this relationship are in love. Don't think that this society is impetuous and snobbish and there is no love. When you think there is no love in the world, then you may really stop loving. If only one of two people has love and the other just likes it, how can they grow old together? Even the marriage hall can't move forward. Fourth, we must judge whether the two sides are suitable. The so-called appropriateness is actually the degree of love. If you love deeply, there will be no inappropriateness. The word inappropriate is always an excuse. Men can use it, and so can women. Saying inappropriate is actually telling you that I don't love you. If you know that for some reason, the two sides can't be together in the end, and the degree of love is not enough to break through public opinion and secularism, then you can't manage this relationship well. Use reason to judge, don't throw a moth into the fire. Fifth, we should learn to improve our emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a very complicated thing, which can only be improved gradually in the process of accumulating over time. Don't say that emotional intelligence is not important. In fact, the IQ of most human beings is not much different, but it can be very different. Emotional intelligence can clearly distinguish people. Maybe people with high IQ and people with low IQ can live in peace, but there is too much difference in EQ between them to communicate. Finally, love me, love my dog. As we all know, if you like a house, you have to like the crows parked on it. There is a simple reason. If you like him, you must like her friends and his family. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a headache for many families. The reason is that they don't love me and love me. Imagine, if you really love your husband, can't you tolerate a somewhat harsh mother-in-law? Love your son, there is no reason to embarrass your wife. How to maintain a long-term relationship 3 1. He wants to jump ship without controlling the other party, and I won't stop him, because I don't think I should take any risks. I want to study abroad, and I won't stop because he is still in China. Emotion is a tie, not a tie. It's boring to get along with it for a long time When he chooses a car model and considers whether to buy a Shanghai brand, although we have different opinions, we can just express them without influencing his decision. Be yourself, love is not the whole of life, don't pay too much attention to and interfere with each other's lives, and don't blindly compromise and immerse yourself in touching yourself. 2. Don't limit your personal hobbies, and don't reverse each other's interests. The influence of interest on lovers is not as simple as personal hobbies. Over time, both sides will keep fresh. For example, I fell in love with meat, and after he fell in love with tortoise, our meeting place often changed to explore various flower and bird markets, which was different from the feeling of eating and dating before. He has his hobbies, and I have mine. It's different. Even if I just sit at home and pretend to cheer him on when he goes out to exercise. He likes watching cartoons and I like watching documentaries. It's okay. Do not give in. A person looks at his computer, and a person looks at his iPad, glancing at it from time to time. I soaked in Zhihu and served him with pomegranate. When we touched each other, it seemed to open the door to a new world. 3. You have your life. Don't guess "will he stop loving me?" "What if he doesn't love me anymore?" "Is there anyone outside?" In fact, you don't need to guess whether you love or not. You can even detect that "it seems that you don't love." With such keen insight, can you not know when he stopped loving? Their way of thinking is really different from ours. They often don't understand what we think. Our reasoning is often a curve, but when it comes to men, it is just a straight line. If you still doubt, it may be because you regard him as the center of your life. You have a girlfriend, friends, family, career and yourself. If you feel uneasy, you might as well cultivate some personal interests, such as practicing yoga, learning tea art and learning another language. Focus on your own life. When you are as beautiful as a goddess, do you always worry that he doesn't like you?