Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune-telling after fright _ Good times after fright

Fortune-telling after fright _ Good times after fright

What is the solar term after the shocking solar term?

Sting, February Festival. "Xia" said: the first month began to stab, and the words made it stab. Everything is shocked, and it is thunder, so it is called shocking. It's a stinger that runs away in fright. Then do you know what solar terms are after the shocking solar terms? The following small series will answer your question.


What is the solar term after the shocking solar term?

The shocking significance of solar terms

Jingzhe healthy porridge

What is the solar term after the shocking solar term: the vernal equinox

The vernal equinox is the midpoint of 90 days in spring. One of the 24 solar terms, around March 20 of the Gregorian calendar every year, when the sun is located at 0 (vernal equinox) of the yellow meridian. On the vernal equinox, the sun shines directly at the equator of the earth, and the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are opposite. The northern hemisphere is the vernal equinox and the southern hemisphere is the autumnal equinox.

At the vernal equinox, theoretically, the world is as long as day and night (see the dawn). After the vernal equinox, the days in the northern hemisphere are getting longer and shorter, and the nights in the southern hemisphere are getting shorter and shorter. At the vernal equinox, there are no extreme days and nights in the world. After the vernal equinox, it began to be extremely daytime near the North Pole, and its scope gradually expanded. Near the Antarctic, the extreme day ends and the extreme night begins, and the scope gradually expands.

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The shocking significance of solar terms

Frightening solar terms are of great significance in busy farming. Since ancient times, the working people in our country have attached great importance to the solar term of fright and regarded it as the day when spring ploughing began. There is a cloud in the Tang poetry: "A light rain brings new flowers, and a thunder starts. Tian Jia was idle for a few days, and farming began. " Agricultural proverbs also say, "Spring ploughing can't rest, after the Scare Festival", "Let a hundred flowers blossom and farm work come together."

The agricultural proverb "When it comes to thorns, the hoe will not stop." At the moment of shock, most parts of China have entered the busy season of spring ploughing. Really: the season waits for no one, and every moment is worth a thousand dollars. In most areas, the average temperature of scary solar terms is generally 12℃ to 14℃, which is more than 3℃ higher than rainy solar terms, and it is the solar term with the fastest annual warming. The sunshine time has also increased significantly. However, due to the alternation of cold and warm air, the weather is unstable and the temperature fluctuates greatly. In the Yangtze River valley area in the southeast of South China, the temperature in the panic period is stable above 65438 02℃ in most years, which is beneficial to the sowing of rice and corn. The average daily temperature in other areas is lower than 12℃ for more than three consecutive days, so it is not allowed to sow blindly early.

Although the temperature rises rapidly, the increase of rainfall is limited. The total rainfall in central and northwest South China is only about 10 mm, and spring drought often begins after winter drought all the year round. At this time, the booting stage of wheat and flowering stage of rape are in a period of high water demand and are sensitive to water demand. Spring drought often becomes an important factor affecting the output of Koharu. Afforestation should also consider this climate feature, plant logistics and water, and strive to improve the survival rate of saplings.

Winter wheat in North China began to turn green, and the soil was still frozen and thawed alternately. Raking the ground in time is an important measure to reduce water evaporation. "Shocking without harrowing is like steaming steamed bread", which is a valuable experience for local people to fight drought and conserve moisture. The ears of wheat in the south of the Yangtze River have been jointing, and rape has begun to blossom. There is a high demand for water and fertilizer, so topdressing should be done in time, and proper irrigation should be done in dry and rainy places.

Rain in the south can generally meet the needs of vegetables, wheat and green manure crops in spring, and it is most important to prevent wet damage. As the saying goes, "It's better to dump manure than to plow wheat with three pipes" and "If you want to harvest rapeseed, you must manage plowing diligently". We should continue to do a good job in ditch cleaning and drainage. We should pay close attention to sowing early rice in South China, and at the same time do a good job in cold prevention in rice fields. As the temperature rises, tea trees gradually germinate, so it is necessary to prune and apply "germination accelerating fertilizer" in time to promote more branches and leaves and increase tea yield. Fruit trees such as peaches, pears and apples should be fertilized before flowering.

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Jingzhe healthy porridge

Bamboo leaf porridge

Dry bamboo leaves 15g (fresh bamboo leaves 30g), gypsum 30g, japonica rice 60g, and proper amount of sugar. First, put bamboo leaves and gypsum into a casserole, add 5 bowls of water, fry to 4 bowls, remove residue and get juice, then cook rice and japonica rice into porridge, then add sugar and stir well. Take 1 time daily for 3-5 days, and it has the effects of clearing away heat and promoting fluid production, relieving vexation and quenching thirst, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, and detoxifying. Bamboo leaf porridge is mainly used to treat fever. Symptoms include thirst, polydipsia, red eyes, red tongue, yellow fur, swollen pulse, sores and erosions on the mouth and tongue, yellow urine, bloating, carbuncle on the back, etc.

chrysanthemum porridge

500 grams of chrysanthemum morifolium, 200 grams of japonica rice, 2 slices of ginger, proper amount of lard and refined salt, and other condiments can be selected according to personal taste. Soak the japonica rice for 10 minute, then add a proper amount of water and boil it with the japonica rice, then add Artemisia selengensis, and add seasonings such as ginger, lard and refined salt to the porridge. Artemisia selengensis porridge has the effect of clearing away heat and toxic materials, and is most suitable for patients with hernia pain and dysuria caused by stagnation of liver-qi.

Celery porridge

250g of rice, add appropriate amount of water, and cook until half cooked, then add120g of washed and chopped celery, and cook porridge until cooked. Spring is not only a large number of celery listed, but also a frequent period of headache and high blood pressure. Eating celery porridge can clear liver heat, lower blood pressure and stop dizziness.

Sweet potato porridge

Sweet potato, millet, chopped green onion, seasoning. Cut the sweet potato into small pieces, then add appropriate amount of water and millet to cook porridge. After the porridge thickens, add chopped green onion and various leaf-adjusting water. This kind of porridge is most suitable for people with hypertension, arteriosclerosis and obesity. Low calorie, rich nutrition and quite good taste.

Lotus porridge

Lotus seeds, japonica rice, chicken soup, chopped green onion, various condiments. Soak the lotus seeds in water first, take them out, then boil them in clear water and take them out. Pour chicken soup into another pot, add lotus seeds and japonica rice and cook porridge. After the porridge is ready, add seasonings such as chopped green onion. Lotus seeds have the function of calming the nerves and nourishing the heart, especially suitable for people who are forgetful, dreamy, upset and insomnia in spring.

Jujube peanut porridge

20g of red dates, 50g of peanuts, 25g of yam, 0/00g of glutinous rice/kloc-0, and a proper amount of sugar. Marinate diced red dates and diced Chinese yam with white sugar for 30 minutes, put peanuts and stalks into a pot, add appropriate amount of clear water, cook with strong fire until rice porridge becomes thick, then add appropriate amount of diced red dates, diced Chinese yam and white sugar, and cook with slow fire for 10 minute, and serve. Red dates and peanuts benefit qi and blood and help digestion. Improve human immunity, prevent and treat osteoporosis and anemia, and soften blood vessels. It is effective to eat jujube food with calcium deficiency at the peak of adolescent growth and development.

Corn flour sweet potato porridge

Corn flour 10g, sweet potato 10g, japonica rice 10g. Beat the cornmeal into a paste with cold water first, and add the sweet potato after the water is boiled. Pay attention to constantly stirring the bottom of the pot, otherwise it will easily cause the pot to stick. When cooking porridge, it is recommended to use slow fire, so that the porridge cooked is more delicious. Corn flour sweet potato porridge is rich in fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids, and the calories of porridge are relatively low, so it is especially suitable for people with loss of appetite and constipation after holidays.

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