Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Wang Meng Wealth _ Master Wang Meng

Wang Meng Wealth _ Master Wang Meng

Ink painting notes

This book was written by a woman-Ma Jingjing-maybe her age is about the same as mine. I don't know her. Reading such a book is really looking at flowers in the fog. I know nothing about ink painting. I only know a few Chinese characters and names of ancient people. Fortunately, when reading this book, my mind is relaxed, just like a sleepy person who suddenly lies on Simmons, very comfortable, so I spread my limbs out and put them in a big word, and I began to dream with great interest. Well, there are pictures and truth, haha.

Zhao Mengfu Zhao Ziang, inscription.

The most fascinating thing about ancient paintings is that time passes slowly. 10 years later, under the inscription, another friend will comment on it in another 30 or even 300 years. Things are different, but in this painting, they still seem to be unhurried.

Huang Fuchun

Long scrolls pay attention to scattered perspective, which is simply unscientific. One of the criteria of "literati painting" is to emphasize meaning rather than form. In Huang's own words, painting is just a matter of meaning. He painted Fuchun Mountain and projected it into his heart.

Huang goes to Fuchun Mountain every day, paints wherever he goes, and finishes Fuchun according to the draft when he comes back. This seven-meter-long picture took three years.

Real martial arts, fisherman.

Zhenwu painted a series of "fisherman's pictures", but he couldn't get food. A noble family finally lived in poverty and made a living by telling fortune in the street.

Wang Meng-Summer Resort

Scholars in Yuan Dynasty especially like to add a villain between mountains and rivers, hoping that people who appreciate painting can regard themselves as people in painting. The villain in the painting is at the foot of the mountain, but he wants to go up the mountain but he can never get up.

In the picture, Ge Zhichuan stands on the bridge with a fan in his left hand and a deer in his right hand. He is really a fairy. Looking around, the mountains are high and the clouds are light, but he still can't find the way to the fairy.

Ironically, Wang Meng, the widow of Song Dynasty (grandson of Zhao Mengfu), refused to use the title of indirectly helping him to get revenge, and left no trace on the painting. Later, I became a magistrate in Taian. At the age of 78, he was imprisoned for "Hu case" and died of old age in prison. This year has been the eighteenth year of Hongwu.

Ni Zan-The Best Works in the World

In his later years, Ni Zan's fortune declined, and thieves were everywhere in troubled times. Zhang Shixin, the brother of Zhang Shicheng, the leader of the peasant army, asked for a painting for a large sum of money, but he couldn't get it. Zhang Shixin was so angry that he caught Ni Zan rowing alone on Taihu Lake and beat him up. Ni Zan didn't say a word. He said, "Noisy is vulgar."

First, Ni Zan made a toilet out of fragrant wood and goose feathers, saying, "If you go down and cover it with goose feathers, you won't smell the dirty air." . It was he who kept Zhao Maier taking a bath in the workshop that day. That's really an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This work is as monotonous as a red background. Among the four dynasties in Yuan Dynasty, Zhong Ni was best at drawing portraits, but refused to add figures to his landscape paintings. That's because he doesn't trust all the people in the society, and all kinds of people are filthy.

Wen Zhiming

Wen Zhiming's name is a style of writing, and forgers often write it as a "pen". "Biography of Wen Zhiming in Ming Dynasty" records: "Young people are not wise." Five or six years old and still can't talk. At the age of 79, I took a photo of an ancient cold spring. On the steep mountain peak, pine trees intertwine and try to grow. Only a narrow waterfall goes straight up and down, and an old man is tenacious and stubborn.

Tang Yin

Tang Bohu 16 years old, the first scholar, is famous in Jiangnan. Ambitious, I went to Beijing for scientific research, but I met Ding Zhu's teammates, Xu Jing and wealthy businessmen along the way. The most scheming thing is that he went to see Cheng, the examiner, and bribed Cheng's servants to bring the examination questions. As a result, Tang Yin was put in prison, and the emperor decreed that Tang Yin could never take the exam. Although he was proved innocent, his reputation has gone bad and his future has been ruined.

Tang Bohu also likes to draw women. She is definitely an old hand. She probably hangs out in romantic places and is extremely sensitive and intelligent. She knows what all girls think. "Autumn Fan Map" depicts a woman, who is clearly herself, making people feel chilly. The lecherous palace, the most famous, makes a living from it.

Later generations often say that Tang Bohu has many concubines, but Feng Menglong and others use this as an excuse to say that he has nine wives and went out for Chou-heung. How do you know that after he went to his second wife, there was only one confidante, Shen nine niang?

Chou Ying

Chou Ying probably doesn't know any words, even his own name "real father Chou Ying" can't be written well, and he is always a formal cabinet. Wang Zhaojun's position in Chunxiao in Han Palace is very obvious. The whole person is older than the girls around him. This is the main feature of painting in the Tang Dynasty. The main characters must be bigger than the people around them, no matter how disproportionate.

Dong Qichang

Only when officials do well can they write well. 17 years old Songjiang scholar is second. First of all, Dong Qichang was greatly humiliated by the excessive calligraphy. He got "Duo Bao" and practiced calligraphy crazily.

Wei Xu

Ninety percent of geniuses go crazy in the end. Xu Wei's freehand brushwork does not pursue form at all, but expresses his inner pride with his crazy pen and ink.

The extreme of madness is suicide. Xu Wei was appreciated by Hu Zongxian in his forties. After Hu Zongxian was dragged down by Yan Song, Xu Wei went to prison, and he was completely disappointed with his life. He wrote an epitaph for himself in prison, and then put an iron nail in his ear, but he didn't die; After I recovered, I banged on the kidney capsule with a hammer, but I still didn't die. Repeatedly, 9 suicides, all failed.

The following year, Xu Wei killed his second wife in hallucination. This time, Hanlin Bian, who spent seven years in prison, appreciated his talents, just in time for Emperor Wanli to grant amnesty to the world, and Xu Wei was released from prison. At this time, he was 53 years old.

After he got out of prison, his life was nowhere to be found. On the contrary, it is better for someone in prison to eat and drink. Besides, he was eccentric and crazy, and broke up with his benefactor Bird two days later.

In his later years, he lived in a shabby little house with a couplet hanging at the door: a few rickety houses, a southern accent and a northern accent.

Wei Xu sells paintings. When he had a little more money, he still didn't sell it when others bought it with a large sum of money. But as long as there is no money, you can change a painting by inviting him to dinner and do whatever you want.

Chen Hongshou

Chen Hongshou does not belong to any faction. The most striking feature of his figure painting is that the body looks from Song's eyes-what are you staring at-and the playful pen and ink tells all the boredom in his heart. Looking forward to the seven sages of the bamboo forest, indulging in debauchery, feasting, eating and drinking Lazar, and making the finishing touch, why do you want beautiful women to accompany you?

Zhang Dai's "Tao An Meng" records many absurd things that they drink and find girls to do. For example, an upright official forced Chen Hongshou to draw with a knife, but he didn't. As a result, a beautiful woman offered a glass of wine and immediately smoked it. Two people drank too much and rowed in the middle of the night. They met a girl of unknown origin who wanted to take a boat, so Chen Hongshou made wine with others until he got to the cemetery. When he woke up in the morning, he was alone. Later, he became a monk and claimed to be "too late to regret." In his later years, he died suddenly at home, and he didn't think of being buried, leaving only four poems: "The waves get a hollow reputation, but the poor people see it." The death of the country is disloyal and unfilial. "

When I was a degenerate, I didn't paint the statue of the emperor when I entered the palace, but I didn't want to be a conquered person. At the same time, Zhou Lianggong became a courtier of the Qing Dynasty, invited him to paint, and got a copy of Return to the Map. Yuan Ming's eyes are oblique.

Shi Tao

Zhu Ruoji, a descendant of King Jingjiang of the Ming Dynasty, was 3 years old when he died in the Ming Dynasty and knew nothing. Father Zhu Hengjia fled to the south with his family and became a supervisor. Later, he wanted to be emperor and was killed. The eunuch took Zhu Ruoji to the temple, cut her hair and changed her name to Yuanji to save a surname.

Without Shi Tao, there would be no modern art history. The most famous visual feature of Shi Tao's paintings is ink dots.

Zhu Da

"Dang" means donkey in the common saying at that time. When the Ming Dynasty perished, Zhu Youti (formerly known as Zhu Da) 19 years old, ruined the country and died, pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity. "Biography of Badashanren" records that when he became a monk at the age of 23, he sobbed on the ground at first, but laughed in the sky ... or danced in the city, and suddenly his whole body was ups and downs. I haven't said a word all day, and the word "dumb" is hung on the door. I don't know if I really don't want to say it, or if I'm afraid of exposing something.

The birds, insects and fish painted by Zhu Da are all dark, without beautiful feathers and graceful figure. The most prominent thing is the blank position of eyes, supercilious eyes and vivid expressions, like an autistic person.

Badashan people in their later years were drunk and completely crazy every day.

It's good to study. Nobody cares about you. I'm more comfortable in summer vacation. Let him stay outside the window. I just spread my arms and sleep with him. Even if you wake up, you can be willfully stunned and look at a few green plants. The grapes on the shelf are black, but the bottom is still green and tastes sour. More often, I still wander around on my mobile phone, looking at beautiful women and the wind, looking half-hearted. The book is also lying there, and I don't dislike you. When you pick it up, it is still as fresh as first love, and I want to give it to you wholeheartedly.

The same is true of this book. Hu Lun read it carefully, threw it away again, and watched it again yesterday. I felt a little tired, but finally my stomach growled. After all, reading can't be eaten. I really can't say a good word. If it's worth a few grains of millet, I should be full ... Ha, telling jokes is endless.

Let's get down to business. It's good to read such a book. It's just right to decorate the facade. All knowledge is elegant, but in my heart, I may also be angry, angry, brave, angry ... anyway, it is all kinds of gases. ...

In this way, farting is necessary, and you will feel comfortable when farting, so the more obsessed you are with reading, the louder you fart, the happier you will be.

Xu Wei's pen and ink always reminds me of the oil spilled on Gui Feng's clothes, forming a thick yoga that makes people feel harsh and queasy. Those eight big eyes always look like they have just hung up, and there is still a breath. It's really painful If Ruan Ji is still alive, you can also whistle a few times. Maybe Ruan Ji's whistle is Wei Jinshi's foreign language. He cursed people, and everyone didn't know that he was addicted.

Xu Wenchang just drank, drank blindly, pretended to be crazy, pretended to commit suicide, and failed nine times. It's like Nietzsche's Dionysus bending over, full of witchcraft. ...

Stone is a little bit. He likes to vomit and fly things everywhere. It may be that the spleen and stomach are not good enough to bear the evil spirits of wet, cold and hot waves. Huoxiang Zhengqi water should have been there long ago. It was originally a traditional Chinese medicine, which originated from qi.

Ni Zan is really small and fresh, but it is too dependent, and the ink is small, as if it is reluctant to spend money. I can't even draw a person. Ruan has a green eye. Zhao Maier really fell for 800 years. When he met the owner, he even had to wash the plane blades three times. ...

Ha, you're still showing off after all this talk. My mother invited me to dinner, and the pot was steaming hot, and the noodles were so rotten that I couldn't eat them ... I wasn't allowed to eat, read or write, and I took notes in ink. Hum, this name is really true and hurts my heart. Well, Tang Yin is really good and will take care of the appetites of our people. The little painter is so stupid that he is still painting Wang Zhaojun ... Alas, ink painting can't be eaten as a meal, hahaha.