Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What if Maxima can't meet Bole?

What if Maxima can't meet Bole?

When he volunteered, his master Ping Yuanjun also said that a wise man's life is like an awl in a bag, and his tip will be exposed immediately.

But Mao Sui said that he asked Ping Yuanjun to put his awl in the bag. If Ping Yuanjun had done this earlier, he would have exposed not only the tip, but also the whole cone head.

It is not that I am incapable, but that I have no chance to show it.

No matter how powerful the talent is, it is useless without a chance to show it. Most of the princes and princes in the early Han dynasty were born in cloth, but if they were not in troubled times, they might just be mediocre for a lifetime and then die like ordinary people.

I think Bole can not only recognize Maxima, but also give Maxima A a chance to perform.

Because he said it was a swift horse, someone believed it. Let a child who has never seen a horse say to you, "This is a swift horse." Even if it is true, who will believe it?

If it's Bole, it's different. Even if it is a dying horse, as long as he tells people that it is a swift horse, someone will save it at all costs.