Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do you know fortune telling? I believe that man is a life, but I want to ask you, do you really understand this? Do you know that two instruments give birth to four elephants and four elephants give b

Do you know fortune telling? I believe that man is a life, but I want to ask you, do you really understand this? Do you know that two instruments give birth to four elephants and four elephants give b

Do you know fortune telling? I believe that man is a life, but I want to ask you, do you really understand this? Do you know that two instruments give birth to four elephants and four elephants give birth to gossip? Can a person's fate be calculated?

Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip, and then changes endlessly. However, the original Tai Chi included two kinds of instruments, the rod and the roller. For your personal life, it is enough not to move your mind, and once you move your mind, it is the beginning of dry and Kun. Kun represents the existence of your material form, while Gan represents the master of your spirit. Your present intention has a far-reaching impact on the future. People's fate is not fixed at birth, and the grasp of fate is determined by countless "moments".