Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - A man's palm is red, which is used for fortune telling.

A man's palm is red, which is used for fortune telling.

Palm health

How to see whether a person is healthy from the palm of his hand? Look at your physical condition from the color of your palm.

The palm of a healthy person should be white and pink, moist and elastic. You can judge the present situation of your body from the color of your palm.

If the palm of your hand is dull and dry, and the color is yellow or white, it means less blood, thin blood and malnutrition.

If the palm area is obviously white, there are two situations: first, gluttony and cold lead to cold, but I still like to eat cold food; Second, the body is too cold to eat cold food. Eating a little will make you feel extremely uncomfortable in the gastrointestinal tract, which is easy to cause stomach pain and diarrhea, indicating that the spleen and stomach are already very weak.

If the palm of your hand is obviously red, it means that yin deficiency and fire are flourishing, internal heat is heavy, and your temper is impatient and irritable; If it is only occasionally red, it is mostly because the food you eat is high in calories or supplements, and you are angry and overnourished; If only the thenar in the thumb root area is red, it generally means that the upper body is full of fire and is prone to high blood pressure, heart disease and bad temper; If the thenar is red, it is mostly a weak fire in the lower body, which is easy to suffer from enteritis and diabetes.

If you stretch your hand, the color of your fingers will be darker than the color of your palm and turn purple-black, indicating that your body is cold and heavy, your blood circulation has become slow and your blood viscosity is high.

The less blue veins in the palm, the healthier.

We often say that the veins are veins. Generally speaking, the less blue veins on your hands, the healthier you are.

According to the position, length and depth of the veins stood out, we can know which part of the body has problems, whether it is serious or not, and what symptoms are prone to appear.

Several blue veins can be seen on the fingers and palms, indicating that this person can compensate for poor defecation for a long time. Some people have irregular stools for many years, once every few days, but the stools are not dry and it is not difficult to defecate; Some people have been constipated for many years and have difficulty defecating. These will lead to the toxins in the intestine can not be discharged in time, affecting the function of digestion and absorption.

There are veins standing out on the thumb side, indicating insufficient blood supply to the head and frequent headache and dizziness.

There are blue veins at the root of the thumb, which represents cardiac arteriosclerosis. The thicker the veins stood out, the longer and heavier the course of disease, and patients often feel uncomfortable in the precordial area; The veins stood out thin and shallow, indicating a short onset time. Most patients usually have no obvious discomfort in their hearts, but they will have some chest tightness when they are tired and in a bad mood, and will get better after rest.

There are blue veins on the lateral side of thenar, indicating that the heart rate is irregular, the heart beats at different speeds, and sometimes premature beats, palpitations, palpitations and other phenomena may occur.

There are blue veins at the bottom of thenar, indicating that the body is cold and wet, which has affected the heart and joints, and will be accompanied by symptoms of backache and joint pain.

There are blue veins on the outside of the index finger, and the blue veins are long and black, indicating that when I was a child, I was in poor health, couldn't eat well, suffered from severe malnutrition, weak digestive function, malnutrition, frequent illness and weak constitution.

There are blue veins in the middle of your middle finger, which means that you often have headaches and dizziness. If there are blue veins on the outside of your thumb, it means that you have had headaches and dizziness since childhood, mostly due to congenital deficiency leading to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

There are blue veins at the root of the middle finger, which represents cerebral arteriosclerosis. If it is only on the left side (thumb side to the left), it means that the left cerebral arteriosclerosis and meridian obstruction are more serious, and the left side of the head is prone to discomfort; If it appears on the right side, it means that the right cerebral arteriosclerosis and meridian obstruction are more serious, and the right head is prone to head discomfort; If there are blue veins on both sides and the color is dark, it means that the cerebral arteriosclerosis is very obvious.

There are blue veins on the outer side of the little finger, which represents congenital deficiency of kidney qi. I was prone to enuresis when I was young. When I am old, I also have kidney problems, and my waist and legs are boring and sore. Similarly, the longer and deeper the veins stood out, the more serious the illness.

The area below the middle finger and above the palm is the neck. If the blue veins appear, it means that there is something wrong with the thyroid gland, or chronic pharyngitis and what Chinese medicine calls "plum nucleus gas" are signs that the neck meridians are blocked.

The blue veins in thenar and lifeline represent allergic constitution, which is prone to skin diseases such as drug allergy, food allergy, eczema and psoriasis.

The half-moon shape of fingernails can predict physical changes, so pay attention to the color change of this half-moon shape. If this half-month looks good, your fingernails are pale pink, and the milky white of the half-month is very clear, indicating that your physical condition was and is very good; If the half moon looks good, but the milky white on it is a little dark gray, it means that you used to be in good health, and now your physical condition has obviously declined.

Also, it depends on whether there are vertical lines on the nails. Look at the nails of the elderly, few of them are smooth and shiny; ......& gt& gt

What does it mean that there is no healthy line in the palm fortune-telling chart? Healthy line is also called unhealthy line, also called textual research type. When a person's body is unhealthy, there will be healthy lines on his hands, and there are no healthy lines on your hands, which means that your body is healthier.

Is it really accurate to see health with your palm? I want to believe it, but I can't. Sometimes it works, but I can't believe it all. One's fate still depends on oneself.

How to know your health by reading your palm? What can you tell by palm reading? Maybe you don't know if you can prosper, or you can find out what's wrong with your body and what disease you may get? This is not fortune telling, we are talking about palmprint medicine, which judges the health status in the body by analyzing the changes of palmprint. Emotional line (heart line) position: the starting point is the side of the little finger, upward, parabolic below the junction of the index finger and the middle finger. Characteristics and diseases: the length of the emotional line should be appropriate: the best standard is to cast a straight line from the midpoint of the middle finger, and the emotional line just ends at the intersection with the lead. People suffering from various heart diseases such as congenital heart weakness are mostly people whose emotional lines are shorter than the standard; When the emotional line is longer than the standard and reaches below the index finger, it is a bad sign, prompting the person to be alert to hypertension. Wisdom line (brain line) position: It originated between the index finger and thumb, parabolically went to thenar direction, and the end point basically went vertically below the ring finger. Wisdom line usually stands for neurological, mental and cardiovascular diseases, and brain diseases and injuries can also be reflected from this line. Its physiological significance lies in its ability to regulate the normal operation of cranial nerve and cerebrovascular function. If there is a connected island pattern at the starting point of the brain line and lifeline, it means that indigestion and malnutrition occurred in childhood. Lifeline (kidney line) position: it originates from the emotional line, is parabolic and extends to the wrist line. Lifeline is an important line of palm fracture, and its state and trend are closely related to human health. Lifeline starting point in the middle, good health, strong resistance and balanced mentality; The high starting point of lifeline indicates that people are prone to hypertension and biliary system diseases. The starting point of lifeline is low, which suggests that people are weak in spleen and stomach, and it is easy to have liver-qi attacking stomach-qi or bile reflux gastritis. The position of the healthy line: refers to a line from the middle of the wrist transverse stripes to the direction of the little finger. The healthy line is opposite to lifeline, wisdom line and emotional line. The clearer, longer and deeper the health line, the worse the health condition. Therefore, the health line can be regarded as an important line to judge the disease and a barometer to check the body. Its physiological significance lies in reminding the body of chronic wasting diseases, especially respiratory and digestive system problems.

Palm reading, what do you mean, the health line is higher?

How to look at healthy hand consultation from the palm of your hand sounds mysterious, and you can know your health status by looking at your palm. According to statistics, the coincidence rate is as high as 80%! Look at the man's left hand and the woman's honest right palm, so that you can find the disease as soon as possible. Small patients with a cold and fever will feel it, but major diseases often come quietly, and it will be too late when you feel obvious discomfort. Most people don't do tests without symptoms. The change of palm is objective. Hand diagnosis gives health tips. Many patients can expose the clues without symptoms in the early stage, and early detection, early diagnosis, early prevention and early treatment. Let's know in advance: hand consultation and hand treatment are not universal. Hand diagnosis and hand therapy are mainly used for the diagnosis of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases. At present, the laws of pancreatic, blood and thyroid diseases have not been found. Moreover, hand diagnosis and hand therapy, western medicine and Chinese medicine have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they cannot replace each other. It is best to use them together. [Recommended method] We can first observe the position and phase of the palm by hand diagnosis, then diagnose the disease by means of symptoms, signs and auxiliary examination of western medicine, and then treat the disease by combining traditional Chinese and western medicine and hand therapy. Judging the health status of the body by observing the qi, color and shape of the palm ● The criteria for judging the color and shape of hand diagnosis: 1. Red and shiny-normal, good body function 2. Dark and withered-lifeless, poor immunity 3. Too red and shiny-high blood fat, blood sugar and blood viscosity. ● The color in the position represents the disease: 1. White-represents inflammation 2. Red-represents severe inflammation or bleeding point 3. Cyan-stands for poor circulation 4. Brown-stands for old or chronic diseases 5. Black-representing key parts-is found in the practice of various organs. Although an ordinary person, there is a common regularity in the reaction areas on his hands, and all organs of the human body have reaction areas on their hands (see attached figure). This is the concept of "bit" mentioned in "Color Morphology Hand Diagnosis and Hand Therapy", which is somewhat similar to the foot diagnosis and pedicure in our life. This "position" emphasizes accuracy and distinguishes it with the middle finger as the coordinate. For example, the hand consultation part of the nose is slightly lower than the midpoint of the junction between the middle finger and the palm. Beginners can start with the middle finger, back from top to bottom, and back one by one along the middle finger, which is similar to the real anatomical position of the human body. What is hand therapy? Hand therapy refers to different changes of qi, color and shape in specific parts through physical therapy. With the changes of qi, color and shape and further progress, the physical condition will gradually improve. Fitness-clap your hands for a quarter of an hour every day. Use toothpicks, pens, etc. As a * * * object, or interact with your right hand. The whole palm * * * slapped two palms red. Choose a single disease or painful disease, and you can choose the corresponding part of the palm to treat various diseases of the palm. The principle of time is 15-30 minutes once * * * at a specific position on the opponent's body, there will be different color morphological changes, the physical condition will gradually improve, and the body will be well adjusted. It is suitable for chronic diseases and acute diseases of internal organs in various parts, and can be used as an auxiliary treatment, which will help to recover, especially to relieve painful diseases. It is suggested that the red color in the healthy area should fade within half an hour, and blue, cracked, oily and white powder appears in the affected area. Patients with hand injury, dermatosis, massive hemorrhage, coronary heart disease and heart failure, and women during pregnancy and menstrual period are not allowed to enter. Pay attention to 1. Persevere, the effect will be obvious over time. As an adjuvant therapy, it must be combined with other medical methods as needed. Note: Note 1: Light determines color in physics under natural light, and color is the main content of hand diagnosis and hand treatment, so high light is needed, and "natural side light" is advocated. Yellow light and fluorescent lamp are not suitable. Nature means that the patient's hands can't be influenced by the outside world, can't take things, can't wash their hands, and can't have too large a temperature difference during the diagnosis. Note 2: Men are left and women are right. Hands should be relaxed naturally. Men look at their left hand, women look at their right hand. The difference between the "position" of their palms and the corresponding organs is that the position of male prostate corresponds to that of female right hand is uterus. Don't be too nervous and too hard during the exam. It is roughly flat with your chest, and it is placed in a well-lit place at will. [I recommend] No matter where the blue veins in the human body bulge abnormally, it is a pathological reaction of the human body. Everyone can refer to each other, find diseases early and seek medical treatment early!

Why do some people have deep palm prints related to their health? Palmprint diagnosis has certain scientific truth. A person's health can be seen from the palm print. Cross-printing is an imminent disease in the body, and rice printing is a sudden disease that is easy to occur in the body. Since the childhood, everyone's handprints are numerous and messy. However, the real pathological lines must be less than 0.5 cm, and palm lines over 0.5 cm are not pathological lines. So, it doesn't mean that the hand lines are messy.

Is it really unhealthy to have a healthy palm line? This statement is unscientific, and people will not become unhealthy because of a texture on their hands. Or a texture will not affect the functions of the human body at all. You won't be sick!

Do you know your health by reading your palm? Is palm reading really accurate? Generally speaking, the human body's reaction is more or less reflected in it. Just like what's wrong with your body, it will be reflected in your face. For example, if you love oil on your face, your anger is a little big.