Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why do the ancients often say that loving couples have no end?

Why do the ancients often say that loving couples have no end?

In fact, many ancient sayings contain great truth. This passage actually has two meanings. First, people in ancient times were feudal superstitious. They believe that if the relationship between husband and wife is too loving, it may cause dissatisfaction from heaven, thus separating husband and wife from each other. Although this is a superstitious statement, many fairy tales in China have tragic endings, such as the Seven Fairys and Yong Dong, Chang 'e and Hou Yi, which are far from each other.

Second, the ancients also understood the way husband and wife got along. The relationship between husband and wife in ancient times is somewhat different from that between husband and wife now. In ancient times, most women did not go out to work, but regarded housework and housework as their own work. The ancients believed that if a wife attached too much importance to her husband, she would probably neglect the family work, thus making the family chaotic. And if the husband cherishes his wife too much, he will become enterprising and enjoy it all day! So many times, the ancients thought that it was not necessarily a good thing for couples to be too loving.

Of course, getting along with husband and wife is also a university. If you love someone very much, you will be possessive, and you just want him to be yours. As we all know, China was polygamous in ancient times. If a wife becomes possessive of her husband, she may hate her husband and her concubines. In such a distorted psychological environment, the impact on the body is very great.

If the husband and wife are too loving, the wife will be unhappy because of her husband's concubinage, and her emotions will not be resolved. Over time, the wife will gradually become weak. This is also one of the reasons why couples are too loving, but it is difficult to grow old together. Of course, there are cases where husbands don't take concubinage, but if husbands don't take concubinage, wives will have high demands on their husbands. During the love period, the husband will be obedient to his wife, but after life returns to normal, it is inevitable to slack off. At this time, even if the husband is a little slack, the wife is unacceptable. In the long run, it will definitely do harm to their health, and they may leave their husbands first in the end.