Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is Zhou Gongzhun allowed?

Is Zhou Gongzhun allowed?

The Duke of Zhou and Freud's subconscious dream interpretation are both accurate. The difference between them is that one is idealism and the other is materialism. Or it can be said that one thinks that fate has already been arranged, among which revisionism thinks that the trajectory of fate cannot be changed (fortune-telling cheats) and that it can be changed through hard work. Another kind of materialism holds that everything depends on people's efforts, knowing for 500 years from the top and knowing for 500 years from the bottom, not forgetting the lessons from the past, and controlling the development of things subjectively and actively according to the situation of things (Marxism-Leninism).

As long as the dream interpreter is a smart person, no matter whether he uses idealism theory or materialism theory, he will answer accurately. I support Marxist-Leninist materialism and Freud's subconscious analytic psychology to interpret dreams, which can be directly related to many modern disciplines, such as human physiology, brain thinking structure, computer programming and so on. I suggest you read more knowledge of Marxist philosophy.