Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Hospital queuing system rules?

Hospital queuing system rules?

Hospital queuing system rules:

1. Ticket collection for patients: At the triage desk, the guiding nurse holds a ticket with the number or name, waiting number, time, medical department and other information on it.

2. Rest and waiting: Wait in the rest area with numbered tickets, and pay attention to the speaker information on the display screen.

3. The doctor presses the button to call the number: After seeing the patient, the doctor presses the call button to call the patient.

4. Patients go to the clinic for treatment: according to the displayed speaker information, go to the designated clinic to enjoy one-on-one treatment service.

System functions:

The queuing system adopts star network structure, and the connection between the system server and various physical terminals can be directly transmitted based on the existing comprehensive wiring system in the hospital, which simplifies the system workload. At the same time, doctors can kill two birds with one stone by using the physical operation terminal when there is no computer and the virtual operation terminal when there is a computer.

In the case that some outpatient clinics in the hospital are not equipped with doctors' work computers, the system can support doctors to use physical operation terminals or virtual operation terminals, and support the simultaneous use of both forms. The physical operation terminal is also based on integrated wiring transmission, and the system wiring can be upgraded from the physical terminal to the virtual terminal without change. So that the hospital can choose the appropriate way according to the actual situation, and with the construction of hospital treatment computerization, the proportion of virtual terminals can be gradually increased.

The software can automatically adjust the number of times to call patients according to the number of people waiting in line and the number of patients who may trigger the call at the same time, that is, set a threshold, when the number of patients who trigger the call at the same time is lower than this threshold, call 2-3 times (settable), and only call once in the peak period above this threshold. This function is suitable for departments with different patient flow (large flow during peak hours) and many doctors at different times, which is conducive to improving work efficiency and speed of seeing a doctor.

Based on the distribution of hospital departments and floors, the system design adopts a distributed subsystem structure, each department (or floor) is a subsystem, and each subsystem is equipped with a triage workstation to handle the queuing tasks and strategies in the system. According to the situation, data management can be centralized or distributed. Each subsystem is interconnected through the hospital's existing local area network, and the central server (master/standby) of the system manages the queuing system of the whole hospital and stores the data of the queuing system of the whole hospital, thus forming a queuing management system all over the hospital.