Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Wu Lingyi Event in Shengquansi Village, Xiaoxian County

Wu Lingyi Event in Shengquansi Village, Xiaoxian County

The scenic spot is backed by Yanshan Mountains, which is vast and magnificent, with Huaihe River in front and beautiful scenery. The scenic area covers 5 square kilometers. Jiulong Mountain in the area and Maitreya Peak in front are 388 meters above sea level, with majestic mountains and dense vegetation. From the foothills to the Xiao Chun section of Zen Forest, the altitude drop is 288 meters, and the average slope of tourist trails is 25 degrees, which is suitable for mountaineering and fitness. To the north of Qianfeng, there are many peaks, and valleys are scattered among the peaks. Guanyin Peak in Hou Feng is 393 meters above sea level, and the mountain is dignified and full, which means clouds. There is a circuitous tiancheng canyon in front of Guanyin peak.

The middle of the canyon is slightly flat and wide, surrounded by pine and cypress, and there is an ancient Kannonji in Quanshan, which was built by Gu De in the Tang Dynasty. The average elevation of the section from Xiaochun to Kannonji in Zen Forest is 320 meters. The average slope of the tourist trail is 1.3 degrees, and there are many pines and cypresses and lush shrubs among the peaks and valleys along the way. Without the noise of the world, birds are singing. The air is fresh, suitable for walking and viewing; A cool breeze blows gently, which is suitable for leisure and escape. [ 1]

Shengquan Temple [Xiaoxian County, Anhui Province]-Architectural Features

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Shengquan Temple is located in the east valley of Maitreya Peak, the back peak of Shengquan Mountain. It is a regular quadrangle with two entrances. In front of the mountain gate, the scale is small, but the three doors are side by side, approaching Nanshan. Only one foot away from the central gate is a great hall, which is called the Wei Tuo Hall in the valley and built for Maitreya. Out of the back door of Wei Tuo Hall is the main courtyard, and three rooms in the north enter the main hall in pairs, which is the Ursa Mahayana Hall for Buddha Sakyamuni and Manjushri and Pu Xian.

The main courtyard has three halls, the west wing is Nanhai Guanyin, and the east wing is Ruyi Wheel Guanyin. The yard is not big, and the buildings are carved and painted, elegant and compact. In front of the main hall, there is a stone tablet on the left and right. On the left is a merit tablet in Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty, and on the right is a merit tablet in Jiaqing period of Qing Dynasty. An ancient well in front of the right monument is Wei's back well. The wellhead is paved with slate, smooth and flat, and the well is full of wooden pulleys, all of which are antiques.

Shengquan Temple [Xiaoxian County, Anhui Province]-History and Legend

Tilta ember

Kannonji in Shengquan Mountain was founded in the Tang Dynasty and has a history of thousands of years. However, the situation is changing, and there is no exact written record now.

According to folklore, Fan Lihua, a famous female general in the Tang Dynasty, guarded the northern border of Youzhou. Once at war with the northland, I was trapped in Jiulong Mountain (Shengquan Mountain was also called Jiulong Mountain at that time). The enemy is strong and I am weak, and my life hangs by a thread. The feeling be nasty in, Fan Lihua hands crossing their urgent call "Guanyin! Avalokitesvara save me! " When Guanyin Bodhisattva heard the cry for help, she immediately called nine Voldemort Qinglong in Jiulong Mountain and asked them to rescue her, which was a great success.

Nine Qinglong happily lived next to each other, and immediately it began to rain, and it rained cats and dogs over the army array. The warring sides were carried away by the heavy rain and couldn't lift their arms. In the disorderly army, Fan Lihua led the idle soldiers to rush headlong into the crowd and break through the clouds. Later, Fan Lihua was grateful for the kindness of Avalokitesvara, so he built a temple statue for Avalokitesvara as a permanent offering at Yunxing, behind Jiulong Mountain. [2]

Over time, the wind and rain hit, and the buildings in the Tang Dynasty were gone. However, today, in the front and west of the main hall of Kannonji and the southeast corner of the Wei Tuo Hall, two remaining ancient Kuigen roots with a diameter of over 1.5 meters can be seen, which should be the remains of the Tang Dynasty. After the Tang Dynasty, during the Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the society in Shengquan Mountain was in turmoil and the population moved infinitely. The story of Cannonji in Shengquan Mountain is mostly forgotten by history.

During the orthodox period of the Ming Dynasty, Bi Tianda, a famous monk in Beijing, traveled here. Visit the ancient temples and browse the scenery, and realize that this place is a rare place to hide the wind and gather gas and stay away from the world. He vowed to rebuild Kannonji in the Holy Spring Mountain. After years of fund-raising, the Kannonji in Shengquan Mountain was rebuilt under the auspices of the disciple Cheng Ding of Bitian University during the Ming Chenghua period.

Since the Ming Dynasty, because the imperial court moved its capital to Beijing and the immigration policy was implemented, the population in northern Beijing increased sharply and people's lives were relatively stable. In front of Shengquan Mountain, Huai Sha and Henan gradually formed larger villages. Because the village is located at the mouth of the ravine where the pass of Tianmu Valley on the Great Wall is located, it is named Koutou Village.

During Jiaqing period of Qing Dynasty, Kannonji fell into disrepair and temples declined. After the abbot advised the monks to raise money, the grand gentry of Koukou Village jointly launched a fund-raising campaign, and the temple was completely restored.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, current events have changed, and there are not enough people. By 1958, the last monk died and the monk's room was empty. However, oral villagers have been trying their best to protect temple buildings. Even in the ten years of turmoil, the footprints on the pilgrimage road of Shengquan Mountain have not been cut off.

In 2003, the restoration project of Kannonji in Shengquan Mountain was started again. Now the temple is full of light, and the treasure is as heavy as light. More and more distant friends gathered here to recite the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The rebirth of this holy spring mountain will last forever. [3]

Shengquan Temple [Xiaoxian County, Anhui]-Culture