Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to make a specimen when the turtle is dead?

How to make a specimen when the turtle is dead?


Turtle turtle (10 cm above, too small, easy to cook bones and meat together, not easy to string together. )

Pot (for boiling turtle), water, two plates, gasoline (for degreasing), sealable barrel (for filling gasoline and turtle bones), and a turtle skeleton map (convenient for dismembering turtle and reloading turtle). ), a notebook, a ballpoint pen, a can of white acrylic paint, a brush, a very sharp needle (not an embroidery needle) or an awl (used to punch holes in bones), and fine wire.


First, put the dead turtle into the pot, and put boiling water in the pot in advance. (If you don't feel too cruel, you can directly put the live tortoise in, but slowly heat it with cold water, and put heavy objects on the pot to avoid heat escape. ) Boil it in water for about half an hour, and the turtle will be cooked.

Take out the boiled turtle, put it on a plate and start to dismember it. Put the dismembered turtle bones in another plate, and record the shape and specific position of the turtle bones with a pen and notebook at the same time, and record the unexpected situations (such as parasites, intestines being stabbed by fishbone, etc.). ). Then wash the turtle bones. Don't run too fast lest you wash them away. Clean and air dry.

Next, put the bones in a barrel full of gasoline for degreasing, and put them in 1-2 days in summer and 3-4 days in winter. Degreasing, taking out and drying.

Next, punch a hole in the tortoise bone with a needle or awl and coat it with white acrylic pigment for 2-3 times. Maybe some people don't understand why they do it. There are two reasons: 1. After the turtle bones are boiled in water, the bones are beige and colored to make them beautiful. 2. Coloring helps to prevent tooth decay. When the paint is dry, string the turtle with iron wire according to the turtle skeleton diagram and original records, and you're done.

Be careful not to use too much force when threading the wire. It doesn't matter if the tortoise bone is broken. Just glue it with 502, and color it for the last time. There are some points above that are not in the book, which are accumulated by my long-term experience. I hope it is useful to everyone.