Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is there a direct bus to Gaojiafang (Miluo Chuanshanping) in Changsha? How to get there?

Is there a direct bus to Gaojiafang (Miluo Chuanshanping) in Changsha? How to get there?

Yes, there is a through train from Changsha to Gaojiafang in Miluo (Miluo passes through Shanping).

You can take a bus from Changsha North Bus Station to Gaojiafang in Miluo. The specific trains and shifts can be found at the local bus terminal or online. If you need more detailed information, I suggest you consult the staff at the local bus terminal.

In addition, you can also choose other modes of transportation, such as taking a taxi and driving. The specific route and mode of transportation can be selected according to your needs and actual situation.

I hope the above information can help you!