Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The purport of Li Zhiyi, a diviner.

The purport of Li Zhiyi, a diviner.

The purpose of Li Zhiyi, a fortune teller, is to express a woman's longing for a distant lover and her loyalty to love.

Song Li Zhiyi

Bu operator

I live at the head of the Yangtze River and you live at the end of the Yangtze River. ③

I miss you every day, but I can't see you, drinking the water from the Yangtze River.

When will the water stop? When did this hatred ever happen?

I only hope that your heart is the same as mine, and you will not live up to this mutual yearning. ④

~ attention ~

(1) The rule of naming words is transferred to "fortune teller". Su Shi's ci is the main body in the ci book. Also known as "hundred-foot building", "plum wind wall" and "hanging the moon and thinning trees" Double tone, 44 words, rhyming.

② Yangtze River Head: refers to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

③ Yangtze River tail: refers to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

④ The sentence "only wish" means "exchange my heart for yours, and then we will know each other and miss each other deeply" in Gu Kui's "Complaining about Love". D: Between the lines. In addition to the number of words specified in the word, one or two less critical words are appropriately added to better express the meaning. This is the so-called interlining, also called "adding sound"

~ today's translation ~

I live in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and you live in the lower reaches.

I miss you every day and can't see you.

But they all drink the same river.

This river-

When will the water flow stop?

Don't hate this parting. When will it end?

I hope your heart is the same as mine,

You will live up to this lovesickness.