Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does "help Zhan" mean?

What does "help Zhan" mean?

Fuzhan has a long history, and Chinese people are no strangers. Spread a layer of fine sand on the table, then insert a basket with nails on one side and buckle it upside down on the sand. Help Zhan hold the rim of the basket with both hands, make an isosceles triangle with nails, and then burn incense and ask God. When the fairy comes down, the basket will automatically follow the basket. Start signing up more, such as Marshal Tianma. Then people ask questions in words, and God writes the answers in the sand. For example, on QQ, one person speaks with audio, and the other person types with keyboard, so that they can communicate with each other. This is a blessing exhibition. I used to read about helping Zhan in books, and I also heard the old man say that I always thought the magic stick was a lie, and I didn't know it was true until I experienced it myself. ?

That year, I only remember that my child was still young, and the exact time was to read Fujian Daily. After the winter solstice that year, an article in the newspaper mentioned it. This is the solstice before a winter in August1-83, and now it has been demolished in Bian Cheng Street. Guanya Square is under construction. There was a row of houses. When I passed by there, I saw two 16-year-old girls holding up at the door. I was surprised and went to see it. The two little girls are talking to the gods. The little girl asked, "What's your name?" God wrote the answer in the sand: "Yang Kaihui". The little girl asked, "Who is your husband?" The God replied, "Mao OO". The little girl asked again, "Where is Lin Biao?" The gods replied, "In hell". The content of the question and answer is like a modern dialogue, not to mention the credibility of the dialogue. Just saying beautiful sand words and letting the little girl write on paper with a pen can't write such beautiful words, what's more, the little girl's line of sight is blocked by the basket, and she can't see how the nail runs in the sand at all. Two little girls told me that immortals are seven fairies, and Yang Kaihui is called eight fairies. Each fairy's handwriting is different. They also said that people in fuzhan must be unmarried women. ?

After I learned the essentials of Fu Zhan, I went home and taught many little girls, and they can do it every time. At that time, Fuzhou was doing it everywhere. Every time I see someone helping Jan, I ask two questions. First, is my child a boy or a girl? Answer: "male"; First, is my classmate's child a boy or a girl? Answer: "female". All the answers are correct, no less than seven or eight times, without exception. Repeatedly asking questions that you already know the answer to is to prove whether there are ghosts and gods in the world. This is undoubtedly a scientific experiment and the conclusion is that there are ghosts and gods in the world. Because ghosts and gods are not objective substances in nature, scientific instruments cannot detect them. Ghosts and gods are also human beings and exist in the world in another form. Will everyone become a ghost after death? I don't understand this, and I dare not talk nonsense. Author: Walking in the rain forest of Fuzhou