Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Sun Virgin Moon Pisces Rising Virgin Mercury Libra Venus Scorpio Who can help me look at the astrolabe ~

Sun Virgin Moon Pisces Rising Virgin Mercury Libra Venus Scorpio Who can help me look at the astrolabe ~

The sun is in Virgo-a perfectionist who thinks little.

Personality characteristics:

Careful, analytical, neat and picky.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. A thoughtful absolute perfectionist

2. Pay too much attention to details and lack creativity.

The sun represents self, external image, external and life energy. People with the sun in Virgo are thoughtful, analytical and patient, which is very suitable for complicated and meticulous work. You demand perfection in everything, but sometimes you put too much pressure on yourself and others.

Under the escort of Mercury, you are very rational, clear-headed and good at analyzing things with the sun in Virgo. You are keen on learning; However, compared with Gemini's extensive but not in-depth "dabbling" in new knowledge, Virgos are much more careful and in-depth in seeking knowledge. You are not only satisfied with "knowing" the knowledge in your field of interest, but will study hard until you fully understand it. Virgo is an absolute perfectionist. You are very demanding of yourself, so Virgos are often under too much psychological pressure; And everything requires perfect results, which often gives people the impression of being too picky. However, Virgo's delicate thinking and cautious and patient attitude give you excellent conditions to become an excellent scholar.

Virgo, you pay attention to details and are cautious in everything, but sometimes it is inevitable to go too far, giving people the impression that the pattern is too small and the creativity is insufficient. Virgos tend to be neat, which of course has a lot to do with the perfectionism you pursue. You are meticulous in life; Everything must be positioned, and there can be no "chaos" in it. You think this is the first condition of success. Virgos are willing to serve the crowd. As long as it is meaningful and helpful to others, you are absolutely dedicated and dedicated.

The moon is in Pisces-an old soul with a strong sixth sense.

Personality characteristics:

Kindness, imagination and a strong sixth sense.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Emotionally, it's easy to get hurt because you are too considerate, and you can judge by intuition.

2. Artistic talent, kindness and kindness.

The emotional characteristics of intuition, kindness and consideration will be particularly obvious when you show up in Pisces in the month. Because Moon Pisces is very sensitive to other people's moods, and your kind heart will make you hesitate on many things to avoid hurting others. This situation most often happens in the case of love triangle. However, due to the delay in making a decision, it is often you who will suffer in the end. In addition, sensitive you have a high artistic talent, coupled with lively imagination, you can often create interesting works.

People with the moon in Pisces are emotionally sensitive and kind, and are good at observing other people's emotions. Because you are particularly concerned about other people's ideas, you are often unconsciously influenced and changed by others. Once you encounter emotional setbacks, your resilience will be weaker than others, and even you will shrink back to avoid being hurt again.

Pisces people are considerate and patient, so you seldom have emotional ups and downs. You are the kind of person who would rather suffer than see his family and friends sad. However, when you lose patience, the repressed or digested emotions will be turned out again and again, just like a big volcano that erupts only once every few hundred years. There is no way for others to reason with you, and there is no way to calm you down. The best way is to make yourself angry first and then apologize to you.

People with the moon in Pisces sometimes rely heavily on their intuition or past experience to make decisions or deal with their feelings. Whether these practices are out of date or not, you won't change them slightly. This is the stubborn point of Pisces.

The rising constellation is Virgo, a perfectionist who values quality over weight.

Personality characteristics:

Careful, organized, perfectionist and creative.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. A careful perfectionist is very rational about love.

2. Creativity and excellent expression skills require a comfortable and clean home.

Ascending constellation dominates a person's main personality characteristics, innate personality and first impression. People whose rising sign is Virgo are standard perfectionists; You are methodical, careful and keen, and even complex affairs can be completed step by step in your hands; You virgins are excellent performers.

People in the rising constellation sometimes run business with their spouses, but they always take risks and speculate, and success or failure is unpredictable. The way of using money is quite extreme; Either profligate or stingy, there are often problems.

The rising virgins hold a rational attitude towards love and sex, and are quite calm and mature. You want your lover or child to be better than yourself, and this satisfaction is what you yearn for. You have good thinking ability, creativity and outstanding expression ability, and you are quite suitable for communication-related industries such as journalists or writers.

Virgo ascending constellation people long for a clean and comfortable home; You can't stand the slightest chaos and disorder in your home. Family members get along very well, and the home is always full of comfortable and happy atmosphere.

Mercury is in Libra, the messenger of justice, emphasizing harmony and honesty.

Personality characteristics:

Honest, full of justice, hesitant and thoughtful.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Eager for harmonious interpersonal relationships, good at communication, and able to express ideas honestly and tactfully.

2. Attach great importance to the fairness and justice of the event, but it is easy to consider too much, pay attention to appearance, and easily fall into the trap of judging people by their appearances.

Libra People with mercury will think like Libra. The principle of fairness and justice is the premise for you to consider one thing, and you will not accept anything that does not conform to this principle. So when you make a decision, it means that you must think carefully and will not cause adverse consequences to anyone.

Another characteristic of people in Mercury Libra is honesty. You want to have a harmonious interpersonal relationship, so you attach great importance to communication and communication skills. In addition, people in Mercury Libra not only consider their own ideas, but also hope to achieve a win-win situation with the objective environment and other people's ideas. So you will be willing to communicate with others, and you think that only when everyone speaks frankly about their thoughts can things be solved satisfactorily.

Because Libra mercury is an elegant and educated person, he will also pay great attention to the clothes, appearance and behavior of others when he is in contact with them. Those who dress casually, behave rudely or often speak disrespectfully will be blacklisted by you; Even if the other person is a well-dressed, well-behaved and polite person, Mercury Libra is likely to avoid contact with them because he doesn't like their temperament or other minor shortcomings, which can be said to be the quirk of Mercury Libra.

Venus is located in Scorpio-a wild person who dares to love and hate.

Personality characteristics:

Sexual charm, strong sexual desire, dare to love and hate, possessive.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Sexy and charming, with strong feelings and clear love and hate.

2. Have a tendency to indulge in sexual desire and are interested in metaphysics and mysticism.

Scorpio people with Venus have strong feelings and are full of primitive sexual charm. You dare to love and hate, possessive, and often put too much pressure on each other. Strong sexual desire, there is the possibility of indulgence. I like works of art with strong style and am interested in mysticism.

Venus represents emotional expression, love relationship and aesthetics. Scorpio people with Venus are warm and charming, and their feelings and sexual desire are quite strong. You have a strong sexual desire in your feelings, and you are full of the original charm of animals; Strong sexual desire, never satisfied, often falls into the abyss of lewdness. People with Venus in this position have strong feelings, dare to love and hate; You can totally pay for love, but once you realize the betrayal of your lover, the strong flame of revenge will be surprising. You are possessive, jealous of your partner, and sometimes it is unbearable.

Because Taurus, guarded by Venus, is not conducive to the house, Venus is in this position. Your excessive investment in love will not only put too much pressure on the other party, but also lead to a situation of crash and burn if you are not careful, which is something that people with Venus in Scorpio should pay attention to. You love strong artistic style, and you are also gifted in mysticism and metaphysics.

Mars is located in Capricorn-a cautious and regular operator.

Personality characteristics:

Concerned about the reality, ambitious, regular life, too Machiavellian.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Strive for higher status and income, act calmly and plan.

Life is simple and regular, and you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.

Capricorn has Mars, eager for career; You always accomplish your goal step by step. Such people are eager for high status and good income, and you are a group that values reality very much. Life is very regular and we can't accept sloppy situations.

Mars represents the expression of energy, will, explosiveness and vitality. People with Mars in Capricorn are full of energy, especially in their careers. Many successful entrepreneurs and politicians are such people. You attach importance to reality and strive for higher social status and material income; Your actions are vigorous and well controlled, which makes your efforts get twice the result with half the effort.

People in this position of Mars advocate norms and discipline. You always work and live step by step and have a fixed schedule. Laziness and untidiness are intolerable. You have high expectations of yourself and are eager for power and status; Once the goal is set, you will make every effort to move towards it; Don't stop until you get what you want. But sometimes he will be too powerful and "do whatever it takes to achieve his goal". He is a very awesome opponent.

Jupiter is in Pisces-a compassionate philanthropist

Personality characteristics:

Compassionate, promiscuous, intuitive and self-centered.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. I deeply sympathize with marginalization and can't distinguish sympathy from promiscuity.

2. It is easy to have supernatural experience, and relying too much on intuition is easy to fall into self-centeredness.

Jupiter in Pisces is very compassionate and religious. Like a philanthropist or a missionary, you give your love to those marginalized elements of society. Jupiter and Pisces often don't know where their boundaries are, and they often get the results with unreserved efforts. Jupiter and Pisces should learn the boundaries between compassion and empathy, and how to help others properly.

Jupiter and Pisces are very intuitive. You may have some supernatural telepathic experiences, but be careful. If you indulge in these experiences too much, you will easily become possessed and rely on these telepathic forces to decide important things.

People from Jupiter and Pisces tend to work in institutions with strong humanitarian services, such as hospitals, religious institutions or charities, because of their considerate and emotional characteristics. These circumstances make you give love without reservation. However, be careful, if you don't know enough is enough, you will easily get into some trouble. Your unreserved love for patients may lead them to misunderstand and lead to love for you.

Saturn is in Sagittarius-a wise spiritual leader.

Personality characteristics:

Wisdom, morality, rebellion, repression

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Live according to social morality and become the most serious defender of morality.

2. Strong willpower, can carry out their own beliefs and attach importance to reputation, so it is difficult to accept criticism from others.

Saturn's Sagittarius people are full of yearning and enthusiasm for philosophy, education and other work, so they can become very excellent educators or occupy a place in the religious and philosophical circles. You have rigorous and meticulous ideas and concepts to support your activities in this area, and because justice is the principle of doing things, it is very convincing to everyone.

You want to have an authoritative position in academia or religious circles, but because you value the importance of reputation to you too much, you can't accept outside criticism, not only will you fight back vigorously, but you will probably remember these critics for a long time.

Saturn's Sagittarius people don't pay much attention to real returns. On the contrary, the outside world's affirmation and praise of your efforts can be a comfort after your efforts. This is why Saturn Sagittarius will react violently when criticized by the outside world-honor is more important to you than generous financial returns.

Uranus is located in Sagittarius-a new idea about religious and educational affairs.

Personality characteristics:

Good travel, exotic, confident.

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Have new ideas about religious and educational affairs, and like to travel.

2. Loving foreign cultures and people is an era of religious and educational reform.

Uranus orbits the ecliptic once every 84 years; Therefore, every person born in a specific seven years will have Uranus in the same house. Therefore, Uranus dominates the thoughts and concepts of a generation, rather than having any significant influence on individuals.

Uranus Sagittarius people have new ideas about religion and education. You love traveling and have a special fate with people, things and things in other countries. This era represents new changes in religion and education.

Uranus symbolizes reform, innovation and humanitarianism, and also dominates the fate of a generation. Uranus Sagittarius people have new ideas about mysticism, religion and education, and you are also interested in reform and further study.

People with Uranus in this position like to travel, have a special affection and fate for foreign cultures, and often have the opportunity to contact foreigners or foreign religious philosophy. You are confident and always have your own set of views on things, but sometimes you seem too arbitrary and sometimes you disagree with others. The movement of Uranus here also implies the emergence of some new ideas in religion and education.

The influence of Uranus on the personal level needs to refer to the position of the zodiac the day after tomorrow and make a cross-reference judgment.

Neptune is located in Capricorn-an era of great changes.

Personality characteristics:

Conflict, change, the law of life

Describe you in two sentences!

1. represents an era of conflict.

2. Traditional conservative ideas

Neptune orbits the ecliptic once every 164 years; Therefore, people born every fourteen years will have Neptune in the same house. Therefore, Neptune dominates the thoughts and concepts of a generation, rather than having any significant influence on individuals.

Neptune represents the subconscious, the hint of dreams and the power of the soul to rise or fall. Neptune's movement to Capricorn implies an era of constant running-in and conflict between ideal and reality, which leads to drastic changes and inevitable chaos in politics, economy and society during this period.

Neptune in Capricorn is more traditional and conservative; Your life is very regular and your style is quite formal. Such people are calm and low-key, and sometimes they are too smart and daunting.

Neptune's influence on the personal level needs to refer to its position in the twelfth house of the day after tomorrow and make a cross-reference judgment.

Pluto is in Scorpio-a reborn generation

Personality characteristics:

Rebirth, destruction and power

Describe you in two sentences!

1. Facing the achievements of human civilization, prepare for the rebirth of the next generation.

2. Many things are facing the era of collapse and restart.

Pluto is the slowest moving planet, and it takes about 248 years to go around the ecliptic. It stays in each constellation for 12 to 23 years, and its influence on the times is greater than that on individuals.

Pluto is the leading star of Scorpio, and Scorpio represents death and the power of death. Therefore, when Pluto moves to Scorpio, it indicates that a critical era is coming. Whether human civilization is sublimated or destroyed depends on whether human beings have enough wisdom to make the right choice during this period.

Pluto's influence on individuals and things mainly depends on its zodiac sign. Please refer to your analysis of the zodiac.