Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Seek movies related to ancient Greek mythology, animation is also ok, and it should be more suitable for the original work.

Seek movies related to ancient Greek mythology, animation is also ok, and it should be more suitable for the original work.

The legend of Olympus?


Just as King theseus of Athens fled the Minoan maze with Princess Ariadne's thread. This story originated from Zeus, the king of the gods. When Zeus was a baby, he was sent to Crete by his mother to escape the tyranny of his father Cronus. After growing up, Zeus decided to go to the dark Mount Olympus to save his brothers and sisters. After Zeus and his brothers defeated the cruel rule of Cronus, they started a new era of the Twelve Gods. Prometheus, who was kind and upright, angered Zeus in order to smuggle fire for mankind, and was imprisoned in the Rocky Mountain and tortured. Zeus gave Pandora and a box to Prometheus' brother, Epimetheus, who was weak, in order to realize his plan of self-destruction. Pandora finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and opened a box full of disasters, so human beings were destroyed. Thanks to deucalion's Ark and the olive leaf symbolizing "hope", human beings can be reborn.

Since then, a series of mysterious stories have begun between gods and people ... In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, there are many characters with complicated relationships, which have long been only for adults. "The Legend of the Stars at Olympus" explains western classics easily in an animated way. The characters are kind and imaginative, and children can't miss it. With the key to open the door of imagination, the 12 gods of Olympus lead children to interpret western works with oriental feelings and try to cross the maze of myth. What's great is that the story of Olympus has removed all kinds of bad factors. The whole movie is very fresh and lovely, with good characters and humorous language. I suggest you have a look. After reading this, you can fall in love with ancient Greek mythology.

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Cronus, the god of Olympus who ruled the world, foresaw that there were usurpers among his five children. So he swallowed the children one by one. In order to avoid this disaster, his wife Rhea secretly sent her sixth child Zeus to Crete. Prometheus, who was dissatisfied with Cronus's tyranny, also came to Crete and brought Zeus to the tree spirits in trova. The tree spirit told Zeus about his life and what he would do in the future. Zeus went into the dark Mount Olympus to save his brothers and sisters.

In the second episode, Prometheus, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon, after Tallas Hutart defeated the powerful Cronus, opened a new era of the Twelve Gods. The Twelve Gods entrusted the task of creating human beings and animals to the Prometheus brothers, and Epimetheus unexpectedly gave all Zeus' gifts to animals ...?

Episode 3 Pandora's Box Prometheus smuggled Skyfire again for the sake of human light. But unfortunately, he fell into the trap of Apollo and was sent to the Rocky Mountain. Prometheus reminded Epimetheus that he would never accept Zeus' gift again. In order to realize the plan of human self-destruction, Zeus ordered hephaestus to create a human woman. This woman wants to be loved by everyone, smart and beautiful, and can bring disaster to mankind. Zeus dedicated this woman named Pandora to Epimetheus, who had long forgotten Prometheus' warning. ? Prometheus' son Ducalion got his father's warning in advance and built a big ship, so he left with his sister Pilars by boat and later created a new human being that had been destroyed.

Love and Soul Episode IV (1) In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, there is such a story about love and trust. Its protagonists are Cupid, the goddess of love, and Psyche, a beautiful princess with beautiful pictures of Olympus (12 photos). At that time, because Venus, Cupid's mother, couldn't stand the beauty of Psyche, she asked her son Cupid to shoot an arrow of love at Psyche, making her fall in love with this monster forever. That night, Cupid went to the sleeping Psyche's room, but he was shocked when he saw Psyche's beautiful face. Cupid was about to shoot when psyche woke up, so the arrow of love missed and ran directly to himself. Everyone who is shot will fall in love with the first person he sees, so Cupid falls in love with Psyche. So Cupid disobeyed the orders of his mother Venus, and he wanted to marry Psyche! When poor psyche's parents prayed to God, they learned that psyche's daughter was going to marry the devil. They are sad, but there is nothing they can do. They had to leave her on the cliff, waiting for the devil to appear and take his wife away. At this time, ZePelosse, the god of the west wind, came to Psyche. He took psyche to the so-called devil's palace. Psyche was frightened by what she saw, because the kingdom established by her father was not as grand as before, and she walked into the house. At this moment, her servant's words came from behind. Of course, the servant said it himself. She told psyche that she would serve her in the future and asked her if she would have dinner outside tonight. When psyche went outside, there was a big dinner in front of him. Psyche had a good time that day. She lay in bed thinking about what her husband really looked like, but she was very tired and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, a flying man came to her bed. He stroked psyche's forehead with his hand. At this moment, Psyche woke up, but it was too dark for her to see his face clearly. At this time, the man told her that he was her husband, but she couldn't look at his face, otherwise they wouldn't meet again. Psyche agreed to his terms, and they lived happily in the future, but her husband always came to see him at night. One day, Psyche told her husband that she was lonely and missed her two sisters. Her husband then told psyche that if she missed them, she could take them over, which made psyche very happy. The next day, she asked ZePelos, the god of the west wind, to take her sisters. They are very happy to talk together. The sisters envy psyche that her house is bigger than theirs. But psyche was sobbing sadly at this moment, so the sisters learned that she had never seen her husband's face! They gave psyche an idea. They prepared knives and candles and put them under the bed. When her husband fell asleep, they lit candles to see his face clearly. If he is really the devil, they will kill him with a knife. Psyche's husband came back at night. In the evening, she took out the things she had prepared. She lit the candle, and then she saw her husband's face. She thought, Oh, my God, it turned out that he was Cupid, but then she dropped the drops of candles on Cupid. He woke up. He was very angry when he saw Percy Kolor holding a knife and a candle. He didn't understand why his love was so doubted by his wife, and even pointed a knife at him. Psyche was frightened and her knife fell to the ground. She knelt on the ground and hoped Cupid would forgive herself, but Cupid told him that his love and distrust could not exist at the same time. No matter how psyche asks, Cupid will never forgive her, because he once loved her deeply. At this time, Cupid was so sad that he spread his wings and flew out of the window. Two people just separated. Psyche thinks she can't take it with her in this castle anymore. She wanted to make amends, so she left the castle and went to Venus to meet her husband. So a journey full of hardships began! ! !

Episode 5 Love and Soul (2) Psyche came to the Temple of Venus to look for her husband Cupid, who was punished for disobeying Venus' words and was imprisoned in the Jade Tower. If psyche wants to see Cupid, he must be tested by Venus again and again. First of all, she must arrange five or six kinds of food for the pigeons here before evening, and the kind ants will help her arrange the feed. ? Then she had to cross the river to collect the wool of the grumpy golden sheep and help the river god tell her how to collect wool without being hurt. Finally, Venus sent Psyche to the underworld to ask the princess to give her some beauty, but the beauty of the princess in the underworld is death. Psyche came to the underworld under the guidance of the god of the west wind, and the princess gave Psyche some beauty. Psyche was happy to see her husband, but worried that he was not beautiful enough, so she used a little princess's beauty, only to faint. Cupid, imprisoned in the temple of Venus, was in a hurry. He managed to escape and found Psyche who fainted under the big tree. Their love touched heaven and earth, and psyche gradually woke up. Finally, under the persuasion of Zeus, Venus agreed to their marriage. Finally, a couple finally got married!

Episode 6 The Most Beautiful Goddess At the wedding of the goddess thetis, Eris, the goddess of disaster, bears a grudge for not being invited. With revenge, she gave an apple in the name of the most beautiful goddess. In order to compete for this apple goddess of marriage-Hera, goddess of wisdom-Athena, goddess of beauty and love-Venus, a fierce struggle was launched. Zeus, in trouble, gave Paris the task of judging the struggle.

In the seventh episode, Athena quarrels with alcmene Athena and Poseidon about a village. The gods believe that the village belongs to whoever can give the villagers the best gift. As a result, the olive tree sent by Athena was welcomed by the villagers, and the village belonged to Athena. Alcmene, an expert weaver in the village, is proud and confident. She thinks her craft is better than Athena's. Athena, who got the news, started a tense knitting competition with her.

Hermes, a clever cattle thief, was deeply loved by his father Zeus. He not only won the trust of Apollo with his own wisdom, but also made Hera change his attitude towards him. Hermes, who became arrogant because he believed in his cleverness too much, felt his mother's worry about his complacency and decided to be reborn.

Atalanta story Altaia, the princess of Kaludong Kingdom, gave birth to a beautiful child, Mailer Agger. Fate told Altaia that as long as the firewood in the stove burned out, her child would die. Meleager has grown up. One day, he invited Princess Atalanta of Kaludong and some friends to go hunting. Suddenly, meleager felt hot all over and died.

One day, Cupid was humiliated by Apollo. Angry Cupid wanted to embarrass Apollo. Cupid shot the golden arrow of love at the heart of Apollo, while another arrow that could stop love was shot at the beautiful elf Daphne. The power of the arrow of love made Apollo fall in love with Daphne at first sight, but Daphne, who was prevented from being shot by the arrow of love, was indifferent and extremely bored. Finally, Daphne became a laurel tree!

1 1 episode Pavakis and Zeus of Piraemon looked at people who were keen on air war and were disappointed. He came to the earth with his son Hermes to investigate the good and evil between people. The villagers were very cold to Zeus and his son in shabby clothes. However, Paughis and Pilemont, who lived outside the village, warmly received them, which deeply moved Zeus.

Episode 12 Bellerophon and Pegasus Bellerophon are burly and handsome knights. In order to win Bellerophon's heart, Princess Antia of Tirens gave Bellerophon a horse named Pegasus. But what Belle Luofeng didn't expect was that it was a fake horse. After the story was revealed, Princess Antioch became angry and decided to kill Bellerophon. She challenged Bellerophon to a duel with Lukaja's fierce monster kamala.

The Adventures of Poerxiusi (1) Poerxiusi is a smart, brave and chivalrous young man. One day, King Poldektas ordered Poerxiusi to cut off the head of the monster Medusa. Under the guidance of the Oracle, Poerxiusi came to the place where the monster Medusa lived.

The Adventures of Poerxiusi (II) After Poerxiusi defeated Modusa, she found Andlau Moda, a beautiful princess tied to a stone pillar, on her way home. Because people compared the beauty of Andlau Moda with the beauty of Poseidon's daughter, Poseidon was angered. There was a flood in the village In order to get Poseidon's forgiveness, people gave Andromeda to the sea monster according to Poseidon's wishes. Wings of Icarus Daedalus was a famous inventor. He helped King Minos design a maze for prisoners. One day, Daedalus's son Icarus helped Princess Ariadne's friend and Athena's hero theseus escape from the maze. The angry Minoan king put Daedalus and his son Icarus in a maze. Icarus doesn't want to be locked in a maze forever. He tried to escape from here. ?

Episode 16 Zeus and IO One day, Zeus's wife Hera found Zeus with a woman, IO. Zeus turned IO into a cow to avoid Hera. But Hera saw through Zeus' trick. She asked Zeus to take the cow away and sent Argos, a monster, to look after Io who was turned into a cow.

In episode 17, Ka Deimos and Zeus, the dragon of Ares, kidnapped Europa, the daughter of King agenor. King agenor found his daughter missing and ordered his son Ka Deimos to look for her. Zeus invited the Olympians to help stop Ka Deimos, so that Ka Deimos could give up the idea of looking for Europa.

Episode 18 Eco and Na Rochis One day, Eco saw Zeus with his friends. At this time, Zeus' wife Hera came to Zeus. Echo lied to Hera to help her friend. When Hera knew it, she changed Ai into a parrot that could only imitate others' last words.

Midas Midas, a golden hand, is a kind-hearted king of a poor country. By chance, he helped Dionysus. In return, Dionysus gave Midas a pair of golden hands. The excited king Midas turned the whole palace into gold, but something unfortunate happened.

Episode 20 Frixos and Heller Frixos and Heller are Bohemian princes and princesses who are loved by their parents. One day, their father, King Atamas, was invited to a banquet. At the banquet, King Atamas met a woman named enoch. After returning, Atamas abandoned his wife Nefeller and married enoch. Enoch began to plan to control the whole country, but two children became a stumbling block to her plan to control the whole country.

Episode 2 1 Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus and Eurydice musician orpheus, died of a poisonous snake bite. Orpheus's elegy spread all over the world and the whole earth. In order to bring Eurydice back to orpheus, Lyubori found Demeter and asked her to tell me the way to the underworld. In order to save his wife, orpheus went to the underworld. ?

The Love of Hades One day, Hades, the guardian of Hades, came to earth. He saw Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of the earth, playing by the spring and liked it very much. Persephone accidentally dropped her precious headdress into the underworld, and Hades asked Persephone to go to the underworld with him to find the headdress. And promised Persephone that she would be sent back to earth after she found the headdress.

One day, Zeus foresaw that Olympus would face a great crisis. Zeus knew that his child Hercules was the hero who saved Olympus. Hercules Hercules, under the mentor who has trained countless heroes, began a series of cruel training.

Episode 24 The Twelve Tasks of Hero Heracles Heracles Married and Living a Happy Life. However, due to Hera's curse, Heracles personally destroyed this happy family. In order to drive away his guilt, he left home and went to the temple of Delphi to listen to the Oracle. God officer told him that if he wanted to atone, he would go to Miknai to find King Eurystheus, and he would give Hercules twelve tasks.

Episode 25 After the hero Hercules was resurrected and completed his task, Hercules, who yearned for a peaceful life, married a beautiful girl, Diane Nella. Nesos, who is half man and half beast, told Dinella that if he wiped his tears on her husband Hercules' clothes, he would know if he had changed his mind. Diane Nella began to doubt her husband's love. She secretly wiped Nether's tears on her husband's clothes.

Di Anna's love Di Anna, the goddess who likes hunting, fell in love with mortal Olivan, but Di Anna's brother Apollo disagreed with their combination. For this sister who grew up with him, Apollo didn't want her to suffer from love. So Apollo started a series of actions to stop them from being together ...?

Jason, the 50 heroes of Argo expedition, is the prince of the land of killer whales. His father wanted to pass on the throne to him because of illness, but Jason was underage, so the throne had to be temporarily represented by the king's younger brother pelias. Soon, Jason grew up. On the eve of succession to the throne, pelias, unwilling to transfer the throne, ordered his men to kidnap Jason. Fortunately, pelias's plan didn't succeed, and Jason returned to the city. However, pelias ascended the throne. He said that Jason could only return golden fleece to the Kingdom of Korkas, and only then could he hand over the king's displacement to Jason?

Episode 28 Argo Expedition-Looking for golden fleece Jason successfully got the golden fleece with the help of Princess Medea who can use magic. But Pelias, who has ascended the throne, seems unwilling to fulfill his promise in advance.

Episode 29 theseus and Minot Ross theseus embark on a journey to find their father. In Athens, he met his father who had become king. Medea, Princess of Athens, deliberately fabricated an Oracle to let her son inherit the throne and sent theseus to the kingdom of Crete.

Helius, the sun god, had a child named Phaeton. Phaeton was very proud that his father was the sun god, but his friends didn't believe him and called him a liar. In order to clarify the facts, Phaeton decided to go to his father Helius. Phaeton finally found his father and let him drive a sun carriage. ?

The Adventures of Odyssey (1) won the Trojan War. Odyssey and his team were caught in a storm on their way home, and their boat drifted to an island. On the island, Odysseus's men were warmly received by the islanders. However, something strange happened! Odysseus' men have lost their memories of their hometown.

Adventures of Odysseus (2) Odysseus and his team continued to sail to their hometown. On the way, they came to an island. There lived a terrible witch on the island, whose name was Sisi. She can turn people into animals. Odysseus's men were not spared, and they were all turned into pigs. In order to rescue his men, Odysseus came to Theseus alone.

Adventures of Odysseus (3) Odysseus and his party were attacked by monsters on their way back to their hometown, and the crew finally escaped from danger and came to the last island. In the case of hunger and cold, the crew ignored the prophet's warning and ate Apollo's most cherished cow.

The story of Achilles Sitis, the goddess of the sea, foresees that her son Achilles will grow up and die on the battlefield. In order to change her son's fate, she took Achilles to the Stix River. She firmly believes in the legend that she can become immortal by soaking in the Stix River. Nevertheless, thetis usually disciplined his son very strictly, and Achilles was tired of it. Finally, thetis persuaded his son's good friend Patroclus to let Achilles receive samurai training.

The Trojan horse Odysseus, who had a headache for ending the Trojan War, was greatly inspired when he saw the Trojan horse sent by a distant relative and came up with a wonderful battle plan. That is to make a huge wooden horse that can hold dozens of soldiers and send it to Troy as an inside man.

Ios and Titornos, the goddess of dawn, Ios and the Trojan prince Titornos fell in love at first sight. They got married with Zeus' permission, and eos applied for eternal life for Tornos, but she forgot to give Tornos eternal youth. The old ladder Tornos bored eos, and eos didn't want to see the old and ugly ladder Tornos. How will eos treat Tornos? Watch cartoons quickly!

Episode 37 The Unfinished Story-The Olympians who left the earth and settled in the universe, missed the past. Today, the topic they recall is a story about flowers. It is said that the formation of roses has a certain origin with Cupid! Little Cupid accidentally knocked over the new wine brewed by Dionysus, the god of wine, so that the flowers were dyed red. In addition, Cupid was stung by a bee, and Venus pulled out all the stings on the bee in a rage, thus forming a red rose.

Zeus, the monster, held a fireworks display to comfort the Olympians. Unexpectedly, the fireworks hurt the monsters that have become constellations, and they protested to Olympus. Hades tells the story of the monster. He said that monsters are kind at first, and finally they become monsters for various reasons.

Episode 39 The Story of Constellations The Olympians who were camping in the universe looked at the constellations in the sky and recalled one thing about constellations. Apollo remembered the story of the crow. It turns out that crows are all white, but later they all turn black. The fairy also thinks of the story of the constellation!

It is probably the whole content of each episode, and the number of episodes may be different.