Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How to calculate the constellation birthday plate (hand-painted)?

How to calculate the constellation birthday plate (hand-painted)?

Western astrology has a long history. This is an ancient and profound knowledge. Astrology, or astrology, is a method for astrologers to predict all kinds of things in the world by observing the positions of celestial bodies, the sun, the moon and the stars and explaining their various changes. The original purpose of astrology is to predict the fate of a person's life according to the position of the planet and the zodiac when he was born. Astrologers calculate the influence of planets according to the five-star coordinates of the sun, the moon and the zodiac at a certain moment, and their complex geometric relationships, and then use astrology to find out the corresponding relationship between the above factors and ground events and get astrological results.

Birth chart (English birth chart or birthdates) is an indispensable tool in astrology research. In astrology, astrologers take out the important elements in the universe by projection and rewrite the state of three-dimensional space on the plane of two-dimensional space. This is the birth photo we saw.

The relationship between birth chart and people can be vividly compared to: when people were born, someone took a photo in space, which showed the positions of the stars running in the sky. Astrology is related to a person by the position of the stars at the beginning of his life. Simply put, it is to represent a person by the state of the stars when he was born.

The stars used in astrology mainly include the sun, the moon and planets in the solar system, and sometimes some asteroids and stars are added. Each star has a different meaning. The so-called constellation is to divide the ecliptic into twelve equal parts from the vernal equinox. Constellations are the background of stars, but each constellation represents different properties. When a star falls into a constellation, it will have the characteristics of that constellation. The so-called base points refer to the ascent, descent, zenith and nadir (the four coordinate vertices in the birth chart). They are all points projected on the ecliptic at a certain time and place by optical principles, and each point represents a different meaning.

The data needed to calculate the horoscope is the birth year, month, day, hour and minute of the solar calendar, so that the position of the constellation in the horoscope can be calculated first. After the celestial disk is established, according to the latitude and longitude of the place of birth and the time of birth, the zodiac signs of the site are calculated by trigonometric formula, and stars are placed in each constellation. The zodiac rotates 360 degrees every day, so the axis of the zodiac moves about every four minutes. In astrology, it is necessary to provide a very accurate birth time. In this life, when a person cries for the first time. In some ancient astrology textbooks, it is stipulated that the conjunction of stars and planets such as ascension point and transit has an influence within 9 degrees, and the phase of hedging is relatively weak. Now it seems that the tolerance of 9 degrees is too great. For planets in the solar system, the tolerance of general conjunction is only set at 5-7 degrees (except for the sun and the moon). If the tolerance range is too large, it will lead to errors in analysis. Therefore, modern astrologers limit the tolerance of the influence range of stars to 1 degree.

When interpreting the astrolabe, you can interpret your own personality display mode from the house where the stars are located. Of course, if there are no stars in the house, we should also think about the characteristics we lack while interpreting them. The representative of the house, like the spiritual index that a person will bet on on the stage of life, is more inclined to the development direction that a person will face.


1. As long as you were born in China, you don't need to change the time zone. Click on the astrolabe or list to see the Chinese explanation.

2. Select the city directly to get the latitude and longitude function.

3. Ascension and zenith can be displayed on the astrolabe like planets, and the phase can also be calculated.

4. The tolerance is changed into three optional sizes.