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What is a flying horse?

Located in the south of the celestial constellation, it is said that pigeons brought the olive branch back to Noah's ark and reported that the flood began to recede. Its position on the celestial sphere is just opposite to Ursa Major. We see that the solar system is moving towards Ursa Major, so this Ursa Major is getting farther and farther away from us.

Originally known as "Noah's Pigeon", Tian Ge was a pigeon who took an olive branch back to Noah's Ark and reported that the flood had begun to recede. In addition, there is a legend that when an expedition ship Argo from Greece to Korkas to get golden fleece entered the Black Sea, it had to pass between two huge moving rocks called "impact rocks". These two big stones often collide violently and smash any passing ships. The Argo warriors first let a pigeon fly over. At that time, although two rocks collided violently, the pigeon flew away, leaving only a little tail hair. When the rock reopened, Argo was able to pass safely and finally got back the golden crown hair. Sagittarius is the incarnation of this pigeon.

This little constellation is like a pigeon, and astronomer prentiss gave it its present name. Although this constellation is located in the southern sky and in the mid-latitude area of the northern hemisphere, it can still be seen in the dark hours of June+10 and February in 5438. Center position: 5: 50 right ascension, declination -35 degrees. South of the sky map, between the carved seat and the stern seat. Alpha star (Zhang Renyi) is a three-level star, which is in the same strain as the alpha star of the big dog and the alpha star of the puppy. Seven stars in the constellation are brighter than four.

Observation characteristics

γ is the brightest star in Sagittarius, with its middle name left 75 and apparent magnitude 3.47. , the distance is 190 light years. The middle name of Sagittarius α is Zuo Qi 1, and the apparent magnitude is 4.37. , 6 10 light-years away from Sagittarius. The middle name of pigeon beta constellation is left flag 2, which makes the brightness 4.37 and so on, and the distance is 640 light years. The above three stars are all superstars. The middle name of the δ constellation Sagittarius is Zuo Qisan, which is an irregular variable star with an apparent magnitude of 3.75 to 3.83 and a distance of 570 light years.

Sagittarius has a famous globular cluster-m 7 1, and M71lies between the γ star and δ star in Sagittarius. It is a globular cluster with brightness of 9 and apparent diameter of 6. Because the apparent diameter is too small, it looks like a nebula from binoculars. For a long time, many astronomers thought that M7 1 was more like a dense open cluster, just like M 1 1, but now people have agreed that M7 1 is indeed a loose globular cluster. Its apparent magnitude is 8.3, and it is 13000 light years away.

This is a dense spherical nebula with a bright core in the middle, belonging to the pigeon constellation. A spiral with a rod-like structure passing through the core of a galaxy.

Tiange constellation

Spiral galaxy. In the classification of galaxies, the symbol SB is used to distinguish it from the normal spiral galaxy S. In the bright galaxies all day, NGC 185 1 is about 15%. Including dark galaxies, the proportion of rod-spiral galaxies has increased to 25%. Rod spiral galaxies are similar to normal spiral galaxies in terms of mass, luminosity and spectrum, cluster types of member celestial bodies, distribution of gas and dust, structure of galaxy disk and galactic halo, and spatial distribution characteristics. The motion characteristics of NGC 185 1 rod spiral galaxy are as follows: the core is often a massive fast rotating body with complex motion state and spatial structure, and the gas and stars inside and near the rod structure have non-circular motion; NGC 185 1 galaxy disk seems to occupy the main position outside the galaxy, accounting for a large part of the mass of the galaxy. There are many basic problems to be solved in NGC 185 1 rod spiral galaxy, such as how the rod structure was formed and what role it played in the evolution of the galaxy.

According to Hubble classification and Vokuro classification, rod-spiral galaxies can be divided into three categories: ① normal rod-spiral galaxies SBa, SBb and SBc;; ② lenticular rod spiral galaxy SB0;; ③ Irregular rod spiral galaxies SBd and SBm. Normal rod-spiral galaxies are characterized by an obvious rod-like structure, and the spiral arms extend from the end of the rod, usually at 90 degrees to the rod body. The spiral arms spread more and more from A to C, and the rod structures of SBa and SBb are smooth, while there are obvious bright stars, bright knots or bright clusters on the rod body and spiral arms of SBc. The difference between the lens-shaped rod-shaped spiral galaxy SB0 and the elliptical galaxy is that there is no spiral arm. Its shape is like the theta of the Greek alphabet, that is, there is a bright nucleus in the center, a lenticular galaxy disk with dark brightness and dark nucleus center outside the nucleus, and the two ends of the rod generally intersect with the periphery of the disk. The rod-like structures of irregular rod-spinning galaxies SBd and SBm are not necessarily in the center of the galaxies. The luminosity of rod structures accounts for about 10~20% of the luminosity of galaxies, and the color is often redder than that of spiral arms.

Tiange constellation

From the end of 19 to the beginning of the 20th century, a new catalog of nebula clusters (NGC catalog for short) and its supplement (IC catalog for short) were published, in which the naming and numbering of celestial bodies are still used today. [1] Because the nature of the nebula was not known at the time of compiling the table, the galactic nebula was mixed with the extragalactic galaxy. After the establishment of galaxy astronomy, bright galaxy table, galaxy redshift table, galaxy morphological classification table and galaxy cluster table came out one after another. In recent years, catalogues of special extragalactic objects such as quasars, interacting galaxies and exciting galaxies have been compiled. NGC 185 1: This is a bright spiral galaxy. Seen from the earth, it consists of a bright north-south bar and a dark spotted spiral arm with a magnitude of +9.4.

The New General Catalogue (NGC) is one of the most widely known catalogues of deep space objects in amateur astronomy. It includes nearly 8000 celestial bodies, which are called NGC celestial bodies. [2]NGC is one of the most comprehensive catalogs, which includes all types of deep space objects (not just galaxies). The list was first made by J.L.E Derel in 1880s according to William Herschel's observation, and then it added two contents of the directory list (ICI&; After ICII), nearly 5000 celestial bodies were added at once. The celestial bodies in the southern sky are not well classified, but most of them have been observed by John Herschel. NGC also has many errors, most of which have been corrected by RNGC.

NGC 185 1 is a bright spiral galaxy. Seen from the earth, it consists of a bright north-south bar and a dark spotted spiral arm with a magnitude of +9.4. Galaxies become a mess, usually because they have only recently collided with neighboring galaxies, but the spiral galaxy NGC 185 1 is lonely and undisturbed. Under the irradiation of blue new massive stars, the star formation activity in NGC 185 1 is very strong, and it is classified as a starburst galaxy. The singular features of NGC 185 1 include its asymmetric scroll arm and its rotation axis which is not in the center of the mandrel. The NGC 185 1 in the above picture is about 50000 light years, located in the pigeon constellation in the southern sky, about15 million light years away from us.

Most stars in the universe have one or more companion stars. These binary systems attract each other, so they get together and revolve around each other. Sagittarius μ-star dwarf nova belongs to a typical binary system of exploding stars, in which one star is a white dwarf, the corpse of the last stage of a star's life, and the other Sagittarius is a red dwarf, a small and cold star. Astronomers divide explosive variables into two categories: dwμrfnovμe, the small one, and clμssicμlnovμe, the large one. When the latter explodes, it is 1 10,000 to1100,000 times brighter than the former for a long time. Observers have found that the system explodes in small scale every three weeks, causing some substances to hit the surface of dwarfs. According to the earth's 53 1 light-year, ZC μ m ROP μ rd μ lis (ZC μ m for short) is the focus of this discovery. In this star system, white dwarfs will accumulate and absorb hydrogen-containing substances of red dwarfs. This process releases gravitational energy, which is then converted into heat energy, making the system emit light every few weeks or months.

The evidence found by the ultraviolet telescope on NASA's GμLEX(GμlμxyEvolutionExplorer) shows that some binary systems can continue to shine with the light of small explosions after violent explosions. Pictures from the Galactic Evolution Detector (GμLEX) confirmed that the gas shell discovered four years ago was the residue left by the big explosion of the binary star ZC μ mm. This discovery supports a theory 20 years ago that the binary star system will eventually experience two types of explosions, not just one way. The research results were published in the journal Nature on March 8th.

According to the theory, the dwarf nova in μ Sagittarius will eventually accumulate enough matter and pressure through the hydrogen storage sucker, thus stimulating a huge "hydrogen energy bomb", which will lead to the explosion of the classic nova. Before GμLEX began to observe Sagittarius in 2003, there was no definite evidence that the binary system experienced two types of explosions. This star became invivo in 15000.

Important main star

Pegasus μ star

This is one of the three famous runaway stars. It moves at a speed of 60 miles per hour (100 km/s) in the Milky Way. This star looks as if it was suddenly exploded by the Orion Nebula millions of years ago-probably a supernova explosion. The other two such stars are Aries 53 and Auriga AE, which seem to illuminate the diffuse nebula IC405.

According to the earth's 53 1 light-year, ZCμmerop μ rd μ lis (ZC μ m for short) is the focus of this discovery. In this star system, white dwarfs will accumulate and absorb hydrogen-containing substances of red dwarfs. This process releases gravitational energy, which is then converted into heat energy, making the system emit light every few weeks or months.

Most stars in the universe have one or more companion stars. These binary systems attract each other, so they get together and revolve around each other. Sagittarius μ-star dwarf nova belongs to a typical binary system of exploding stars, in which one star is a white dwarf, the corpse of the last stage of a star's life, and the other Sagittarius is a red dwarf, a small and cold star. Astronomers divide explosive variables into two categories: dwμrfnovμe, the small one, and clμssicμlnovμe, the large one. When the latter explodes, it is 1 10,000 to1100,000 times brighter than the former for a long time. Observers have found that the system explodes in small scale every three weeks, causing some substances to hit the surface of dwarfs.

The evidence found by the ultraviolet telescope on NASA's GμLEX(GμlμxyEvolutionExplorer) shows that some binary systems can continue to shine with the light of small explosions after violent explosions. Pictures from the Galactic Evolution Detector (GμLEX) confirmed that the gas shell discovered four years ago was the residue left by the big explosion of the binary star ZC μ mm. This discovery supports a theory 20 years ago that the binary star system will eventually experience two types of explosions, not just one way. The research results were published in the journal Nature on March 8th.

According to the theory, the dwarf nova in μ Sagittarius will eventually accumulate enough matter and pressure through the hydrogen storage sucker, thus stimulating a huge "hydrogen energy bomb", which will lead to the explosion of the classic nova. Before GμLEX began to observe Sagittarius in 2003, there was no definite evidence that the binary system experienced two types of explosions. This star became invivo in 15000.