Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Is the biggest misunderstanding of human nature in the TV series "Heaven" not ignorance, but logical confusion?

Is the biggest misunderstanding of human nature in the TV series "Heaven" not ignorance, but logical confusion?

The TV series Paradise is adapted from Doudou's novel The Distant Savior, which tells the story of human nature constantly shuttling between desire and greed. Only an expert can practice by doing things and realize the Tao by doing things naturally. Among you and me, Confucian scholars are unsophisticated, smooth but principled.

We don't always know everything, nor do we always know everything in advance. We must fully understand everything in advance. Because of the laws of nature, no one can escape Is it because the world is going to be destroyed that we must eat, drink and be merry, so that we can sink into the present, whether we like it or not?

Heaven is the law of nature. Do people who believe in Buddhism do the opposite? The biggest illusion is to let go? Tao? It's complicated to think of. For thousands of years, Taoist books have made a comeback. That scripture is the true scripture, and Taoism is the truth. In the final analysis, it is never Tao, but people who are confused.

At the beginning of a dream of red mansions, everyone knows that immortals are good, but a wife at home can't forget them. Knowing is one thing, and choosing is another. Many people will choose, but in the process of practice, emotions are normal, and some things follow instinct, regardless of human consciousness.

Logical confusion is the best proof that thousands of years of culture have shaped personal cultural attributes. I reason with you, you argue with me, I argue with you, you pretend to be a grandson with me, and I pretend to be a grandson with you. You always tell me logically that it is wrong. Sticking to right and wrong is a reflection in itself. Right and wrong are mostly shaped by concepts and concepts, and right and wrong under the stereotype effect is meaningless.

In the understanding of Tao, who has who's opinion, because people are different, Tao Te Ching has never been about Tao, morality, nor is it a classic. ? Tao Te Ching? Talking about a cosmology and methodology, many people regard Tao Te Ching as an introductory book of philosophy, while others regard Tao Te Ching as a universal law of cosmic relations.

In fact, why was the Tao Te Ching originally? Secret? The representative of a strong culture has become a popular book, because he doesn't understand, so he should understand. Most people don't know anything, most of them are arty and taken out of context. A natural statement is absolutely first-rate.

Many people question the mystery and mystery, so they don't know. Because they don't know, they always push the mystery and status of knowledge to metaphysics, thinking that it is unscientific, pseudoscientific, or even in name only. In fact, whether it is Feng Shui, Qi Huang Theory or even Taoism, it is a powerful logical thinking mode. It is not only the universal law of the mathematical world, but also the underlying logic of the operation of the universe.

Twelve constellations, twenty-eight stars, three hundred and sixty-five Sundays, three thousand worlds, fifty worlds, ten worlds, and even Jin Mu's fire, water and earth, we thought it was feudal superstition, but it was actually the core academic system of that era and the most quintessential thing in China's traditional culture.

Many things are lost in the long river of history. Whether it's the book of Hutuluo or gossip, whether it's the return to Tibet, mountains and rivers, and changes, people pay attention to the relationship between the universe and have rules to follow. Man himself is the universe. Whether it is Huangdi Neijing or Chinese medicine, the core technology is to construct body balance through world outlook, and to prescribe the right medicine from meridians, qi and blood, qi and blood, bile and spirit.

Wenzhi's martial arts has never been a must-have skill in Jianghu, but a need of practice. When people grow up, they must see themselves, the world, society and all beings clearly. If they want to be strong, they must practice themselves, treat their souls with literary records and practice martial arts. Does a person have the factors to overcome difficulties, is he strong enough, and the strong logic is that he can fight against heaven, earth and people.

Heaven is the law of nature. Do people who believe in Buddhism do the opposite?

This sentence is inaccurate. Draw a circle in a circle. Heaven is heaven, and the laws of nature are objective laws. The law of nature is a part of heaven, not the whole, but also the laws of culture, cause and effect, fate, human nature and social development.

A self-cultivation person. He practiced not for Tao, but for Tao. Doing things that go against the Tao is also a kind of practice. Just like the harmony between man and nature, there are different ways of cultivation, and there is no right or wrong. The method that suits him is the best method.

Judging what the logic of a sentence is, it is easy to fall into the key asymmetry problem. The logic of Ding Yuanying's cupping is not that he is unfilial, nor that he cherishes money. What he cherishes is his father's dignity, but many people can't see it. Ding Yuanying didn't want to use his reputation of filial piety to make his father fall into a situation without dignity, and he didn't want to compromise for the sake of secularity.

Cultural differences are reflected in this way. No matter how much Ding Yuanying says, his brother and sister don't agree with their values. Because of deep-rooted traditional ideas, some people may not want to think independently, but are willing to talk to secular culture? No? It seems simple, but it is difficult to do.

Only Ding Yuanying understands the value of Ding Yuanying, others, hehe.

Thinking is the paradise of our consciousness, thinking is a three-dimensional thing, three-dimensional space or higher, rational thinking, perceptual thinking and gray thinking are all basic parts, and more is seeking truth from facts and seeking truth from extremes.

The world view does not care about mountains and rivers, but lies in its own thinking structure and important components. The human brain, human heart and human nature are so complicated that I don't know how much higher than artificial intelligence. The reason why a superior person is tall is that the pattern, thinking, principles and bottom line of being a man are different, but there is only one core, practicing the dharma in your heart, not seemingly unscrupulous.

Han Chufeng's entry into WTO is very orthodox. Ding Yuanying's sword is biased. Right or wrong is not enough to judge them. In fact, they all change themselves and the world in their own way? A little? .

The spiritual core of Taoism and nature, from the Lord, from God to man, Tao Te Ching, Tao, morality and classics. Tao is still that Tao, and virtue is the embodiment of personal cultivation and will, and classics are the methods that can be based on. If crossing becomes an objective reality, we must first know the coordinates. Time, space and even our own souls are all coordinates.

Reading can't read your own humanity, but you can see different choices of different people and the principles and bottom lines they stick to. Rui Xiao Dan may be a goddess, but she shows compassion in practice, cognition and instinct. Ding Yuanying's wisdom is the result of acquired practice. There is a distance between him and Ding Yuanying, and his childlike innocence and brave heart are not simply expressed. Roots and wisdom are a gift, only his mind and personality.

It is easy to read others, but difficult to see yourself. Let yourself know the reality and have hope. This is the correct way to open it. We may not be saviors or drug gods, but we must be individuals. People are animals and have instinct. But man is a multivariate invariant function, which changes our desire and greed. What remains unchanged is our initial heart, which is the origin of coordinates. If the heart is still, the wind does not move, the heart moves at will, and the environment turns at will.