Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The national legends of the moon goddess in the world are all women?

The national legends of the moon goddess in the world are all women?

The moon gods of all nationalities in the world are not all women!

In Japan, Luna is called "the life of Harle", the younger brother of the great imperial god Sun God, and the second son of the creative gods Enoch Zun and Yiran Zun. Born in the right eye of the great god.

In India, luna is a part-time drug god in sumo wrestling. Sumo: Dionysus in ancient Indian mythology, which later evolved into the title of Luna. "Sumo" was originally a creeping weed. After soaking the stems in water, the yellow juice was squeezed out with stones, filtered with a wool sieve, diluted with water, mixed with milk and wheat flour, and fermented into sumo wine. In Indian mythology, this wine is often used to worship gods. In Rigveda, sumo wine is called the nectar of the gods, which can give the drinker supernatural power or eternal power. In the epic, sumo is in charge of sacrifice, asceticism, constellations and herbs, and is the protector of the four.

In the two river basins, Gu Yue is Nanna, the child of the Lord God enlil and the goddess Ninglear.

In Egypt, it was first Aha, the moon god, and then Kongsu, the son of Amon, the sun god.

In Germanic, the moon god is Mona, and his name later became "Monday".

In Celtic, the moon god is Dana.

In ancient Greece, themis, the goddess of the moon, was the sister of Apollo, the sun god. She is very beautiful and a very powerful archer. She is in charge of hunting, often accompanied by her beloved bow, arrow and hound. She drives a silver carriage through the night sky every day, representing the cold, loneliness and dead road at night. She is also the patron saint of unmarried girls-she herself is unmarried for life,