Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Is it appropriate for Sagittarius boys and Pisces girls to be together?

Is it appropriate for Sagittarius boys and Pisces girls to be together?

You are all flexible people, tolerant and generous, willing to listen to and understand other people's different views. This means that neither of you will try to control each other or get into a power struggle of "who rules who".

However, Sagittarius is a fire sign and Pisces is a water sign, so sometimes it may be difficult for you to communicate. Pisces talks in a roundabout way, thinking that a keen sense of atmosphere is more important than a rational explanation. Sagittarius people are straightforward, frank and enthusiastic, and sometimes they blurt out some hurtful words.

Sagittarius boy

Sagittarius is a mythical figure, half-man, half-horse, always aiming at a target on the distant horizon and shooting his own arrow, and then flying past. You shoot an intuitive arrow at a distant goal in the future and spend most of your time chasing it. A big question is whether you aim at it. The next question is whether you can find the arrow. What you are really interested in is exciting scenery and fascinating journey, but the goal is insignificant after all.

For you, life is all about adventure and exploration. The real game of life is to make the journey as interesting, changeable and rich as possible. Reaching the finish line is not the key. If the plot requires it, you will also act noble and solemn. But since you are a skilled actor, you can play any role you need and let yourself enter the next stage of your journey.

Ideal is your driving force. Maybe something new and exciting is waiting for you not far away-undiscovered treasures, mysteries to be explored, unattainable goals and lovers sneaking away. You worry that if you focus too much on the present, you may miss something.

Pisces girl

Sagittarius boy married Pisces girl. As true romantics, Pisces always love-if they don't love someone, they love a dream, a creative vision or a career. The nature of Pisces is to give.

Although some Pisces are intimidated by their own needs, they are indifferent, but their partners are full of sensitivity, gentleness and the ability to put themselves in others' shoes. Most Pisces put their ancestors before themselves and will show their gentleness and care generously. A small number of Pisces will create all kinds of dramatic scenes, or deliberately play the victim who needs everyone's sympathy, because he needs constant attention from others. However, regardless of the external performance, Pisces has deep feelings for things.

Pisces will devote 100% love when they are in love. Loyalty and commitment to your lover are not in Pisces' nature. However, love is here, today, at this moment, at this moment, and it can't be taken away. If you put these moments together, you will find that this is life. Pisces is always ready to take anyone's side, but their behavior is often misunderstood. Sometimes they just accept your idea out of sympathy, which is not true. You can't have Pisces. They are easy to respond to others. Maybe you will get used to it.