Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What does constellation tolerance mean _ What is constellation tolerance?

What does constellation tolerance mean _ What is constellation tolerance?

Ask the astrologer! urgent

Astrology Astrology Software User's Guide

This paper only expounds the use of the software, please refer to the meaning of astrological terms in common words of astrology.

1. Understand the astrolabe

When running the Astrolog.exe file, you will first see a circular astrolabe (the word chart will be called astrolabe below).

)。 If you enter the text interface, please press the "V" key.

1. symbol

The twelve constellations are distributed equidistantly along the great circle on the map, that is, the zodiac. They are displayed on the outer circle of the astrolabe, marked with the symbol of each constellation, and the small symbol in the same grid represents the ruler of this constellation.

In astrology, the coordinates of a star on the ecliptic, that is, the longitude of the celestial sphere, are expressed by constellations. "20Ari40" means that Aries is at 20 degrees 40 minutes, that is, 20 degrees 40 minutes of the yellow meridian, while "20Tau40" means that Taurus is at 20 degrees 40 minutes, that is, 50 degrees 40 minutes of the yellow meridian, because each constellation occupies 30 degrees of the yellow meridian.

The abbreviations of constellations are as follows:

Ari- Aries; Tau- Taurus; Gem-Gemini; Cancer; Leo-lion; Vir- virgin; Lib- Libra; Sco- Scorpio; Sag- shooter; Cap- Capricorn; Water bottle containing water; Pisces

Step 2: house

Twelve unequal fan-shaped areas marked with numbers in the inner circle of the astrolabe are called palaces. Similarly, the little symbol is the ruler of the house. In the second paragraph of the text area on the right, the sharp corner positions of each palace are listed.

There are two straight lines through the astrolabe. The horizontal line runs through the horizon, and the longitude line goes from top to bottom. The eastern and western ends of the horizon (on the right and west of Zuo Dong), namely the heads of the first and seventh houses, are called Ascending Point (Asc) and Descending Point (Des) respectively, and the upper and lower ends of the meridian, namely the heads of the tenth and fourth houses, are called Zenith (MC) and Zenith (IC) respectively. The constellation where the rising point is located is the so-called rising constellation.

3. Objectives

Stars (including planets and other celestial bodies) are displayed as marking points in the central area of the astrolabe. The third paragraph in the text area on the right lists the specific positions of the stars.

Some stars have a white "R" after the degree, which means that the star runs retrograde, that is, from west to east. The angle shown in gray is the latitude of the celestial sphere, which has no meaning to astrology, only the position of the stars.

The abbreviations of major stars are as follows:

Sun Sun Moon Moon Mercury Venus Mars

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

chir Long Xing Ceres Ceres Pall Pallas Athena Juno Vesta Vesta

Node North Intersection Lilliburg Wealth Point Vertical Fatal Point East Point

4. Stage (aspect)

The phase is the angle between the stars, which is marked with straight lines of different colors on the map. Orb means that the smaller the error, the thicker the line, and vice versa.

The abbreviations and various names of the basic stages are as follows:

Disadvantages: 0 degrees/combination/meeting; OPP: 180 degrees/phase/offset; SQU: 90 degrees/quadrant/penalty; Three: 120 degrees/three-phase/arch; Gender: 60 degrees/one sixth/half joint

5. Distribution statistics of star positions

In the fourth paragraph at the bottom of the text area, the number of stars falling into various types of constellations and houses is listed:

Fire, earth, air, fire, water, earth, wind and water constellations Vehicle fixed Mut standard fixed variable constellations

Positive and negative constellations of yin and yang

M N A D is located in the house above and below the horizon, east and west of the meridian.

The first six constellations and the last six constellations of Learn are shared based on Ang Suc Cad.

Two. Basic operation

1. Enter the astrolabe data.

Select information-> Set the chart information and fill in the month, day, year and time. Daylight Is "daylight saving time", that is, daylight saving time, usually choose No. Time zone instant zone, please fill in -8:00 in China. Below is the latitude and longitude. Accurate time and latitude and longitude are very important for calculating the position of the palace. After confirmation, what you see is the astrolabe you entered.

You can save the astrolabe data as a file for next call: File-& gt;; Save chart information. If you use file->; Save the position of the astrolabe. This file records the position of the constant star and does not contain the astrolabe data (time and place, etc.). ).

In the information->; In the default chart information, you can set the usual time zone and latitude and longitude. The bottom is revised to now. If it is -8:00 time zone, please fill in "-960" to ensure that the time when calculating the chart is consistent with your computer clock.

2. Two commonly used switches

Author: obsessed with death

2005-1-1108: 45 Reply to this statement.

2 Astrology Astrology Software User Guide

Switch between graphical and text interfaces: View-> Display graphics and many functions in astrology have two states: graphics and text.

Show a simple explanation: View-& gt;; Display explanation, which can display simple explanation in text state. In fact, it is the key word of the program combination.

Limit the number of stars

Ten planets are usually used in astrology, but sometimes other celestial bodies such as asteroids are also used, which are set in->; Settings in restrictions. Note that the box here is unchecked, and it is blank.

The first column contains ten planets, the first five in the second column are asteroids, and the last five are some special celestial bodies. One of them is the Lilith /S node, and Lilith and the south intersection share a position. Lilith is calculated by default. If you want to calculate the south intersection, please open Settings-> Calculate the settings and choose to use ephemeris file.

The third column is the head of the zodiac. If selected, they will be displayed in the chart like stars, and their phases will be calculated. Finally, there are eight super planets. There is a star, in the setting is->; Choose from the star limit.

4. Limit the phase

Usually only the above five basic phases are calculated, but they can be calculated in Settings->; Select other stages in the feature settings. In addition, you can also modify the tolerance (orb) and influence, which will be discussed later.

In settings->; In object settings and more object settings, you can further set the tolerance of a single star, which is actually calculated according to the smaller of the two tolerances. And set the influence value of the stars here.

5. Settings on the monitor

View-> Print the nearest second. If you think that the angle displayed in minutes is not accurate enough, please select this option to display in seconds.

Entry stage and exit stage: View-> In terms of application, when this option is selected, whether the calculation phase is forming (entering the phase) or disappearing (leaving the phase).

Same stage: View-> The parallel phase does not use the usual longitude phase, but uses the same phase calculated by declination.

Graphics-> Add phase information. When selected, the influence of auspicious phase, lost phase, combined phase and overall influence will be displayed in the text area on the right.

There are many display settings in view menu and graphic menu, such as changing colors, because it is easier to master, so I won't talk nonsense here.

6. Astrological background

Stellar ecliptic: setting->; The zodiac of stars usually adopts the return to the zodiac. If this option is selected, it will use the ecliptic of the star marked by the actual position of the constellation in astronomy.

Heliocentrism Astrology: Settings-> Heliocentrism, calculate the astrolabe with the sun as the center, not the earth.

Separate Palace System: Settings-> Palace system and palace division system may be one of the most controversial issues in astrology. Placidus or Koch is usually used.

After making these changes, you can use File-& gt;; Save Settings Saves the settings in the Astrolog.dat file. Otherwise, it will be the same next time.

7. animated astrolabe

The animation menu is used to make the astrolabe change automatically with time.

The first animation->; Choose a unit in the jump rate and the astrolabe will change accordingly. You can choose to change several units at a time in the skip factor. During the animation, you can manually reverse, pause or move forward or backward.

Select animation-> Time exposure will produce an effect similar to multiple exposures, that is, the results of each change will remain on the map.

8. Other things worth mentioning

Output data: file-> Saving chart text output and the following items can save the text and graphics in astrology as text files, bitmaps, wmf files and postscript files. Similarly, these functions can also be completed by clicking Copy in the Edit menu.

Edit-> Enter the command line, enter the command line. This may be for the convenience of users of Dos version. In fact, all commands can be implemented in the menu.

Graphics-> Show the world map, show the world map. There is a very interesting function here: pressing the right mouse button at a certain point on the map will store the latitude and longitude of that point in the astrolabe data. Display globe and display polar globe show two different directions of the earth. If Show Constellation is turned on, the constellation will be displayed.

Three. Combined quotation and annual quotation

1. Ready

Usage information-> Before calculating the combined disk or annual disk; Set the chart #2 information and enter the data of the second astrolabe in the same way as the first one.

To return to the original single astrolabe, select Info-& gt;; There is no relationship chart. Note that if you animate the astrolabe at the close, chart #2 will change.

Author: obsessed with death

2005-1-1108: 45 Reply to this statement.

3 Astrology Astrology Software User Guide

2. Four kinds of closing tools

The following four items in the "Information" menu are tools for calculating shutdown, which are explained as follows:

A comparison chart, a comparison disk, shows the stars in two astrolabes on the same disk to see the phase relationship. The disk shows the house of chart # 1, the star of chart # 1 is in the inner circle, and chart #2 is in the outer circle. Of course, at this time, only the phase between the two astrolabes is displayed, and the internal phase is not displayed.

Synastry chart, closing, similar to the comparison chart but only showing chart #2, observe that the relationship between them falls into chart # 1 palace.

Composite diagram, combined midpoint diagram, the position of each star in this astrolabe is taken from the midpoint of the corresponding star in two disks.

Time/space midpoint diagram, a time/space midpoint diagram, which is calculated by taking the midpoint according to the time and latitude and longitude of two altimeters respectively. Note that after using this item, the result will be saved in the chart # 1, and the original data will be washed away.

3. The third and fourth astrolabes

Astrologers can calculate up to four astrolabes at the same time. Of course, this is only limited to the role of the comparison disk, and the phase is not counted. In the information->; Enter or open each astrolabe in charts #3 and #4 respectively, and then select the calculated number of astrolabes.

4. Delay disk

I wonder if it is appropriate to translate the word transit into fleeting time. Maybe it should be called transportation or something. The tool for calculating the annual disk is Info-& gt;; Zhongtian and Natal are actually exactly the same as the comparison disk mentioned above. But as a special tool, you can find it in Settings->; In transit restrictions, the stars shown in chart #2 are restricted separately, and of course the stars in this chart are still in Settings->; Restrict.

5. Another method

You can also use Chart-& gt;; Transit is used to calculate the year of flow. You don't need to set chart #2, just enter the date and time directly (please confirm that it is a single disk). Select a method in the box in the upper left corner:

Transit to Transit Hits displays the phase and time of the chart in a day, and Transit to Transit Influence lists all the phases in the chart according to the influence. Transit to Natal Hits shows the formation stages and time between the annual chart and the daily chart in a day. The influence of transit on Natal lists all stages between the annual chart and the daily chart according to the influence.

One day is calculated above because the gift day is selected in the upper right box, and the situation of January, one year or several years can also be calculated. Turn on Show Returns Only to calculate albedo only.

Step 6 push the tray

Information-> Progress and Natal are a push plate, and one day represents one year to calculate one year's luck. Like the last one, you can set-> The stars displayed in the wheeled tray are individually restricted during the restriction.

You can also use Chart-& gt;; Progress to calculate the push, so that the result only shows the push disk. Pay attention to the inspection procedure when using. If you want to go back to the original astrolabe, leave this switch blank and do it again.

7. Others

Information-> The date difference chart can display the number of years, months and days between chart # 1 and chart #2.

Information-> Biological rhythm diagram should be called life curve. This seems to have nothing to do with astrology, but it is put here as an incidental function.

Four. Charts in the Chart menu

1. standard list

The first part has discussed the image mode. In text mode, there are several other items besides the above items. Ruhr. R and F indicate that the star falls in its guardian and lost constellations respectively, and E and D indicate that the star falls in its rising and falling constellations respectively. These positions of the stars can be found in Help->; Found in display object

Rule number two. (in square brackets) is the situation of the palace. There are two items, the first is to calculate the guardian star of the house itself, and the second is to calculate the owner of a house. Veloc in the back is the speed of this star.

2. Palace wheel

A square astrolabe composed of characters.

3. The midpoint table of the aspect midpoint grid stage

Mark the phase (if any) and midpoint of every two stars in the grid. The diagonal line in the middle is each star, the lower left area is the symbol of phase, and the upper right area is the constellation where the midpoint is located. If you switch to the text state, the specific phase tolerance and midpoint position will be displayed.

4. Aspect List Stage List

It's the same as the last one, but this one is listed according to the strength. The tolerance is written in the back, white A indicates the phase, and gray S indicates the phase. This is in the view->; Select the application aspect, otherwise only positive and negative tolerances will be displayed. If the constellation is displayed in square brackets, it means it is retrograde.

Author: obsessed with death

2005-1-1108: 45 Reply to this statement.

4 Astrology Astrology Software User Guide

5. Midpoint list

List all the midpoints on the chart before and after this position, and the angle formed by two stars is gray behind.

6. Local horizon

It can be seen as an astrolabe drawn in another way. The center of the chart is the horizon, and the two curves (invisible in some versions) are the ecliptic and the celestial equator. From this picture, we can see the coordinate position of this star on the celestial sphere.

7. Solar system orbit

A graphic representation of the actual positions of planets in the solar system. Usually this still shows that the earth is in the center, unless the setting mentioned above->->; Choose the sun as the center.

8. Gao Kui Pan Lin

9. Calendar Calendar

Displays the calendar of the current month, or displays the calendar of the current year by changing the settings.

10. Impact

Display the monitoring graphics in a graphical state. On the far left is the constellation guardian relationship. If a star falls into the constellation guarded by the second star, there is an arrow between the first star and the second star. If a star falls into its guardian constellation, it will have a white circle on it. The gray circle indicates that several stars guard each other (give in to each other) or guard each other in cycles, and the two stars that give in to each other are indicated by white arrows.

The other two pictures are palace guardian pictures, the difference is that the middle one is the guardian star of the palace itself, and the rightmost one (some versions don't) is the main star of the palace. The top is the hierarchy diagram, and the bottom is the wheel diagram, which means the same thing.

In the written state, this is to calculate the power of the planet to see the influence of the planet. Calculate the intensity value according to position, phase and in-phase (ranking in brackets), and the sum is displayed at the back and marked with percentage. If you modify the settings, you can also display the intensity values of constellation, house position and phase. Different versions of astrology may have great differences in this function.

1 1. celestial map

The meaning of this picture can be said to be a place that changes at a fixed time. At this time, each star will be located in a different position on the celestial sphere in other parts of the earth. The four-color lines on the map represent the areas where stars rise and set, at the zenith and at the bottom of the sky.

12. Ephemeris

The trajectory of each star this month will list the specific position of each star every day in the text state. Compared with the last one, this is the change time of a fixed place.

13. Arabic point in Arabic part

List of all Arabic points. The default setting in 5.4 1F is to list only Arabic points with phase, or it can be modified to display all Arabic points. The calculation formula of each Arabic point is indicated on the right.

14. Rise and fall. Rise and fall

The time for each star to rise (rise), set (fall) and reach the vertex (lowest point) in a day is arranged in chronological order.

Most of the contents shown in these charts can be found in Chart- >; Make further settings in the chart settings.