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2018 December Auspicious Days in the Chinese Almanac for Health and Wealth

2018 December Auspicious Days in the Chinese Almanac for Health and WealthMobile version content

In Chinese culture, the concept of auspicious days based on the lunar calendar plays a significant role in various aspects of life, including health and wealth. As we delve into December 2018, let's explore the auspicious days according to the Chinese almanac, focusing on enhancing both health and wealth.

December 2018 brings forth a tapestry of celestial alignments, offering opportunities to align ourselves with favorable energies for optimal well-being and prosperity. By understanding and utilizing these auspicious days, individuals can harness the cosmic forces to enhance their physical vitality and financial abundance.

1st December 2018 - Geng Zi (庚子)

Geng Zi, the first day of December, marks a favorable time to initiate endeavors related to health and wealth. Engage in activities that promote physical fitness and vitality, such as exercise routines, health consultations, or dietary adjustments. Additionally, consider strategic financial planning or investment opportunities to fortify your economic prosperity.

7th December 2018 - Xin Wei (辛未)

On the seventh day of December, Xin Wei encourages endeavors aimed at nurturing both body and bank account. Allocate time for self-care practices, such as meditation, yoga, or spa treatments, to rejuvenate your physical and mental well-being. Simultaneously, explore avenues for financial growth, such as exploring new business ventures or enhancing existing revenue streams.

12th December 2018 - Yi You (乙酉)

Yi You, falling on the twelfth day of December, signifies a propitious occasion for balancing health and wealth pursuits. Dedicate this day to holistic wellness activities, including holistic healing therapies, acupuncture sessions, or herbal remedies, to foster optimal health. Moreover, seize the opportunity to evaluate and optimize your financial strategies for long-term prosperity.

21st December 2018 - Ren Yin (壬寅)

As December unfolds, the twenty-first day heralds Ren Yin, offering a harmonious convergence of energies conducive to health and wealth enhancement. Embrace holistic practices that promote inner equilibrium, such as tai chi, qigong, or mindfulness exercises, to cultivate a state of balance and vitality. Concurrently, explore avenues for financial diversification or investment diversification to safeguard and augment your monetary assets.

28th December 2018 - Bing Chen (丙辰)

Concluding December on a prosperous note, Bing Chen arrives on the twenty-eighth day, signaling a favorable juncture for advancing both health and wealth aspirations. Engage in activities that foster physical strength and resilience, such as outdoor workouts, nature walks, or nutritional consultations. Furthermore, strategize and execute financial plans aimed at generating sustainable wealth and abundance in the long term.

In conclusion, December 2018 presents a tapestry of auspicious days according to the Chinese almanac, offering opportunities to enhance both health and wealth. By aligning with these favorable energies and engaging in purposeful actions, individuals can cultivate vitality, prosperity, and holistic well-being in the journey of life.