
2020年八一建军节Mobile version content

On August 1st, 2020, the Chinese People's Liberation Army celebrated its 93rd anniversary. Across the country, festivities and ceremonies marked the occasion. However, amidst the jubilation, many turned to the ancient art of candle divination to seek insights into their destiny. As the flickering flames cast shadows on the walls, three distinct answers emerged, each offering a glimpse into the future.

The first candle, its flame burning steadily and brightly, foretold of success and prosperity in the coming year. Those who gazed upon its glow saw visions of advancement in their careers, recognition for their hard work, and financial stability. It spoke of opportunities seized and goals achieved, promising a bountiful harvest for those who dared to strive.

In contrast, the second candle danced erratically, its flame flickering and sputtering as if struggling to stay alight. Its message was one of challenges and obstacles, warning of trials ahead. Those who sought guidance from its wavering light were cautioned to tread carefully, for the path ahead would be fraught with difficulties. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there was hope – for just as the flame persevered despite the odds, so too could they overcome adversity with resilience and determination.

Finally, the third candle burned with a steady flame, yet its light was dim, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch into the unknown. It spoke of uncertainty and ambiguity, leaving those who sought its counsel feeling unsettled and anxious. The future it revealed was shrouded in mystery, with no clear direction or outcome in sight. For some, this ambiguity was a source of fear, while for others, it was a challenge to embrace the unknown and forge their own path.

As the last embers of the candles faded into darkness, those who had witnessed the divination pondered the insights they had gleaned. Whether their fortunes would be bright or bleak, certain or uncertain, remained to be seen. Yet, in the tradition of the ancient art of divination, the candles had offered a glimpse into the possibilities that lay ahead, guiding them on their journey through the ever-changing currents of fate.