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This year, the Qingming Festival falls on April 4th. It is a time when people pay respects to their

This year, the Qingming Festival falls on April 4th. It is a time when people pay respects to theirMobile version content

Smoothness refers to the idea of things progressing without obstacles or disturbances. During Qingming, families visit the graves of their ancestors to clean and tidy them, symbolizing the smoothing out of any disruptions or troubles that may have accumulated over time. It's a time to let go of past grievances and start afresh, fostering harmony and tranquility.

Elevation signifies upward movement, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. As people pay homage to their ancestors, they also honor their wisdom and guidance, seeking to elevate their own spirits and aspirations. Qingming is a time for introspection and self-improvement, a period when individuals strive to elevate themselves to higher levels of understanding and achievement.

Transformation represents the profound changes that occur during Qingming, both in nature and in personal lives. Spring is in full swing during this time, and the festival marks the transformation of the landscape from the cold dormancy of winter to the vibrant renewal of life. Similarly, Qingming encourages individuals to reflect on their own lives and embrace the potential for positive change and growth. It's a time to let go of old habits and attitudes that no longer serve us and embrace new opportunities for personal and spiritual development.

In conclusion, Qingming Festival embodies the ideals of smoothness, elevation, and transformation. As we honor our ancestors and reflect on the past, may we also embrace the potential for a smoother journey ahead, elevate ourselves to higher levels of understanding and virtue, and embrace the transformative power of renewal and growth in our lives.