Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Those things in the sky

Those things in the sky

First of all, understand myths, not based on modern novels or TV plays. Most of those modern screenwriters, directors and screenwriters have no traditional cultural literacy, and they are all making things up. Most of the characters they create only represent personal views and cannot be used as a basis. The myths and legends handed down by many people represent the beliefs of most people at that time and are relatively reasonable. So, watching those TV shows makes me sick, too.

It is not surprising that both the Monkey King and Nezha defeated the Four Seas Dragon King. The Dragon King is the rain god in China mythology, and his position is not high. You see King Jinghe in The Journey to the West was cheated by a fortune teller. He broke the law and was hit by a personal Cao Zheng.

As for the Monkey King, there seems to be a gap between the former and the latter, which is not surprising. This is because "it is easier for the devil than for the devil." First of all, the Monkey King was a demon when there was trouble in the Heavenly Palace. His strength in the heavenly palace is absolutely first-class, and the worst is one-on-one hit, escape and change. There is no burden. If you hit it, you will hit it. If you can't hit it, you will run. His somersault cloud is too fast for anyone to help. Make noise! Isn't the fairy in the sky awesome? Can't catch me! I'm so angry with you! When you study classics, it's different. He is a demon, and he must be absolutely sure. And many monsters are also masters. For example, in those days, many immortal mounts were also demons, and they were painstakingly conquered by immortals, just like Niu Wangmo, who had great magical powers. The Monkey King, Pig Bajie, Li Tianwang, Nezha, Brother Jintou, Liu Ding Liu Jia, Patron Galand and Si donkey kong made great efforts to catch him! Therefore, the Monkey King can subdue the demon, but it is not easy to subdue it. In addition, when the Monkey King made a scene in the Heavenly Palace, he highlighted the word "noisy". It is not his power that can really overthrow the Heavenly Palace. When he made a scene in the Heavenly Palace, he didn't even see the jade emperor's face, like many great gods, such as Sanqing (primitive Buddha, Taishang Laojun, Lingbao Buddha) and Yusi (Taiyi, the green emperor of the East Pole, saved the suffering Buddha, and the immortal emperor of the South Pole, Xixi). The holy emperor in the East, Guanyin in the South Pole, the mysterious spirit in the North Pole, and the Great Immortal in the Central Yellow Pole and Yellow Horn are all top immortals in the sky, and they will not make a move unless they overthrow the heaven. (Of course, although these immortals are super powerful, it should be no problem to defeat the Monkey King, but it is really not easy to catch this slippery monkey. No one wants to lose face without absolute certainty. ) and the Monkey King in the heavenly palace, noisy badly, but still far from overthrowing!

Besides, Hong Haier is not a child. In Journey to the West, he said that he had been practicing in the Flame Mountain for 300 years. the Monkey King was mainly afraid of smoke and fire, which was explained by the Monkey King in the gossip furnace.

4. On the issue of human death. According to China's myth, after death, the body dies and the soul is driven into the underworld, where it is "dissolved" according to the behavior before death. Bad guys are punished in 18th floor hell, including: Jin Hang prison, Una prison, fire pit prison, Du Feng prison, tongue-pulling prison, skinning prison, crushing prison, cramming prison, car crash prison, frozen prison, shell-breaking prison, intestine-pumping prison, frying pan prison, dark prison, Daoshan prison, blood pool prison, A-nose prison and weighing beam. The worst can never be reborn and sentenced to life imprisonment in hell. After being tortured, evil spirits and good people went to the six divisions in the wheel of karma to be reincarnated. These six wheels of division include: Heaven, Heaven, Serra, Man, Animal, Hungry Ghost and Hell. In other words, you may not be reborn as a human being, but you may be an animal. Therefore, people are afraid of death.

As for immortals, they are immortals. The so-called immortality mainly includes two aspects: one is the natural life span, which is ruled by the underworld; Secondly, Du Jie, the so-called once-in-500-year robbery,1once-in-500-year robbery, is something that all monks must experience, even Yamaraja, a triad society. For example, the Monkey King changed the book of life and death. The natural life span of monkeys in Huaguoshan is infinite (the underworld can't be controlled), but they may not live in Du Jie. There is a third situation, which is accidental death. Even if you can go to Du Jie and get killed, you will still die. The so-called immortal guest becomes a short-lived person halfway. For example, Tang Priest can live forever after eating ginseng fruit, but he will still die after being eaten by goblins. Besides, Shen Yuan's out-of-body experience and death are two different things. Immortals (such as the Monkey King) went to the underworld, which was Shen Yuan's out-of-body experience, the so-called "autopsy". He really went to the underworld. However, if he is killed, he will still die, but his soul will go to the underworld, and his soul will not have any magical power. He will still enter the eighteenth floor of hell, fall into the six divisions in the wheel of karma, and be reborn. No one is allowed to be a man or a beast in the next life. So immortals are also afraid of death.

5. In the development of China myth, all ancient gods can get married, and their descendants are immortal and are gods. For example, heaven and earth, Fuxi, Houyi and so on. Later, due to the emergence of strict religions such as Taoism and Buddhism. They advocate that people can become immortals and buddhas through practice, and oppose the theory of immortal lineage. Only in this way can someone go to religious practice, otherwise your parents must be immortals, so what's the use of others practicing? And practice requires abstinence, so under the influence of Buddhism and Taoism, Chinese immortals never get married. The Jade Emperor and the Empress Dowager evolved from ancient immortals, so they can get married.

6. The Buddha is a man who realizes and knows, that is, he gains great wisdom and sees through all three phases of the universe. That is "enlightened". Since the enlightenment, we have been able to see through all three phases of the universe, which is beyond the reach of great magical powers. Therefore, Buddha is omnipotent. Fighting Buddha should be defined as the highest realm of Buddhist practitioners. Buddhism is not officialdom, it only emphasizes the level of practice. Since you can become a Buddha, Buddhism and compassion can naturally benefit one side, but it cannot be understood as being an official.

7. The Journey to the West is a great work with many metaphors. The so-called "flesh and blood are more important than Mount Tai" symbolizes that it is difficult for people to achieve positive results in their practice. In the Journey to the West, the Monkey King said: Sending Mount Tai is as light as mustard seed, but it is hard to get rid of the mortal world. That's what I mean. You can't move your back here, and you can't drive the clouds behind the Tang Priest. In the Journey to the West, the Monkey King said, "Although this kind of exorcist slaps the face, he can't be dragged into the air. If you do that, so can I. I know all the methods of stealth and land contraction. But it's just that the owner has to experience a foreign country in poverty and can't get rid of the pain, so he can't move. All you and I do is support him and let him live. He can't replace these troubles and can't get them. Even if I can see the Buddha first, the Buddha will not give you my kindness. " In other words, the Monkey King can do this. However, the process of Tang Priest's learning from the scriptures is itself a process of practice robbery. Only in this way can Father Tang Can achieve a positive result and get the real scriptures. Therefore, the Monkey King can't let Tang Priest cross the river. In that case, the Tang Priest can't get away with the truth without a bullet.

8. This is the same thing. Tang Priest has to be robbed to get rid of the world of mortals and achieve a positive result.

9. As I said before, understanding myths should not be based on modern novels or TV series. Most of the modern screenwriters, directors and screenwriters have no traditional cultural literacy, and the TV dramas of Aquilaria sinensis are all made up by editors. The original myths and legends are not like this, and there is no distinction between old and new.

10. Yes. The full name of the Jade Emperor is "Heaven and Man, Golden Que, Supreme Nature, Milla to the True Jade Emperor". As the king of the gods, the realm of cultivation is not necessarily the highest, but the divine right is the greatest. He lives in Milla Tiangong, the golden valve of heaven, with solemn beauty, supreme dharma body, dominating the heavens, leading all saints in an all-round way, dominating the universe, educating all the heavens, practicing heaven, spreading the virtue of the jade emperor, creating everything, helping all people, weighing the three realms, ruling all souls and boundless people, and being the highest god and emperor in the sky. In short, the Jade Emperor is in charge of three realms (heaven, earth and earth), ten squares (four directions, four dimensions, up and down), four lives (viviparous, oviparous, wet and metaplasia) and six meridians (heaven, man, demon, hell, beast and hungry ghost). According to the Journey to the West, Buddha is one of the five elders (the Buddha in the West, the sage in the East, Guanyin in the South Pole, the mysterious spirit in the North Pole, and the great fairy in the yellow pole and yellow horn in the middle), so the Jade Emperor can naturally give orders. Of course, the Buddha is powerful, and the Jade Emperor should be polite.

Journey to the West: The Tathagata listened to the imperial edict and said to all the Bodhisattvas,' Sit here in the Dharma Hall, and don't disturb the meditation position until I practice my magic and rescue the coachman.' -the word "Zhao Wen" is used here, which is obviously the tone of accepting orders. Also: If the Tathagata dare not disobey, give thanks with folded hands: What's the clever way for the old monk to come here under the orders of the Buddha? ..... The use of the words "dare not" and "declare life" here also shows that the jade emperor can call the Tathagata in name.

1 1. A six-year-old boy is a typical traditional school, and his journey to the west pays more attention to the original work. Naturally, Stephen Chow's Wulitou Westward Journey from Grassroots is considered vulgar. But it doesn't matter, we just like it ourselves.

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