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Function, Efficacy and Edible Method of Cucumber

Function, Efficacy and Edible Method of Cucumber

The function, efficacy and eating method of cucumber, many people like to eat cucumber, especially girls, because cucumber tastes good and has the effect of beauty and weight loss. The nutritional value is also high. Let's take a look at the function, efficacy and eating method of cucumber.

The function and efficacy of cucumber and how to eat it 1 the efficacy of cucumber

Ingredients: Cucumber is rich in protein, sugar, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, nicotinic acid, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Nature and taste: sweet, sweet, cool, bitter and non-toxic.

Meridian tropism: entering spleen, stomach and large intestine.

Efficacy: It has the effects of clearing away heat and promoting diuresis, and clearing away heat and toxic materials; Indications: polydipsia, sore throat, burning eyes and burns. And lose weight.

Function of cucumber

1, anti-tumor: Cucurbitacin C contained in cucumber can improve human immune function and achieve the purpose of anti-tumor.

2, anti-aging: cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which can play a role in prolonging life and anti-aging; Cucumber enzyme in cucumber has strong biological activity.

3, lose weight and strengthen the body: Propanolic diacid contained in cucumber can inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat.

4, nourishing the brain and calming the nerves: Cucumber contains vitamin B 1, which is conducive to improving the function of the brain and nervous system and calming the nerves.

5. Prevention of alcoholism: Alanine, arginine and glutamine contained in cucumber have certain auxiliary therapeutic effects on patients with liver diseases, especially those with alcoholic cirrhosis, and can prevent and treat alcoholism.

6. Lowering blood sugar: Glucosides and fructose contained in cucumbers do not participate in the usual sugar metabolism, so diabetics use cucumbers instead of starchy foods to satisfy their hunger, and their blood sugar will not increase or even decrease.

7. Beauty: Cucumber is a kind of melon and vegetable that can be blindly beautified. It is called "cosmetic agent in the kitchen". Regular consumption or sticking to the skin can effectively resist skin aging and reduce wrinkles.

8. Vitamin supplementation: Cucumber is rich in vitamins, such as B vitamins and vitamin C. It should be reminded that vitamin supplementation is better if cucumber is eaten with skin.

9. Accelerate metabolism: Cucumber is famous for its delicate fragrance and juiciness, and contains quite a lot of protein and potassium salt. Potassium salt can accelerate blood metabolism and expel excess salt from the body. Children can promote the growth and development of muscle tissue after eating it, and adults can keep muscle elasticity and prevent arteriosclerosis when eating it regularly.

10, detoxification: nutrient-rich cucumber is beneficial to "clean up" the garbage in the body, and regular eating helps to prevent kidney calculi.

A complete collection of cucumber home-cooked practices

Cold cucumber shredded bean curd

Ingredients: cucumber, bean curd skin, seasoning


1, cucumber washed and shredded, tofu skin shredded, and put them together in a plate.

2. Add seasonings in turn and mix well.

Cooking skills:

1, there is no fixed proportion of seasoning consumption. I have arranged it in turn. The basic principle is that the former is more than the latter.

2. Replace the non-steamed fish soy sauce with other soy sauces that can be eaten directly.

3. Leave it for a while after mixing, which will make the bean curd silk absorb the soup more delicious.

Five-flavored cucumber strips

Ingredients: 2 cucumbers.

Seasoning: salt, pepper, dried pepper, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sugar.

working methods

1. Wash cucumber, cut into strips, mix well with salt, marinate for half an hour, and control the water.

2. Add sugar, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar and mix well. Wash and air dry the pepper, and shred the dried pepper.

3, from the oil pan, stir-fry fragrant pepper and dried pepper on low heat, pour it on the mixed cucumber strips while it is hot, and mix well when eating.

Cooking skills:

1, the cucumber is pickled first and then cooled, which makes the taste more crisp.

2. When frying peppers and prickly ash, you must use a small fire and don't fry them.

3, the mixed cucumber has a particularly good flavor under cold storage.

The function and function of cucumber and how to eat it II. Function and function of cucumber

Efficacy and Function of Cucumber Cucumber is rich in nutrients, including vitamin C, carotene and potassium, and also contains ingredients that can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Therefore, from the point of view of nutrition, it is one of the vegetables that are very suitable for everyone to eat for a long time.

Beauty: Cucumber is a vegetable that can be used for beauty. It is called "cosmetic agent in the kitchen". Regular consumption or sticking to the skin can effectively resist skin aging, reduce wrinkles and prevent cheilitis and angular stomatitis. Therefore, cucumber is a good slimming product.

Weight loss: It can prevent fat, and cucumber is a good weight loss product. People who love sweets can eat some cucumbers, which will help us lose weight. But eat fresh cucumbers.

Improve human immune function: Cucumber has the function of lowering blood sugar. For diabetics, cucumber is the best food, which is both a vegetable and a fruit. The bitter elements in cucumber have anticancer effect. According to Compendium of Materia Medica, cucumber has the effects of clearing away heat, quenching thirst, diuresis and detumescence. Cucumber head contains cucurbitacin C, which has obvious anti-tumor effect. Fresh cucumber contains very delicate cellulose, which can not only accelerate the excretion of intestinal spoilage substances, but also reduce cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, eating cucumber regularly is of great benefit to patients with obesity, high cholesterol and arteriosclerosis. Clinical practice in recent years has also proved that cucumber vine has good effects of dilating blood vessels, slowing down heart rate, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol; Cucumber paste can treat sore throat; Cucumber leaves and vines have the effects of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, removing dampness, moistening intestines and relieving pain.

Anti-aging: Cucumber contains anti-aging substances, which can also effectively treat sunburn and skin allergies. It also has the effect of detoxification.

Anti-hangover: Alanine, arginine and glutamine contained in cucumber have a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with liver disease, especially those with alcoholic cirrhosis, and can prevent and treat alcoholism.

Strengthening the brain and calming the nerves: Cucumber contains vitamin B 1, which is beneficial to improve the function of brain and nervous system, soothe the nerves and help treat insomnia.

Taboo of cucumber

Although cucumber has many functions and functions, it also has many taboos.

1, people who are weak and afraid of cold eat less cucumbers.

Cucumber is cold, spleen and stomach are deficient in cold, and those who have been ill for a long time should eat less, otherwise it will easily lead to abdominal pain and vomiting.

People with chronic respiratory diseases should eat less cucumbers.

People with chronic respiratory diseases, especially the elderly, should eat less, otherwise they will easily develop cold phlegm and cough due to lung cold.

3. Cucumber should not be cooked with alkali or high heat.

The best way to eat cucumber is raw. High temperature will destroy its nutrients.

4. It is not advisable to discard juice for stuffing.

5. it is not suitable to eat with vegetables with high vitamin c content.

Because cucumber contains a vitamin C decomposing enzyme, it may destroy vitamin C in tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, celery, bitter gourd and other vegetables and reduce its nutritional value.

Function, Efficacy and Edible Method of Cucumber 3 Nutritional Value

Cucumber is rich in protein, sugar, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, nicotinic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients.

1 and cucurbitacin C contained in cucumber can improve human immune function and achieve anti-tumor purpose. In addition, the substance can also treat chronic hepatitis and persistent hepatitis, and prolong the survival time of patients with primary liver cancer.

2. Cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which can prolong life and resist aging; Cucumber enzyme in cucumber has strong biological activity, which can effectively promote the metabolism of the body. Rubbing the skin with cucumber juice has the effect of moistening skin and stretching wrinkles.

3. Alanine, arginine and glutamine contained in cucumber have certain auxiliary therapeutic effects on patients with liver diseases, especially those with alcoholic cirrhosis, and can prevent and treat alcoholism.

4. Glucosides and fructose contained in cucumbers do not participate in the usual sugar metabolism, so diabetics use cucumbers instead of starchy foods to satisfy their hunger, and their blood sugar will not increase or even decrease.

5. Propanolic diacid contained in cucumber can inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat. In addition, the cellulose in cucumber can promote the elimination of spoilage substances in human intestine and reduce cholesterol, which can strengthen the body.

6. Cucumber contains vitamin B 1, which is beneficial to improve the function of brain and nervous system, calm the nerves and help treat insomnia.