Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - osmanthus flowers

osmanthus flowers

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Osmanthus fragrans (scientific name: Osm anthus fragrans (Thunb. )Lour。 ): Osmanthus fragrans, also known as Oleaceae, is an evergreen shrub or small tree with hard and thin skin, long oval leaves and pointed tips, which are opposite and do not fade in winter. Among the leaves and viscera of peanuts, the corolla is divided into four parts, which are smaller in shape. Its varieties are Jingui, Yin Gui, Dangui and laurel.

Osmanthus fragrans is one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China. It is an excellent ornamental and practical garden tree species that integrates greening, beautification and fragrance. Osmanthus fragrans is necessary. Especially in the Mid-Autumn Festival when laurel trees are in full bloom and the night is quiet and full moon, it is refreshing to taste the wine and smell the fragrance of Chen. In ancient Chinese poems about flowers, there are also a considerable number of poems about Guangxi. Since ancient times, it has been deeply loved by the people of China and regarded as a traditional famous flower.

Osmanthus tea made from osmanthus fragrans is a special tea produced in China. It has a soft aroma and delicious taste, and is loved by many people. Osmanthus fragrans is widely used in garden construction.

Chinese name: Osmanthus fragrans Latin scientific name: Thun b.)Lour. Other names: Osmanthus fragrans, Osmanthus fragrans, Murraya murraya, and Jin Sujie: Plant kingdom: angiosperms: dicotyledons: genus of Oleaceae: species of Osmanthus fragrans: 4 groups of varieties. Name and year:

morphological character

Osmanthus fragrans is an evergreen tree or shrub, with a height of 3-5 meters and a maximum of 18 meters. The bark is grayish brown. Branchlets yellowish brown, glabrous. Leaf blade is leathery, oval, oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, 7- 14.5 cm long and 2.6-4.5 cm wide, the apex is tapered, the base is tapered into a wedge shape or a wide wedge shape, the whole edge or upper part is usually serrated, the two sides are hairless, the two sides of the gland point are connected with small blisters, the midvein is concave and convex, and the lateral veins are 6-8 pairs. The petiole is 0.8- 1 .2 cm long, and the longest is 15 cm, without hair. Cymes clustered in leaf axils, or nearly broom-shaped, with multiple flowers in each axil; Bracts broadly ovate, thick, 2-4 mm long, small at the top, glabrous; Pedicel slender, 4- 10 mm long, glabrous; These flowers are very fragrant; Calyx is about 65438 0 mm long with slightly irregular lobes; Corolla is yellowish white, light yellow, yellow or orange red, 3-4 mm long, and corolla tube is only 0.5- 1 mm long; Stamens are inserted in the middle of corolla tube, filaments are very short, about 0.5 mm long, anthers are about 65438 0 mm long, connective extends slightly at the top of anthers, forming an inconspicuous small tip; The pistil is about 65438 0.5 mm long and the style is about 0.5 mm long. The fruit is skewed, oval, long 1- 1.5 cm, and purple-black. The flowering period is September-65438+1early October, and the fruiting period is March of the following year.

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osmanthus flowers

Osmanthus fragrans cultivars

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