Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Introduction of Lagerstroemia indica

Introduction of Lagerstroemia indica

Shrubs or trees; Leaves opposite or alternate in the upper part, entire; Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, usually showy, forming axillary or terminal panicles; Calyx hemispherical or gyro-shaped, usually ribbed, or widened into wings, 5-9-lobed; Petals are usually 6, or as many as calyx lobes, usually wrinkled, with slender claws at the base; 6 stamens at most; Ovary 3-6-loculed, with multiple ovules per locule; Style long, stigma capitate; Capsule is woody, surrounded by persistent calyx at the base, and more or less adhered to calyx. When mature, the ventricle splits into 3-6 valves. There are many seeds with wings at the top. Lagerstroemia indica, distributed in eastern Asia to South Asia, northern Australia and Jiangsu, has the most complete varieties, including Lagerstroemia indica, Lagerstroemia indica and Lagerstroemia indica bases. There are 16 species in China, and 2 species have been introduced and cultivated, which are distributed from southwest to Taiwan Province Province, among which Lagerstroemia indica is often cultivated for ornamental purposes; Some kinds of wood in this genus are hard and of good quality.