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How to maintain gardenia

Cultivation method of gardenia jasminoides Ellis

1. Soil: It is suitable to be cultivated in fertile acidic soil rich in humus, which is the key to the success of family planting in the north. Generally speaking, humus soil can be added with 1 serving of decomposed bean cake fertilizer and a certain amount of ferrous sulfate at the same time, or it can be put into a pot and drenched with 0.2% ferrous sulfate or alum fertilizer water for 3 ~ 5 times.

2. Cultivation: When planting with cutting seedlings and layering seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that the root system of the plant is fully stretched, and at the same time fill the gap of the root system with fine soil. The density of the fill is about 85%. Pay attention to the tightness, and the depth is about 1 cm above the root system. Water it in time after planting, and it is generally advisable to seep through the bottom of the basin.

3. Gardenia has a high demand for air humidity, so families in the north can put clear water in the basin mat and put a thin plate (about 3 cm). It is advisable that the water in the basin should not pass through the thin plate, and the flowerpot can be placed on the thin plate. Pay attention to frequent hydration. The principle of watering is to dry thoroughly, and it is best to water with rain, snow or fermented rice washing water. If it is tap water, it should be left for 2 to 3 days before use. During the growing period, water or alum fertilizer containing 0.2% ferrous sulfate should be poured every 7 ~ 10 days. Gardenia should be placed in a cool place with scattered light in summer, and should be watered and sprayed frequently in spring, summer and early autumn to increase humidity. It is advisable to put sunshine in winter, stop fertilization and water too much. You can often wash the leaves with water close to room temperature to keep them clean, especially in rooms with heating in the north. Don't put the flowerpot in front of the radiator or air conditioner to avoid dehydration of the leaves.

4. When the weather is hot and the ventilation is poor in summer, scale insects, red spiders and soot diseases occur in gardenia. 40% dimethoate EC 1000 times can be sprayed to control scale insects, 40% triamcinolone acetonide EC 1000 to 1500 times can be sprayed to control red spiders, and at the same time, the occurrence of soot disease can be reduced. For the sake of safety, washing powder solution can be sprayed at home, which also has certain effects.

5. Change the pot: generally, the pot should be turned once every two years, preferably in spring. In order to effectively prevent the pot soil from alkalization, you can turn the pot once a year and fasten the pot button before changing it. You can stop watering when the pot is slightly loose after it is dry, about 10 days. When changing pots, cut off some roots, such as the roots of pests and diseases, over-breed the roots, and then plant them again.

6. Generally, it is carried out in spring, and the long branches and weak branches that affect the plant shape are cut off to keep the plant shape beautiful. Gardenia is the top flower, and the top core can be picked properly in the growing season to promote the growth of flower branches and increase the number of flowers.

Gardenia can be planted in spring, summer and autumn, but the survival rate is high in March-April in spring. When cutting, cut off the branches of 1-2 years old from the robust mother plant, cut into cuttings of about 20 cm, each section should have more than 3 nodes, cut off the lower leaves, then put the lower cuttings into 500ppm rooting powder solution for rapid soaking 15 seconds, and cut immediately after taking out the liquid medicine. Before planting, draw lines on the trimmed seedbed according to the row spacing of 10cm× 7cm, punch holes on the points with small sticks, then insert 2/3 of the cuttings into the holes, compact them with the surrounding soil, water them to keep them moist, and manage weeding and topdressing after survival. When the seedlings grow to about 50 cm, they can be planted out of the nursery.

Fertilized gardenia is not a flower that loves fertilization very much, but it grows vigorously and is limited by limited nutrients in potted soil, so it is necessary to supplement fertilizer reasonably during the growth period. Apply decomposed human excrement or cake fertilizer once every 10 day, stop watering 1 day before fertilization, and water 1 time at the same time on the day of fertilization. Fertilization was stopped in mid-September. After the plant is grown, sesame paste residue is applied again in mid-June and mid-August, with 0.5- 1 2 each time, and it is fully mixed with the topsoil after being crushed.

Watering gardenia likes big water, and some people call it "water gardenia". In northern spring, due to strong wind, dry air and scarce rainfall, water is given once every three days, and water is sprinkled around potted plants every morning and evening to improve air humidity. It's hot after summer, so water less in the morning and then water it after two o'clock in the afternoon. Soft water should be used for irrigation in summer, because there are many calcium and magnesium salts in hard water, which is very unfavorable to the growth of gardenia, from yellowing of branches and leaves to rapid death. In order to overcome the alkalinity of soil and water quality, alum fertilizer water is poured once a week during the growing season to keep the branches and leaves of vibrating stick flowers dark green. Water should be controlled in winter, and long-term high water content is easy to cause root rot and death.

Gardenia, a pest, leaves tend to turn yellow easily. Yellowing is caused by many reasons, so different measures should be taken to prevent it. Yellowing disease caused by lack of fertilizer: this yellowing disease starts from the old leaves at the lower part of the plant and gradually spreads to the new leaves. Nitrogen deficiency: the leaves are yellow and the new leaves are small and crisp. Potassium deficiency: Old leaves turn from green to brown. Phosphorus deficiency: Old leaves are purple or dark red. Under the above circumstances, decomposed human excrement or cake fertilizer can be forcibly applied.