Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to deal with rural laolai?

How to deal with rural laolai?

Lao Lai often appears in real life. Lao lai refers to people who owe others money and don't pay it back. He has the ability to repay the debts due, but refuses to repay all or part of the debts for some reason. Most Lao Lai intentionally disappears or hides his property, so how to deal with Lao Lai in this situation? Below, the dog god provides 20 ways to deal with Lao Lai for the demanders.

Lao Lai 1 Handling Method: Apply for sealing up (including pre-sealing up)

Generally, tangible objects, such as land and houses, should be sealed up. The investigation and control measures of the subject matter with certificate are called seizure, and the investigation and control of the subject matter without certificate is called pre-seizure (it will be turned into seizure after obtaining the certificate).

Method 2 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for freezing.

Measures taken for equity, income, deposit account, receivable (due or unexpired) creditor's rights, etc.

Method 3 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for seizure.

Measures taken mainly for movable property such as vehicles, products and raw materials.

Method 4 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for distribution.

Measures taken for deposits, wages, bonuses and other funds actually existing in financial institutions.

Method 5: Apply for withholding (restricted withdrawal) income.

Distribution, execution, wages, dividends, bonuses, rental income, unexpected income and other pre-control measures. What may happen in the future.

Method 6 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for income withdrawal.

For the above-mentioned money income that has already existed in the person assisting in execution, you can apply to the court for cancellation and ask the unit or individual responsible for assisting in execution to hand over the money to the court.

Method 7 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for compulsory delivery.

It is rare in cases of recovering bad debts, and sometimes it is forced to deliver property belonging to Lao Lai or tickets kept by a third party.

Method 8 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for forced eviction from the house or land.

It can be applied to cases such as house sale, house lease, cancellation of lease or possession dispute, and it can also be applied to requiring users (occupiers) to vacate houses (land) after the court decides to auction, sell off or pay off debts.

Method 9 to deal with Lao Lai: transfer ownership certificate.

In the process of implementation, if it is necessary to go through the transfer procedures of real estate license, land certificate, forest right certificate, patent certificate, trademark certificate, vehicle and vessel license, equity and other related property rights certificates, the creditor or buyer shall apply to the court to issue an enforcement ruling to the unit with assistance obligation, and handle it in time.

Lao Lai 10 Handling Method: Apply for evaluation, auction and sale.

Dispose of and realize the property that has been investigated and controlled by the court.

Handling method of Lao Lai 1 1: apply for participation in distribution.

Lao Lai is a natural person or other organization, and can apply to participate in the distribution when there is execution money in another case.

Lao Lai 12 Solution: Apply for subrogation.

Lao Lai, who is lazy in exercising his creditor's rights, may apply to the court to issue a notice to fulfill his due debts. If the second Lao Lai has no objection or the objection is untenable, the creditor may apply for subrogation. Lao Lai has any objection to the performance of the due debt, and if the debt has not yet been judged, the creditor may bring a subrogation lawsuit; If the debt has come into effect and the second Lao Lai's objection is invalid, the creditor may directly apply for subrogation (note: Lao Lai shall apply to the court for execution within a reasonable time, otherwise, he shall directly apply for subrogation or apply for execution together).

Lao Lai 13 Disposal Method: Apply for freezing the unexpired (or pending) creditor's rights.

Apply to the court for a ruling to freeze, and the secondary debtor may not pay off the old debt (including settlement), but the creditor's rights (transfer, waiver and settlement) that the debtor cannot dispose of shall be deposited in the court at the expiration of the performance period, such as project payment, rent or other claims in litigation.

Lao Lai 14 Handling Method: Apply for change and add executing entity.

Lao Lai was separated, merged, contracted, affiliated or renamed, or Lao Lai disappeared or inherited. When Lao Lai's debt is used for family expenses, his spouse (family member) can be added as Lao Lai, and the debt can be transferred. Lao Lai's superiors or related parties receive and distribute Lao Lai's property free of charge. Those who make false capital contributions or withdraw their capital contributions shall not be liquidated according to law, and Lao Lai does not have legal person status (such as self-employed and partnership enterprises).

Lao Lai 15 Solution: Apply for property declaration.

Apply to the court to order Lao Lai to declare his property on his own initiative, and submit to the people's court information such as asset list, debt list, accounts receivable voucher, registered capital of the enterprise in place, annual business report, tax report and financial account books.

Lao Lai 16 Handling Method: Apply for property survey.

Apply to the court for "five inspections" on Lao Lai, mainly in industry and commerce, land, banks, vehicles and securities. With the progress of internet technology and the linkage of various departments, it is believed that in the near future, the court will quickly grasp and control the above-mentioned property of the executed person in a very short time.

How to deal with Lao Lai 17: Apply for investigation and evidence collection.

Application for investigation of account flow: If there is evidence that a certain account of Lao Lai often has a large amount of money in and out, or if it is suspected that Lao Lai's money is mainly in and out of the account, or if it is suspected that Lao Lai will transfer a certain amount of money after receiving the money, you can apply to the court to send a letter to the bank to extract the flow of the account, find out where the money goes in and out, and find out the related enterprises. If it is to evade execution, you can apply for additional enforcement subjects or take corresponding measures (revocation right, subrogation right, legal liability for obstructing execution). There is also an application to the court to investigate and collect evidence from relevant state-owned assets management offices, restructuring offices and other institutions about the handling of creditor's rights and debts of restructured enterprises (debtors).

How to deal with Lao Lai 18: Apply for a court search warrant?

If Lao Lai is still operating normally and has a sound financial account book, he can apply to the court to issue a search warrant, forcibly search the office or business premises of the person subjected to execution, and forcibly hand over relevant property (even dig Lao Lai's safe).

Lao Lai 19 Handling Method: Apply for judicial audit.

Lao Lai is still operating normally, and there is evidence that there is still a large amount of income in the near future or Lao Lai refuses to account for the whereabouts of the large amount of income, he can apply for audit (but the applicant is willing to pay the audit fee when applying).

Method 20 to deal with Lao Lai: Apply for a reward.

The Supreme Court and local courts have similar provisions, but it seems that they have not been implemented, but they have affirmed the legality of the measures. It is suggested to consult the dog god and find a net to solve the law enforcement problem by offering a reward. The benefits of rewarding Lao Lai are reasonable and legal. If an "enemy" of Lao Lai finds out his reward information, it will sometimes receive unexpected results.