Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How to get from Chengdu Tianfu International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu Jiao Gang Ginza?

How to get from Chengdu Tianfu International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu Jiao Gang Ginza?

Metro 18 Line → Metro Line 9 →844. According to Baidu map, the distance from Chengdu Tianfu International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu Jiao Gang Ginza is 6 1. 1 km. You can take subway 18 → subway line 9 →844, which takes 2 hours 1 minute. The specific bus routes are as follows:

1. First, walk 240 meters from Chengdu Tianfu International Airport to Chengdu Shuangliu Jiao Gang Ginza, get on at Tianfu Airport Terminal 2 1, take the subway 18 (in the direction of South Railway Station), get off at Incubation Park Station, change at the station and walk 360 meters.

2. Secondly, get on the train at the Incubation Park Station, take Metro Line 9 (direction of Huangtianba), get off at Jitouqiao Station (exit G) and walk for 330 meters.

3. Finally, get on the subway at Jitouqiao Station (exit G), take bus No.844, get off at Shuangjiu Road Second Section South (Ouxiang Mingyuan) Station, and walk 300 meters to Chengdu Shuangliu Jiao Gang Ginza.