Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - How is the story of the little monkey and the little hedgehog written?

How is the story of the little monkey and the little hedgehog written?

First personify the little monkey and the little hedgehog, then tell the story and finally summarize it.

One morning, the little monkey and the little hedgehog went for a walk in the forest. The little hedgehog wears a yellow hat. The hedgehog said, "I knitted it myself, and I regard it as a treasure." The little monkey said, it's beautiful.

Suddenly a strong wind blew over and blew his hat on the branch. The hedgehog jumped up, but he was not tall enough to reach it. Hedgehog said anxiously, "My hat is hanging on a branch. What should I do? "

The little monkey said, "Don't be afraid, I'll take it off for you!" " "Say that finish, the little monkey quickly climbed up the tree and carefully took off his hat. The little monkey handed the hat to the little hedgehog and said, "This is your hat. The hedgehog said, "Thank you!" The little monkey said, "You're welcome. "They went for a walk happily again.