Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - What is the cause of persistent fever?

What is the cause of persistent fever?

In daily life, fever bothers many people. What should I do if I have a fever? The following are the reasons for your persistent fever carefully compiled by Xiao Bian. Let's have a look. 1. Infectious diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses and protozoa, which is the most common cause. Such as cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, plague, etc. 2. Non-infectious diseases such as heatstroke, tumor and immune diseases such as lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid disease. Use drugs to cool down when the body temperature is too high. Avoid overdose and repeat medication in a short time. Frequent loss of appetite, excessive sweating and high consumption. We should try to eat a digestible diet containing high vitamins and other nutrients, including fresh vegetable juice and fruit juice, in order to increase the body's antibodies. Correct use of sedatives, such as diazepam, phenobarbital, hibernating spirit, etc. Measure the body temperature regularly and observe the changes of the disease. The body temperature was measured every 24 hours at half an hour, 1 hour, 2 hours and other times after taking antipyretics or physical cooling, and the temperature changes were recorded. When you have a high fever, you should pay attention to finding the cause and treating it in time. If it is a fever caused by infectious diseases, it will naturally recover after effective antibacterial treatment. When dressing, you should use common sense to judge the number of clothes. If you are hot, take off too many clothes and let your body give off heat. But if you have chills, you should get dressed first until you are not cold. Pay special attention to babies, because they feel overheated and don't know how to undress. In fact, putting too many clothes on children or putting them in hot places may cause a fever. Replenish liquid when you feel hot, and your body will sweat and dissipate heat. But when you lose a lot of water, if you have a fever, your body will close the sweat glands to prevent further water loss. This makes it harder for you to deal with the fever. The solution is to replenish liquid. Wet compress helps to lower the body temperature. Tottenham can reduce the fever. But when the patient feels very hot, you have to change a way to improve. If the temperature rises above 39.2 degrees, do not use hot compress to avoid further temperature rise. If the cold compress reaches the body temperature, please replace it until the body temperature drops. Wipe the whole body with a sponge and evaporate, which will also have a cooling effect. Adjusting indoor temperature and creating ward atmosphere as much as possible are beneficial to patients' rehabilitation. German doctors usually advise that the room temperature should not be too high, and that it should not exceed 18.5 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the room should be moderately ventilated to help restore, but do not use ventilation equipment. Keep the soft light to relax the patient. During the fever, you don't need to worry about all the food (only drink juice) until the fever goes down. Some doctors think it's best to eat something, because a fever will consume calories. Simply put, the choice is still yours. You can eat if you want.