Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Harry Wei Zi Life Chart

Harry Wei Zi Life Chart

I didn't find any scolding, but I found some excerpts from the official speech of Zheng De period, all of which are excerpts from this chapter.

Liu Wei, the word Weixin, is from Fuzhou. Jinshi in the twelfth year of Hongzhi. Allow the family to handle this matter. Based on the theory that consorts, such as Qing Yunhou and Shouninghou, encroached on the interests of businessmen and obstructed the implementation of the law, this paper also chose Lang to fight against the government. There is a straight sound.

Wu Zongjian gradually changed the politics of filial piety in a few months. Drunk book remonstrated, saying, "When the first emperor ascended the throne, he called cabinet ministers Liu Jian and Li Dongyang to the couch and gave them to your majesty. To this day, Zigong has not been buried, but the virtue still exists and the politics is good, which I don't believe. And Liu's prescription, so that the first emperor boarded a far place, so they not only punished him, but let him play and distinguish. Liu? Lang harmed Henan, so he was transferred to Jizhou because he had to be treated according to law. The Ministry of Housing plays the role of eliminating redundant staff, and the Ministry of War plays the role of innovation. My husband, Liu Jian, the late Emperor, and other auxiliary Your Majesty recently approved the seal, and the kindness will be repaid, and the privacy will be made public. Cabinet ministers were forbidden to hear about it, but both left and right intervened in Xiyin. I am willing to follow my career, believe in my age, and ask the cabinet for advice. Ordinary things have no cover and have no right to steal. " to report the news


Zhao You, whose real name is Ruyi, is from Shuangliu. Jinshi in the twelfth year of Hongzhi. Known as the imperial history by the magistrate of Fanchang.

In June of Zheng Deyuan, eunuchs Liu Jin, Qiu Ju and Ma Yongcheng offered eagles and dogs every day to guide riding and shooting. If their titles change, won't they worry about the two palaces? Deng Yuan and Mai Xiu were as quiet as a cucumber, while Liu Jing and Liang Yu crowded in. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development discussed stabilizing the pasture and called on the people to rent seeds. Ningjin actually stopped playing. Li Xing is good at chopping ling wood. He has taken a big step, but he wants to leave. He is like Liu Yun of Nanjing Garrison, and warehouse directors Zhong Zhao, Wei Juan and Duan Xun are all added. Begging for gold is equal to the law, instead of sending Jiing and Yu, and cutting off redundant staff. Since today's political events, we must consult the Minister and Taiwan Province. If we are not shaken by our recent habits, disaster will be self-defeating. "When it is played, the group will hate it.


Lv Kun, the word jade, Anren. Hongzhi has been a scholar for nine years. Awarded to Qingfeng magistrate. Take honesty as the way of taxation and prosper Nanjing Empire.

Thirteen consultants in Zhang Qian, such as Bo, Gong Anfu, Wang Fan, Shi, Ren Nuo, Yao, Zhang Mingfeng, Jiang Qin, Huang Zhaodao, Wang Hong and Xiao. , said: "Since ancient times, traitors who want to be good at sovereignty must first cheat their hearts. For example, Zhao Gao advised II to be cruel and ambitious to entertain his eyes and ears; He Shikai said that Wu Cheng should be young and happy without attending. Chou Shiliang taught his party to guide the monarch with luxury, not to be close to Confucian scholars, and to know the rise and fall of the previous generation. If you are confused, all the soldiers will suffer. Since your majesty succeeded to the throne, the world has been looking forward to governance. It's only a matter of time. I was lucky enough to choose the temple and subvert the punishment. Eunuchs Ma Yongcheng, Wei Bin, Liu Jin, Fu Xing, Gu, etc. gave a banquet that day. When heaven went into the earth, the disaster was reported repeatedly, and the courtiers repeatedly remonstrated, but it was not saved. If that generation will be called' eat, drink and be merry in the palace', that's why traitors cheat you. Your majesty's spacious hall is good, but I don't know that the king's poor eaves hall is not sheltered from the wind and rain; Luxurious food, I didn't know that the cold, hot and rainy days in Xiao Min were so embarrassing; Riding on a feast, I don't know if Wang can complain. Yesterday, Lei Zhen suburb altar faint, summer and autumn drought, Jiangnan rice prices soared, the capital thieves rampant. Can you indulge yourself and let it go? I came here on orders from Gu and should be rescued according to the situation. If you don't listen to his words, swear to the death to remonstrate them in order to realize the imperial edict. Be lazy and willing to follow, and retreat. Just ask for it yourself. If the first emperor pays the commission, who will belong to the world? I hope to practice horizontally and hope that the Yong Cheng generation will avoid disaster, appoint ministers, learn to be pro-government, and return to rule. "