Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - An essay on "My Ideal"

An essay on "My Ideal"

Everyone has a lamp in his heart, and its name is ideal; Everyone has a long way to go, and its name is life. There is a famous saying: it is terrible for people to live without ideals. Indeed, without ideals, where can you get energy? But I have many ideals. When I was very young, I set myself a lofty ideal, that is, I must be a teacher when I grow up. On the one hand, because my mother is a teacher, I am deeply infected by the teacher's hard work; On the one hand, I think teachers are huge. Can contribute to the motherland, but also cultivate more talents who love the motherland, love the people, have scientific culture and have high exploration energy for the motherland. I stand on the three-foot platform every day and impart knowledge to the "small audience". All my students are young talents. In class, they all sit upright. I called XXX to get up and answer the question, and he stood up and answered the question completely and politely. After class, I will not rush to the office and sit in a chair and drink water leisurely. Instead, I will put down my work and play games happily with the children under the teaching building, so that the children can relax after intense study. Every weekend, I will take my students to the park to play, or visit the military camp, and use my unique method to let the children gradually develop the good habit of diligence and love of labor. People always live in reality and illusion, and people are also turning illusory efforts into reality. When I am frustrated, that ideal will give me courage. I always believe that great ideals can only be successfully realized through selfless struggle and death. I believe that as long as I have this idea in my mind and work hard for this wish, I will certainly realize my ideal. Everyone has his own ideal, and I am no exception. When I was a child, my little treasure chest also contained colorful ideals. Today, I will open my treasure chest and show you all the treasures in it. I had my first dream when I was very young. Be a policewoman. The ideal of childhood now seems ridiculous and naive. At that time, I actually fell in love with the beautiful police uniform of the policewoman and stood in the middle of the road with them to direct traffic. But soon, my ideal changed, because I gradually understood the hardships and difficulties of being a policewoman. Therefore, becoming a painter has become my second dream. I have been very sensitive to painting since I was a child, and I like painting very much. I often draw some masterpieces for my parents. My parents learned that I like painting and immediately enrolled me in an art class. It may be because of the playful nature of children. After taking the art class, I became less fond of painting. I even ran out of art class to play with my classmates. In this way, my second ideal came to nothing. When I had my third dream, I was already in the fourth grade of primary school. The ideal at that time was to be a teacher. Since childhood, I have come into contact with many teachers, some of whom are old and experienced. There are also young and inexperienced people. But no matter what kind of teachers they are and what subjects they teach, I like them very much. In the future, I will stand on a high platform like them and teach my students. Now I am a sixth-grade student. I am about to enter middle school. Today, I am not a child who knows nothing; Now, I have my own unique views and ideas on some things. Now my ideal is to be a person who contributes to society. Maybe you will say that this is not ideal. But in this long study career, I am not sure whether my ideal will change again. But what I am sure of is that what I will never change is to be a person who contributes to society and all mankind. Nowadays, many students often talk about their lofty ideals and ambitions. But I often don't do some small things that should be done around me. Even some basic social ethics have not been achieved. If you want to realize your ideal, you should start from the small things around you and start from yourself. There can be no idea of "not doing it for good, not doing it for evil". This idea. We should lay a solid foundation for our ideals. It can finally be realized! Maybe your ideals are as many as stars, and your ideals will never change, but no matter what career and work I want to do when I grow up, there is only one thing I will never change, that is, I will start from small things and always start from myself. Be a person who contributes to society and all mankind! As I said in my ideal sentence, "If you have no ambition, you will not stand." A person can't achieve anything without lofty ideals. From the ancient Pangu epoch-making to today's knowledge explosion and information revolution, how many years, how many generations, how many people with lofty ideals. Ideal is the driving force for us to struggle forward and be brave in innovation; Ideal is the street lamp of life; Ideal is the source of strength to overcome difficulties ... Listening Test-When I was a child, when I saw those caring kindergarten teachers stroking the injured child's red face with their hands and trying to coax him, I made a wish in my childish heart-I also wanted to be an excellent kindergarten teacher and a hard worker. If my dream comes true and becomes a reality, I will put the above statement into action. I will conquer those naughty figures with love. Let them know that the teacher loves them. Of course, when necessary, I will also give them some small punishments, so that lovely children can realize their mistakes, keep them in mind and make up their minds to correct them! Most importantly, I want them to get rid of the shadow of the burden of learning from an early age, and I will let my children fall in love with learning in their favorite way, so as to strive to become the pillars of the motherland! But I won't force them to study! Now, however, all this is just a bubble. Ideal is an abyss. From the moment you jump, you are forced to work hard. Either, Dapeng flies; Either, the stone sinks to the end, and there is no sound ... and I will choose the former, and I will work hard and move forward towards my ideal step by step! My Ideal Everyone has his own colorful ideals, such as workers, teachers, policemen and doctors ... Every ideal is so beautiful and everyone is so persistent. For the sake of ideals, everyone is making unremitting efforts to realize and turn grand ideals into reality. How naive and naive I was when I was a child. And I never thought about what my ideal was. I, daily growing, became mature day by day and began to think about my ideal. I really want to be an astronomical scientist. But most of those great scientists live in famous big cities, and I live in this little-known town. Even if I have ambitions, it is difficult to achieve them. The ideal is so far away and mysterious to me ... becoming a scientist is an extraordinary career. Scientists like Einstein, Galileo and Newton have great influence on the scientific community. I admire them very much, so I want to be an astronomical scientist, discover life on Mars, observe distant planets and explore the vacuum universe … I grow up day by day and learn more knowledge day by day. I learned about the great men "Emperor Taizong, Liu Bei, Kangxi ...", which taught me a lot about being a man. Success is composed of hard work, persistence and talent, so I have created such a formula: realizing ideal = hard work+persistence+talent. If a person has an ideal, has the talent cultivated since childhood, works hard to realize it, fails and persists, then the ideal will be realized. I know from books that a living planet must meet the following conditions: 1, with a hard shell; 2. Biologically suitable temperature; 3. Have a proper atmosphere (mainly oxygen); 4. There is enough water; This must be a planet, and the central celestial body around it must be a stable middle-aged star. The conditions of life are very bad. I once imagined obsessively: "Will there be life on Mars? What is a living planet like? Could it be ... "I really want to solve this mystery, so I really want to be an astronomical scientist, to discover another home of mankind and to solve the mystery of the universe. Of course, I know it is not easy to be an astronomical scientist. You must have a high degree, a strong thirst for knowledge and imagination, and a spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and failure. "It's naive for a child to want to be a Japanese scientist!" Yes, it sounds naive, but I firmly believe that "as long as there is perseverance, iron pillars are ground into needles." In order to realize this ideal, I have made a lot of efforts. I bought Magic Earth, Mystery of the Universe and Mystery of the Universe ... I read every book and absorbed all the knowledge in it. Once, I started reading at noon, and I felt that I had been reading for a long time. My father asked me to go down for dinner. I was very surprised. I looked outside the house. It's already dusk. That's how I absorb all kinds of knowledge every day, so that my ideal and reality are shortened continuously. I keep learning experience and knowledge from life. In learning, I listen carefully and speak actively; During the performance, I actively acted as a small host; In the debate, I will express my views and theories ... When I grow up, I will use this knowledge and strive to become a scientist. "You can't learn all the knowledge without receiving the spring water", but as long as you are willing to learn, you can learn more knowledge. I am like a fish, swimming freely in the future Wang Yang sea. I choose which future to choose. But in this future ocean, there can be no storm, but I am full of confidence. I have the confidence to break through all difficulties, pursue my ideals, realize my ideals and win glory for my motherland! My ideal-doctor ... If you were a drop of water, would you moisten an inch of land? If you were a ray of sunshine, would you light up a little darkness? If you are a grain, have you ever given birth to useful life? If you were the smallest screw, would you stick to your life forever? If you want to tell us something, are you preaching the best ideals day and night? Since you are alive, do you work hard for the future human life and make the world better day by day? I want to ask you, what does it bring to the future ... My ideal is to be an excellent doctor, a doctor is a lofty profession, and it is a doctor's bounden duty to save lives. Doctors save people from outpatient service to operation, which is related to people's lives. So they are always absorbed and dare not neglect. They know that a small mistake and misunderstanding can lead to great disaster. Every time I know that a doctor has treated a dying patient very well, I feel envy and admiration in my heart, and I can't help secretly making up my mind: I want to be a doctor when I grow up. It's a long story, and I want to be a doctor for a reason ... In April and May this year, the SARS epidemic swept through Beijing, and the atmosphere of terror enveloped Beijing. Suspected medical records continued, making people panic. At this moment, the soldiers in white are fighting day and night in this battlefield without smoke, regardless of their personal safety. There is such a hospital in the front line of anti-SARS-Xiaotangshan Hospital. There is such a touching story: a doctor fought in the front line from the beginning of isolation, and everyone let him rest. He always said, "I have been in the front line for such a long time and have some experience, so I can perform my duties better." Changing people again increased the source of infection. Do I have to work for a while? " The good doctor hasn't contacted his family for months. He buried his thoughts of his family deep in his heart and was more selfless in his work. Finally, he was infected with SARS, because it was found too late, and his family fell into deep sorrow. However, when the doctor was interviewed by reporters in the isolation area, although there were tears in his eyes, he firmly said, "Please give my body to a medical institution for autopsy, solve the SARS vaccine as soon as possible, and let more patients leave the hospital and go home for reunion as soon as possible." The selfless dedication of the doctor deeply touched me and everyone, and we were saddened by his death. He was only 36 when he died, so young. Life is so short for him that I can't help whispering in my heart, "Good doctor, please go!" " "Sitting on the sofa, I thought of the doctor's help ... it was midsummer, and the sun almost scorched the earth. I'm still playing around in the yard. When playing hide-and-seek, everyone searched all corners of the compound, but they couldn't find me. When they searched again, they finally found me in the grass stamp, and I was in a coma. My mother came soon after hearing about it, picked me up and ran to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, it was almost time to get off work. The doctor gently picked me up and put me on the bed. After the diagnosis, give me an injection, take medicine and give me a massage. Until I woke up and poured me boiled water with sugar until I felt better. I asked my mother to take the medicine and send us out of the hospital. Seeing that it was getting late, she called a taxi for us and watched us go away. Mom and I are so grateful that we don't know what to say. We just kept saying, "Thank you! Thank you! "Since then, I have often told people about the doctor's help. More determined to be a doctor. I know that being a doctor requires good knowledge and good character. Only by studying hard and laying a good foundation now can I become a respected doctor. Everyone has ideals, and I am no exception. People don't want to go to the distant frontier, where life is hard and conditions are poor, especially away from their relatives. However, when I grow up, I just want to be such a small border guard. Because this will make me stronger, more tenacious, not afraid of failure and hone my will. As time goes on, I will become more tenacious and perfect. Our great motherland is vast and has a large population; It has a long history and splendid culture; Magnificent mountains and rivers and rich products ... With the joint efforts of people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, we have built a powerful socialist country with prosperous economy and rising international status. Of course, this is also indispensable to the small me-the credit of the border guards! Although the name "border guards" is not often mentioned, it is not as famous and admirable as scientists and writers, but it is also the most indispensable post. The responsibility of border guards is really great. Soldiers shoulder the heavy responsibility of the motherland, safeguard the territorial integrity of the motherland, observe and detect the surrounding conditions, develop all unfavorable factors in time, and resist all foreign aggression ... Based on the above reasons, small border guards are my greatest dream in my life. I must seize the time to study hard, cultivate my ability, tap my potential, improve my quality and move towards the goal of "border guards"! Within the scope of my ability, I will try my best to recruit my classmates and friends around me and work harder to maintain, develop and strengthen our country. I will sprinkle every drop of sweat on the frontier of the motherland, be an unsung hero and be an indispensable part of safeguarding national leadership. I will serve and raise my motherland with practical actions. Whether it is stormy or hot, I will guard the frontier like a steel giant. Maintain peace and let doves of peace fly all over the world.