Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The leucorrhea of Lagerstroemia indica tastes strange.

The leucorrhea of Lagerstroemia indica tastes strange.

Women have a small amount of clear milky white secretions flowing out of the vagina since puberty. With the increase of age, the amount of liquid flowing out of the vagina gradually increases, which is called leucorrhea. Normal leucorrhea is the general name of the liquid discharged and oozing from fallopian tube, uterus, cervix and vagina. Its main components are vaginal epithelial exudate, endometrial and cervical gland secretions, epithelial cells stripped from fallopian tubes, a small amount of white blood cells, microorganisms and so on. Normal leucorrhea is liquid, transparent white or milky white, which can make the vagina unobstructed, keep the vestibular area of vagina moist and produce comfort, and has no irritation to mucosa and skin. Leucorrhea has a slight fishy smell but no peculiar smell, and its quality and quantity change slightly with menstrual cycle.

Suffering from a certain gynecological disease, the quantity and characteristics of leucorrhea will change. From the different changes of leucorrhea, we can preliminarily judge what kind of disease we have, and whether the lesion is benign or malignant. The following are some common leucorrhea changes in gynecological diseases.

Infantile vaginitis

In infancy, the internal and external genitalia are immature, the body lacks estrogen, the vaginal epithelium is thin, the cells lack glycogen, the acidity is low, and the anti-infection ability is weak, which is easy to cause vaginitis due to bacterial infection. 1 -5-year-old girls are particularly frequent, mainly manifested as purulent leucorrhea, odor, flushing in vestibular area and vulva. Because of the pruritus and pain of vulva, children often touch and scratch with their hands, and sometimes the mucosa breaks, resulting in minor lacerations. At this time, the mother will take the child to the hospital for treatment. If the baby's vaginal discharge is pale pink or bloody, or even bleeding, it needs further examination by gynecologists to queue up for cervical or vaginal tumors.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common vaginal infections in women of childbearing age, and it is a syndrome without vaginal mucosal inflammation caused by many pathogens, mainly anaerobic bacteria. The main symptoms are increased leucorrhea, thick and thin, and fishy smell. In the past, it was thought that this disease was a kind of nonspecific vaginitis or Gartner's vaginitis, but it was called bacterial vaginosis because of the obvious change of vaginal secretions. Clue cells can be seen in leucorrhea smear, and the GP value of vaginal fluid increases to 4. Of the above five items, positive amine test is its characteristic change.

Senile vaginitis

It is more common in postmenopausal women or patients with ovarian dysfunction after bilateral ovariectomy or pelvic radiotherapy. Due to the lack of estrogen in the body, vaginal mucosa is vulnerable to bacterial infection and inflammation. The main manifestation is the increase of leucorrhea, which is yellow water sample. When the infection is serious, leucorrhea is hollow and smelly. When superficial ulcer occurs in vaginal mucosa, leucorrhea may be bloody or drip bleeding. Because leucorrhea increases, it can stimulate vulva to produce vulvitis and vulva itching. For postmenopausal elderly women, when there is bloody leucorrhea or blood drop, vaginal cytology should be done first to exclude cervical malignant lesions.

Tubal lesion

When suffering from salpingitis, leucorrhea flows out from the vaginal opening in a fine water sample without abdominal pain or other discomfort. If the liquid is clear and watery, it may be hydrosalpinx. If the fluid mixed with blood is not so clear, it may be a malignant lesion of fallopian tube.

Trichomonas vaginitis

Trichomonas vaginitis is caused by trichomonas infection. Trichomonas is an anaerobic parasitic protozoa, which is suitable for growth and reproduction in vagina and inflammation. Typical leucorrhea is light yellow, gray or milky white, thin, rich, smelly or rat-like, with tiny foam, and sometimes pink purulent mixed blood. Secretions often overflow the vaginal orifice, which irritates the vulva skin, and patients feel itchy and burning vulva. When combined with urinary tract infection, frequent urination, dysuria and even hematuria may occur, and foam in secretion is caused by the decomposition of carbohydrates in vagina.


About 80%-90% of fungal vaginitis is caused by candida albicans infection, and other 10%-20% is caused by other candida or coccidiosis infection. The main performance is that the amount of leucorrhea is obviously increased, which is milky and sticky, often in the form of bean dregs or curd; Sometimes it is very thin and contains small pieces of white. In patients with severe illness, a large number of small white fragments are attached to the vaginal wall, which is not easy to erase. After being forcibly erased, a broken abscess or superficial ulcer appears at the base. A large amount of stimulation of leucorrhea can cause itching and burning sensation in vulva and vagina, and when the symptoms are serious, it will be agitated.


Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, and it is an infectious disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Several families are infected through sexual intercourse. The infection rate after sexual intercourse with male gonorrhea patients can reach 60%-90%; A few people are indirectly infected through clothes, bath towels, toilets, fingers and medical devices. The incubation period from exposure to pathogenic bacteria to onset is 2 days-10 day, with an average of only 3 days -5 days. The first site of infection is the mucosal surface of urogenital tract, so the main manifestations are increased leucorrhea, a large number of cavities or purulent secretions from vagina, and gonococcal urinary fatigue. There are purulent secretions at the urethral orifice, frequent urination and urgency, and burning sensation when urinating. When fingers reach into the lower segment of vagina and press the front wall of vagina from inside to outside, purulent secretions can be squeezed out from the urethral orifice, and the vulva and vagina are red, swollen and tender to varying degrees.

Amebic vaginitis

This disease often occurs in patients with amebic dysentery. Because the amoeba trophozoites in their feces will stick to the vulva when they are discharged with feces, if they invade the vagina, it will cause vaginitis. After entering the vagina, amoeba invades the vaginal mucosa, secretes insect enzymes to make vaginal epithelial cells necrotic and form ulcers, so leucorrhea is serous, variegated or yellow mucus purulent, and sometimes tiny fragments containing yellowish brown necrotic tissue in leucorrhea are miso-soup-like.

Gynecological tumor

Before and after menopause, women with a large amount of leucorrhea are watery, turbid and smelly, or mixed leucorrhea is pale pink or has a little bleeding. It should be considered as a malignant lesion of cervix, vagina or uterine body, and should go to the hospital for further examination. Some benign lesions can sometimes have increased leucorrhea mixed with a small amount of blood, such as cervical polyps, submucous uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, endometritis, and side effects caused by intrauterine devices. , should be diagnosed and disposed of by a doctor after examination.

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