Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Taoism does not eat any meat. Is chicken edible?

Taoism does not eat any meat. Is chicken edible?

Taoism is a native religion in China, and Taoist culture is one of the necessary courses for becoming an immortal. It has a long history and rich content. Taoism also has many taboos, so you can't kill. If you can understand the Tao, you can get the Tao and live longer. How much do you know about Taoism? Do you know that they can drink and eat meat? Interested in watching it together.

Taoism in China is divided into two branches, one is the truth in the south and the other is the truth in the north. Orthodox Christians can live in the palace or practice at home, and they can eat meat and get married at ordinary times. Quanzhen religion is required to live in the palace to practice, strictly observe the precepts and be vegetarian.

Quanzhen Taoist is a monk in Taoist temple, and meat is forbidden. The orthodox school is a heterodox school, allowing marriage and occasionally not fasting. Among Taoist priests, men are called trunk roads and women are called Kundao. Killing is not allowed at all, and neither Sect is allowed to kill, but the so-called killing in Taoism is different from that in Buddhism. According to the theory of killing life mentioned in the Taoist book, "the' life' of all things can get its head." The beggar said, "It's more difficult, more difficult. No matter you don't kill anything, you live, that is, you don't kill chickens or ducks. What's the use of feeding him? If you don't kill cattle or horses, where can you get rubber? If pigs and sheep are not killed, what is the sacrifice? If you don't kill, bamboo and wood don't cut, where does firewood come from? Vegetation should not be cut, and houses should not be taken. This is really difficult. " "It's easy," the Taoist said. Chickens and ducks don't hurt eggs, don't hurt babies, and don't waste money. Kill the biggest one when using it. Why kill it? Horses help the DPRK, and cows have the virtue of raising people. Why kill them when they are old? Why not take bamboo and wood? How can grass seedlings be useless when they grow up and cut? "

Even if some factions of Taoism can eat meat, they can't eat the meat of the following animals:

1 pigeons. Pigeons are symbols of messengers in Taoism. In ancient times, homing pigeons were used to convey information. So carrier pigeons don't eat either. But the thought of roast squab makes my mouth water.

(2) snakes. Snakes are very spiritual and easy to cultivate into immortals. The white lady in The Legend of the White Snake was turned into a snake fairy by the snake. So we don't eat. What's more, Zhenwu Emperor, whose full name is Zhongtian Wei Zi Zhen Xuan Arctic Xuanwu Emperor, is referred to as Zhenwu Emperor's left pedal turtle and right foot pedal snake, that is, tortoise and snake will be his right-hand man.

(3) the tortoise. When you go to the temple to worship, you will always see many turtles released. Turtles are also very spiritual animals. Listening to the scriptures day and night in a Buddhist temple is easy to make a positive result. Look at the snake and find a reason not to eat it.

(4) ricefield eel. Monopterus albus is good at practicing. There is a kind of eel called watching the moon. It comes out to look up at the moon every night. In fact, I am practicing while watching the moon. It is absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, so it can be eaten.

(5) carp. Carp jumps over the dragon gate and becomes a dragon. Dragons are sacred animals. So it is not edible!

(6) cattle. I have eaten grass all my life, but I have squeezed out milk. I have been working for the benefit of all beings all my life. It tastes terrible.

(7) Birds and fish. People usually say: "Bird essence is the most abominable, even their own children eat it", but Shi Tian Daoyou said the opposite. They think that when birds and fish reach the spawning season, their eyes are dim and they can't see anything. They just need to starve to death, and their young birds and small fish are the most filial. They would rather swim to their mother's mouth and feed her than let her starve to death. Their spirit is too precious to eat.

(8) Hongyan. Widowed and lonely goose, living alone all her life, in a bleak situation, determined never to marry again, with commendable spirit, should not be eaten.

(9) dogs. Throughout the ages, people often say: "A son is not too ugly for his mother, and a dog is not too poor for his family". You can't eat after serving the Lord all your life.