Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Does crape myrtle have any shortcomings?

Does crape myrtle have any shortcomings?

What plants inhale harmful gases?

Plants that can absorb toxic substances, such as aloe, chlorophytum, Eupatorium odoratum, Eupatorium odoratum and Dendrocalamus giganteum, are natural scavengers, which can remove harmful substances in the air. Studies show that Eupatorium adenophorum and Eupatorium adenophorum can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, and their ability to absorb formaldehyde is super strong. Aloe vera is also a good absorbent of formaldehyde.

In addition, plants with air purification function also include:

? Kidney fern, cyrtomium fortunei, Chinese rose, crape myrtle, clove, magnolia, osmanthus fragrans, clover, aloe, Commelina communis, auricularia fern, cactus, tiger orchid, agave, pineapple, cactus, arrow lotus, epiphyllum, gem flower, Sedum, Sedum purpurea, ivy, cycad and chrysanthemum.

? Radiation-resistant ornamental plants

? Some ornamental plants have the function of absorbing electromagnetic radiation. Placing these plants at home or office can effectively reduce the electromagnetic radiation pollution caused by various electrical and electronic products. These plants include: cactus, gem flower, Sedum and other succulents.

? Insecticidal ornamental plants

? Some plants have special fragrance or smell, which is harmless to people, while mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies and other pests will avoid it when they smell it.

Some special scents or smells can also inhibit or kill bacteria and viruses. These factories include:

? Tuberose, pyrethrum, wild chrysanthemum, mirabilis jalapa, lemon, crape myrtle, jasmine, orchid, clove, atractylodes rhizome, popcorn, dandelion, mint, etc. ?

Which green plants are not suitable for indoor display?

The Indoor Environment Monitoring Center of China Interior Decoration Association identified 1 1 species of flowers as harmful to human health, and listed as follows:


(1) orchids. Its aroma will make people too excited and cause insomnia;

(2) Bauhinia. Its pollen contact with people will induce asthma; ?

(3) mimosa. Mimosin in its body will make hair fall off;


(4) Chinese rose. Its rich fragrance will make people feel suffocated and even have difficulty breathing;


(5) Lily. Its fragrance will make people's central nervous system excessively excited and cause insomnia;


(6) cordate telosma. Particles that stimulate the sense of smell emitted at night will aggravate the condition of patients with hypertension and heart disease;

(7) oleander. The milky white liquid secreted by it will make people sleepy for a long time and decrease their intelligence;

(8) conifers. Its aromatic smell has a stimulating effect on human stomach and affects appetite; ?

(9) Hydrangea. The particles it emits will make people's skin allergic and cause itching;


(10) Tulip. Its flowers contain toxic alkali, and long-term exposure will accelerate hair loss;

(1 1) Rhododendron flavum. Its flowers contain a toxin, which can lead to poisoning if eaten by mistake.

So when you choose green plants, you must first make clear what your focus is.