Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Opening remarks by the host of the expert lecture

Opening remarks by the host of the expert lecture

The opening speech of the host of the expert lecture may benefit a lot from listening to the expert lecture. The following is a model essay for the opening remarks of the host of the expert lecture. Welcome to read the reference.

Opening remarks by the host of the expert lecture 1


The wind of the Millennium has blown away the past of the Millennium, and the water of the Millennium has washed away the memory of the Millennium, but the imprint of history and cultural tradition is destined to be branded in the life of the Chinese nation.

When we are addicted to the words of Wei Zi in The Book of Songs? The mountain has no edges, and the world is close, but dare to break with you? Do you know the saying in Yuefu? Evil! I want to know you and live a long life. There is no mausoleum in the mountains, the river is exhausted, there is Lei Zhen in winter, and there is rain and snow in summer. Only when heaven and earth are in harmony can we dare to be with you! ? ; When you keep crying about it. Down to earth, seeking truth from facts? Do you know it comes from Hanshu? Self-cultivation and seeking truth from facts? ; When will you? Hahaha When you are obsessed with Japanese anime and Korean TV dramas, do you know the fairy tales, Kunqu Opera History and Twelve Muqams in Shan Hai Jing?

The beauty of traditional culture lies in its history, the spiritual accumulation of ancestors and the inheritance of thousands of years.

As the old saying goes, the way of a university lies in virtue, in newcomers and in perfection.

Reflection on the reason why our Chinese civilization has been passed down for 5,000 years, and the reason why the Chinese nation stands among the nations of the world so far is that the spirit of Chinese traditional culture has always flowed in the blood of our Chinese sons and daughters from generation to generation. The excellent traditional Chinese culture represented by Confucianism is the foundation of the Chinese nation.

At present, Sun Tzu College is being set up all over the world, and the upsurge of learning traditional culture is getting higher and higher. No matter when and where a lecture on Chinese traditional culture is held, it is said that there are so many people attending the lecture, the venue is so orderly, the volunteer service is so thoughtful and enthusiastic, and the response is so enthusiastic, which fully shows how strong the broad masses of the people are calling for the revival of Chinese traditional culture.

After listening to Teacher Lu's lecture this time, I was deeply inspired, educated and infected. During the two-day lecture, Mr. Lu had a loud voice, clear pronunciation and mellow voice, full of emotions and spirits. What sustained him for so long? I think, first, it comes from Mr. Lu's deep reverence for the profound traditional culture of the Chinese nation; Second, it stems from Mr. Lu's sense of historical responsibility and historical mission to carry forward China's traditional culture; Third, it comes from the righteousness of heaven and earth and the integrity of integrity shown by Mr. Lu.

These, I think, are the spiritual strength of Yu Lu who spared no effort to carry forward the traditional culture of China for many years.

Please combine what you have learned in this lecture, think carefully, think carefully, fear your career, your family, people and things around you, always think about yourself, pay attention to responsibility, dedication, be grateful, uphold the duty-bound morality, purify your life and make contributions to society.

Finally, let's express our highest respect and sincere thanks to Teacher Lu with warm applause!

Opening remarks of expert lectures II

Dear leaders and teachers,

(used when meeting in the afternoon) Good afternoon.

The cold air these two days has made us feel chilly in spring, but our meeting place is full of spring. We get together with enthusiasm and learn the nutrients necessary for our personal quality improvement and professional growth.

In every teacher's mind, there have been more or less such question marks: how to be a person, how to do things, how to learn? How do these three coordinate? How to integrate with each other and realize our perfect educational life?

When we were full of these puzzles, we were very lucky to invite a special-grade teacher in Jiangsu Province and Director Zhang of a city education department to answer our questions and give us directions. Let's welcome Director Zhang with applause!

Director Qin has actively advocated and worked hard in recent years? Be an honest person, work hard and study hard? We believe that Director Qin's lecture will definitely clear away the doubts in our hearts and let us stride forward more clearly! Before it is too late, let's welcome Director Zhang to give us a wonderful lecture with warm applause!

Time flies, so inadvertently passed, I believe everyone is still wanting more. Just now, Director Qin explained the true meaning of being a man, doing things and learning in a simple way with philosophical fables, thought-provoking stories and vivid cases. This passionate, poetic and eloquent speech makes us feel like a spring breeze, just like a sigh of relief! Let's thank Director Zhang for his sincere teaching with warm applause!

I believe that after listening to the lecture, every teacher here will not only be suddenly enlightened, but also follow closely behind Director Qin and practice hard? Be an honest person, work hard and study hard? To pursue the ultimate goal and realize your own life value!

Finally, let's thank Director Zhang once again with warm applause for bringing us this rich spiritual feast in his busy schedule. At the same time, I applaud myself and am happy for my success and promotion! This is the end of today's activities!

Expert Lecture 3 Opening Speech by the Moderator

Dear teachers and classmates, good evening!

Welcome to XX College? XX method? At the exchange meeting, I am the host XX, and I am very happy to be with you on such a beautiful night. At the same time, we also thank the college for providing us with such a good communication platform, so that students can enjoy the elegance of famous teachers on the spot. Please allow me to introduce the guests who are coming to our activities tonight. They are XXX, welcome them.

L: OK, then let's ask Professor XX to give us guidance in writing academic papers.

L: Thank you, Professor XX, for your wonderful speech. I believe that students will be deeply inspired. Next, we will continue to invite Associate Professor XX to give us guidance.

L: Thanks again to the first two teachers for their wonderful speeches. After listening to their speeches, I believe everyone will gain something. Su Shi once said:? If you have good knowledge, you can get it in a proper way, but if you accumulate it in a proper way, you can get it in a proper way. ? Then, in order to let you know more about the way of publishing academic papers, we also invited excellent doctoral students. Then let's have a round of applause. Next, please tell the students about the experience of publishing a paper.

L:XX speaks very well. Next, let's ask another senior # # to introduce his experience and experience in publishing papers.

L: After listening to the rich experience that the guests brought to the students, we can see that they not only have? Is the industry good and diligent? Belief, but also have their own clear goals, I think, perhaps it is these achievements of their academic Excellence.

L: I believe that students will encounter many problems in their usual academic writing, so I'll leave you the time. You can ask questions about your major or interest, or you can appoint a teacher or doctor brother to answer them. Ask questions. . .

L: It's a pity that not every student can answer his questions because of the time. If you have any questions, you can communicate with the guests in depth after the event, and they will be happy to answer them.

L: We can see that at this exchange meeting, two teachers and outstanding seniors put forward their own opinions on how to conduct liberal arts research, and they provided us with many ingenious ideas. At this moment, I believe everyone has benefited a lot. Finally, let's thank all the guests again for their guidance with warm applause. Thank you for coming, and this experience exchange meeting is over. Goodbye! Please stay and take a photo with the staff.