Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - Seven days of death

Seven days of death


I am death, wandering at the junction of light and darkness, good and evil. The sickle in my hand made the name of death and the loneliness of death. I am the only eternity, as if I have just started my journey, and as if I have been walking. I have been wandering between light and darkness, good and evil. I am indifferent to the prosperity of the world, coldly looking at the vicissitudes of life, wandering between life and death. However, while I am wandering forever, I am also looking for it. Although I don't know what I'm looking for, the only instruction is a sporadic souvenir of death floating in my mind: "Seven days ... heaven ... death ..."


I covered myself with morning mist and embarked on a lonely journey, a seven-day journey.

I stepped on the rough, crossed the rough and came to the seaside, which was my first stop.

When I dragged my tired body to the seaside, I couldn't help crying. My nose is filled with a faint salty taste of Hite. Listening to the sound of the waves lapping on the shore, all my fatigue seemed to be washed away at that moment, and my heart was empty. I suddenly understood why Yi Yi was so fascinated by this blue paradise. I heard the cry of life. At that moment, I sincerely praised the world and life.

I scattered Yiyi's ashes into the sea and prayed for her on the reef, wishing her soul rest in peace in heaven.

I watched the rising sun in Ran Ran, and my heart surged. Suddenly, I felt someone pat me on the shoulder. I looked back warily, only to see a face with a kind smile, and the dark face was engraved with the rings of the years.

"Hello, can I help you?" My vigilance is slightly relaxed, but I dare not relax completely.

"Ha ha, little brother, there is nothing new at this time by the sea. The tide will ebb in a few hours, and the seaside will be lively then. Many city people will come to pick up shells. Why don't you come to my house first and then go back to the seaside? " He smiled, probably because he noticed my nervousness. His smile also reveals a trace of helplessness.

"This ... this is a trouble." I can't refuse his smile. In him, I seem to see the dean who raised me and Yiyi.

His answer to me was obviously unexpected. To my surprise, he took me to a small hut not far away, but it was neat and concise. In the hut, there is only one electric light and an old-fashioned black-and-white TV set.

"The place is a little small, hehe, come, sit down and have tea." He smiled with a hint of embarrassment and handed me a steaming cup of tea.

"Please." I took the cup with a smile, with a little sigh-smile, this simple action, I have not forgotten.

He is a talkative and enthusiastic person. He talked for nearly half an hour. From his mouth, I learned that his wife died young and left him two sons. He was raised by himself, but both of them are promising. The eldest son is now studying in a key university and will graduate soon. The second son is studying in the city's key middle school with excellent grades. Every time I mention my son, his face is full of pride and pride.

So the softest place in my heart was touched by his smile. Once upon a time, I had this kind of happiness. ......

He seemed to see my loneliness, put down his teacup, walked up to me, patted me on the shoulder and said softly, "Little brother, from the moment we met, I knew you were a man with a story. If you don't mind, tell me about your experience. The old man has lived for so long that he will always give you some advice. "

I nodded, took a deep breath, and told my unfortunate and short life in detail, from the fire when I was seven years old, to the accidental death of Dean 15 years old, and to the death of Yiyi who grew up with me in a car accident two weeks ago, and was diagnosed with liver cancer, but I didn't mention the strange death contract or the death on the seventh day.

He listened and sighed piteously, but he was silent and said nothing. I raised my hand, fiddled with my hair, and wiped the tears from my eyes without trace.

After a long time, he said slowly, "Come on, let's talk outside." Said, and walked to the outside.

I looked at his back in disbelief and went out. In the distance, the waves are roaring and the sun is still rising slowly.

"You know, actually, when the mother went, I just wanted to finish it quickly." His eyes blurred into the distance, paused and gave me a look. I looked at him doubtfully, not knowing what he said to me, waiting for the following.

"But just as I was going to die in the sea in front of you with Bao Xiao and Kuna, Kuna, who was only three years old, said something that inspired me all my life, and now I want to give it to you." Then he gave me a look and said seriously, "At that time, Cuner said to me,' Dad, look, the sun is so new!'" " . "

I was shocked and my eyes suddenly opened up. A three-year-old child can see so thoroughly that every day is new. Yes, then why don't I use the seven days left in my life to pursue what I have never been able to pursue?

I smiled, bowed to him and said goodbye to him. He smiled back and said goodbye to me with his eyes.

I looked up at the sun and walked along the coastline, leaving a string of footprints, which were quickly erased by the waves. I suddenly had an understanding. Aren't these footprints like life?

The sun rose higher and higher, I went to a beach, smiled and watched people laugh, completely relaxed myself, and then continued my journey.

As the sun sets, fishermen who go out to sea return one after another. I sat alone on the high ground by the sea, holding the lucky stone left by Yiyi, watching the sunset and listening to the fishing boat sing late.

The fiery red sun ended the day's task and gradually sank to the end of the sea. I lay on the beach, watching the stars turn and listening to the sound of the waves. I gradually fell asleep. In my dream, I saw Yiyi and she smiled at me.


The rising sun tore open the dark sky, and the light drove away the darkness, and I gradually woke up.

I struggled to get up and saw the fireball struggling to jump on the sea level. The blood-red cloud should be covered with a layer of Phnom Penh. Suddenly, gorgeous blood color and solemn gold are intertwined, which is extremely magnificent.

I looked at the wonders in the sky, smiled faintly, then turned around, walked out of the beach and left the seaside.

I came to the wilderness and walked alone. Today, I want to see the mountains.

I wanted to see Lushan, Huashan or Huangshan, but I didn't. I stayed in this deserted valley. Although there is no one, the scenery is beautiful. I smiled: this is probably the so-called unicorn hidden in the ground. ......

I climbed the clear stream, and I wanted to trace its source, just like climbing to the top of the mountain and looking at the scenery there.

But I finally didn't find the source of the stream or climb to the top of the mountain. I stopped at a place with lush vegetation and blooming flowers on the mountainside.

I leaned against an old tree, sat on the tangled roots of the old tree, smelled the flowers, listened to the tinkling sound of spring water, and looked at the blue sky and white clouds through the cracks in the leaves. "How nice it is to live in a building with Yiyi." I smiled helplessly, took out the lucky stone she left from my arms and said sadly, "Unfortunately, there is no if ..."

Disappointed with a sigh, I put away the stone bearing good memories and grew up-I don't have much time left. I want to walk around and have a look while I still have time. ......

I turned around and looked at the top of the mountain. The low mountain top is in front of me. I smiled and wanted to leave this place and go the way I came.

Suddenly, I stopped suddenly, looked around, hesitated for a while, then turned around, turned around. I dug a small pit next to the ancient tree that had just taken a nap, and then reluctantly took the lucky stone out of my arms. I carefully put it in the pit, covered it with fresh-smelling soil and patted the floating soil. After all this, I breathed a sigh of relief, looked around again and turned away with a smile. This time, I didn't look back or stay, but I know that no matter how much time I have, no matter how far I have gone, this place will always be one of the few most important places in my life, because there are my best memories here.

Once again, I came to the wilderness, struggling with bumps and thorns. My arms and bare calves have already been cut by thorns along the way, and my blood is blurred. But I don't seem to feel anything. Even if the night falls again, even if there is only a lost road ahead, even if my physical strength is overdrawn, I will still move forward firmly, although I don't know where my goal is, although I don't know where I am going.

But I still fell. When the sky was full of stars, I ran between bullfights that month, and when the night wind laughed at glitz, I fell to the ground. I turned over, ignoring my swollen nose and eyes, ignoring my head and blood, ignoring my insanity because of the fall ... I smiled, laughing at the thorns along the way, laughing at this.

Then, I slept soundly, peacefully, sweetly and covered with thorns.


I walked through the wilderness in the early morning, covered with mist, and came to the bustling strip. The third day arrived as scheduled.

Large dark clouds gathered overhead, hiding the warm light of the sun, and small raindrops fell from the sky-it rained.

With disheveled hair and ragged clothes, I dragged my feet on the long street. I see people's disgusted eyes, beggars' puzzled eyes, children's curious eyes, the vicissitudes behind this prosperity, and the dim light after the prosperity is exhausted.

I smiled carelessly, but I walked aimlessly. People are disgusted and flustered because they are afraid to avoid me. The beggar sitting on the street corner looked puzzled and alert, as if thinking about my origin and whether I would rob their "business"; The children were curious, but no one dared to ask. ......

I walked forward with the same look, indifferent, although there is no purpose, but I know that as long as I move forward, that is right.

I came to a square and sat on the floor without any image. I am very calm about the prosperity in front of me, which has nothing to do with me and can't stir up any waves in my heart.

In front of us is a Gu Lou. After several repairs, Gu Lou has long been superficial and lost its ancient charm. Now, the Drum Tower is a symbol of this area and a tool for sightseeing.

It is raining harder and harder. I looked at the other side and smiled contemptuously.

Pieces of tiny raindrops, I do not know when, have become lines. I'm soaked, and the rain is running down my hair, blurring my vision. At that moment, my eyes crossed the rain curtain, as if through the barrier of time, the attic was still the attic, and the rain was still the rain. I was downstairs, and through the open window, I saw a teenager living in a drunken dream with a faint red candle.

I am surprised that the young man looks so familiar. My sight was wet with rain again. Gu Lou or Gu Lou, rain or rain. I sat on the floor and seemed to know something, but I was always puzzled.

"You know, that was your past life." The voice was empty and unfamiliar, like it came from all directions, and it seemed to whisper in the ear-it was death.

Hearing his explanation, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they look so similar, there is such a huge contrast between the luxurious life in the past and the life in rags now. I shook my head with a wry smile, stood up, turned and left, left this bustling misty rain, left this ten-mile long street, and never looked back.

Because I know that thousands of years ago, there was a figure in gorgeous clothes standing at the window, watching this life.

I came to the wilderness again, walking in the rain, stumbling, walking through dusk, walking through night, walking through dawn and walking through morning, feeling neither tired nor disgusting.

On the third day, it passed.


I kept going, but I didn't know the target. All I know is that I keep going, and there is no end.

When there are no more thorns around, when the protrusions around have turned into yellow sand, I know I have come to the desert.

I trudged forward in the vast yellow sand, the blue sky was blue, and the wind raised sand on my face, which fascinated my vision. I faced it with a smile, but the pace was slow, but it was firm, leaving a string of footprints in the sand, which was quickly covered by the raised sand, leaving no traces.

The sun is rising, getting closer and closer to the earth, the desert is getting hotter and hotter, the high temperature distorts the air, and then ......

Then I saw the sea. I was surprised. The yellow desert, which was deserted just now, has now become a blue ocean with blue waves. With doubt, I walked to the seaside, but I stopped at the next moment. After the sea in front of us flashed, it disappeared without a trace and became a sea of death again.

"It turned out to be a mirage ..." I muttered, silently standing where I was for a long time, with only a disappointed sigh and a self-deprecating smile. "Yi Yi ..."

I turned forward without stopping, leaving a trail of footprints in the sand sea. Cactus growing everywhere cover the delicate core with thorns, then thrive in their own world, and then ... have more thorns.

I walked silently, and in the sand, I found that I lost my way, I lost.

There are many bones, people, animals and many creatures I can't name by the roadside. I can't help but smile: "Will I be one of them?" I thought sadly, but my feet didn't stop. I am still walking, trying to measure the length or width of the desert with a pair of meat feet.

After the afternoon peak, the sun gradually sets in the west. The desert at dusk is beautiful, but beauty is always instantaneous. The sun sets in the west and sinks to the sand dunes. Night in the desert, accompanied by cool wind, came.

I collapsed on the sand dune. Due to long-term lack of water, my lips cracked, and soon I was scarred. My mouth is full of sand and I can hardly speak.

"Yiyi, I'm coming to accompany you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and shouted at the boundless void. The star screen still enveloped the sky, and the mysterious galaxy opened my memory like a key.

"Feather, look, these stars are really beautiful." Under the moon, the girl is wearing a white dress and the white moonlight shines on her face. That ordinary face was particularly touching in the moonlight, and with that innocent smile, I almost thought I saw an angel at that moment.

I walked up to her with a smile, sat down next to her, hugged her with a smile, looked at the vast starry sky in the direction of her hand with a smile.

"You see, that's Wu Xing, that's Zi Xing, yes, that's a spoon shape, they are called the Big Dipper, that's, that's ..."

The girl smiled foolishly, and her bright eyes were full of longing. I looked into her eyes and smiled without a word.

"Feather, you know? The Big Dipper can move, but no matter how they move, they only point to their only one, that is, the North Star. "

"Yiyi, you are my Polaris!" I was lying in the cold desert, shouting at the starry sky, and tears ran across my cheeks and fell on the sand, and soon disappeared without a trace. Yes, I cried. After all kinds of hardships, I shed tears. In the desert at night, on the dry sand dunes, I cried like a child who lost his beloved toy.

I got up sobbing and hobbled along under the guidance of Polaris. Through the tearful vision, I saw the smiling girl smiling at me in the bright star screen.


I stumbled out of the desert and came to the forest again-the forest and the rainy desert turned out to be a stone's throw away, and life and death were connected.

I stumbled forward in this rare interpersonal forest, fell and got up again, fell and got up again. I don't know how many times I fell, but I still can't get up. On a shady day, I fell into the forest and fell asleep beside a cheerful flowing stream.

This sleep is a day.

When I woke up and saw the blue sky in the gap between the leaves, I shook my head and looked around. "How long did I sleep?" I mumble, or ask the boundless nothingness.

"One day, this is the morning of the sixth day." Void and cold voice, still so strange, is the voice of death.

"One day …" I was surprised that I slept all day, and I really didn't have much time left.

I rolled over and sat up, touched the clear spring and washed my face, then walked deep into the forest. I want to go through the forest and see the scenery there.

Sunlight shines through the cracks in the leaves and scatters many mottled spots. I walked through the light and shadow, through the tangled roots and through the yellow leaves of youth. The wind blows, blowing an unknown petal, dancing in the light and shadow, like a proud monarch butterfly, interpreting life.

The forest is not big, so there are no beasts such as wolves, tigers and leopards; I didn't walk fast, so I still didn't walk out of the Woods when the sun went down.

But I have heard the sound of waves lapping on the shore and smelled the salty taste of Hite.

It turns out that the sea is at the end of the forest.

I stand in the glade, looking up at the distance of the sky, looking up at the glory of the sunset, looking up at the glory of life, looking up at death.

I stand at the junction of light and shadow, as if standing at the junction of life and death, thinking about my short life, which is also the first time, thinking about the goal of progress. I'm tired of traveling without goals. Even on the night of the sixth day of my life, even if my life is only more than 20 hours, I still have to think and accumulate.

Looking back, I no longer suppress the memories that spring up in my heart. I smiled, picked a flower and sat on the intricate old roots, thinking about life and death.

I miss the small and warm home before I was 7 years old, and I miss the days in the orphanage and Yiyi.

I walked out of the Woods and it was completely dark. A bright moon hangs in the sky. In the dark sky in the northwest corner, a meteor streaked across the sky and cut through the darkness, which seemed to be a drop of tears.


The first light tore the night and drove away the darkness. I stood by the sea and ushered in the last sunrise of my life.

Yes, today is the seventh day and the last day of my life. I didn't move forward because I didn't want to move forward in confusion. I want to use this last day to think about what I have been pursuing and what the voice has been echoing in my mind.

Facing the sea, I sat on the floor and watched the sun jump hard. A large area of Xia Hong whitewashed the sky, and a huge fireball Ran Ran rose. I can't help thinking of the old fisherman and respectable old man I met at the beginning of my journey. I still remember his warm and cheerful smile.

"The sun is new every day." I recalled his words and muttered to myself.

Time flies, the sun has risen higher and higher, and the beach is gradually buzzing. People look at me with crazy eyes. I ignored it, looked indifferent, looked at the blue sky and white clouds and the ocean beach, and thought hard.

I got up and walked along the coastline, away from the crowd and the bodies that almost lost their souls. On the last day, I want to be alone.

The sun rises higher and higher, and finally reaches its peak and then goes down, and gradually sets in the west, just like life.

I hid behind the sunshine and prosperity, thinking hard.

The evening breeze brushed my cheeks, and the sun shone on me after all. When the sun sets, when rosy clouds are reflected in the sky, when the night wind sings faintly, the sun finally shines the last ray of sunshine on me. I looked at this precious last ray of sunshine and realized that the sun never gave up shining on anyone, even if you ran counter to it.

The sea, unchanged from ancient times, sings heroic songs, day after day, year after year, growling and clamoring, not knowing how to leave, not knowing the vicissitudes of life, perhaps, the sea itself is a kind of vicissitudes of life. ......

I limped out of the meditation place, as if it had been a hundred years. The seventh day is coming, and I am getting old quickly, and I am getting old in the blink of an eye. I finally reached this point, and I knew that the fire of my life was about to go out.

I seem to hear the midnight bell of the city behind me. The bells ringing in my soul guide me. My soul left my body. I saw the old body collapsed to the ground. I saw the cheerful, optimistic, enthusiastic and respectable old man, the valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, Gu Lou, which has stood for thousands of years in the misty rain, the smiling and flashy wilderness and the roaring and noisy sea. ......

Finally, I came to the endless boundary of light and darkness and saw death. It hangs quietly as if it had never changed. The huge sickle in my hand flashed cold light, and the black cloak cast a large shadow on its face. I wonder if the shadow is a pale skeleton like the legend.

"According to the agreement, at the end of the seventh day, your life was deprived."

The dumb voice echoed in this special space, and I shook my head with a wry smile and said nothing.

"So, what are you looking for in these seven days of immortality?" Death seems to have a lot to say today. I gave it a surprised look and smiled indifferently.

"It's nothing. Actually, I was confused at first. It was not until the last day that I realized that I had been looking for two simple words: happiness. "

"So ... did you find it?"

I smiled casually and said, "I don't know, and I don't know why. Every time I am about to give up, my heart is always full of hope. Perhaps this is the charm of despair, because despair, even a glimmer of hope will be infinitely magnified. " Afterwards, I looked up at death. This time, it didn't speak again, and the boundary between light and darkness fell into eternal silence again. After a long time, death broke the silence again.

"Do you know the real meaning of a seven-day contract?" Without waiting for my answer, it continued: "The death of seven days is an interpretation of death. It is the nirvana of life and the eternal life of death!" "

For the first time, the silent voice of death had emotional fluctuations, which spread leisurely and resounded through this special space, such as a blow.

"Maybe ..."

The outstretched hand of death is not the legendary pale skeleton, on the contrary, it is as warm as jade. It raised its sickle horizontally and said, "Feather, in the name of death, I declare you the next generation of death, the master of life and death!" "

Just when I was wondering how death's hand could be like this, I suddenly heard a familiar voice, and I could hardly believe it: "Yi Yi ……" At this moment, a huge sickle had flown towards me, and my eyes went black and I lost consciousness. ......

End of movement

I am a god of death, living between darkness and light, dominating the life and death of the world. It's like I've always existed, and it's like I was just born. Although I don't know the year and month, a voice has been echoing in my mind: "Those who look for a seven-day contract turn into reincarnation, and the death on the seventh day is the nirvana of life and the eternal life of death!"