Fortune Telling Collection - Ziwei fortune-telling - The abdomen suddenly gets bigger and farts like a pregnant woman.

The abdomen suddenly gets bigger and farts like a pregnant woman.

The abdomen suddenly gets bigger and farts like a pregnant woman.

The abdomen suddenly becomes bigger and farts like pregnancy. It is normal for us to have a small belly, but for those female friends who have never had a small belly before, there are many reasons. The abdomen suddenly becomes bigger and farts like pregnancy.

Sudden enlargement of the lower abdomen farts like pregnancy. 1 If there is a sudden enlargement of the lower abdomen in the near future, the possibility of pregnancy is ruled out, which is generally considered to be caused by disease factors. It is recommended to seek medical advice in time. The doctor will judge the contents of the abdomen first. If the increase is caused by gas, it may be the performance of abdominal flatulence caused by indigestion. If it is liquid, you need to be alert to whether there are diseases such as cirrhosis, which may lead to ascites. If it is solid, it may be caused by a space-occupying lesion in the lower abdomen, such as an abdominal tumor.

1, abdominal flatulence:

Abdominal flatulence is often caused by indigestion, which may be caused by gastrointestinal motility disorder. The clinical manifestations are abdominal distension, constipation and increased exhaust. It will lead to a sudden increase in the lower abdomen. Generally, it is treated by taking domperidone, mosapride and other gastric motility drugs. In daily life, we should also pay attention to moderate consumption of light and digestible foods, such as noodles and porridge.

2. Abdominal effusion:

Clinically, it is often caused by cirrhosis, also known as ascites, which is the most significant clinical manifestation of decompensated liver function. When there is a large amount of ascites, the lower abdomen can bulge like pregnancy, and the abdominal wall is tight and shiny, making it difficult for patients to move. The treatment of ascites mainly uses diuretics, such as spironolactone and furosemide. Moreover, plasma, fresh blood or albumin should be infused regularly to improve the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma, which is not only beneficial to the regression of ascites, but also helpful to improve liver function.

3. Abdominal tumor:

If the swollen part of the lower abdomen has a hard lump and a solid feeling of hard lump, it may be caused by a tumor in the lower abdomen. It is suggested to seek medical attention in time to judge the benign and malignant tumor. Benign tumors mainly include fibromas and hemangiomas, while malignant tumors mainly include colorectal cancer and gastric cancer. Surgical resection is often done in clinic, and it may be decided whether to carry out radiotherapy and chemotherapy according to the condition in the later stage.

The abdomen suddenly becomes bigger and farts like pregnancy. 2. Abdominal enlargement is not necessarily pregnancy.

The enlargement of female lower abdomen does not rule out the possibility of pregnancy, but it cannot be regarded as pregnancy alone, and it may also be caused by the following reasons:

1, irregular diet recently, leading to abdominal fat thickening;

2, usually less activity, and long-term sedentary, easy to cause girls' stomachs;

3, there is the imagination of abdominal distension, consult a doctor to relieve it, and the stomach will slowly disappear;

Another reason may be that there is a cyst in the abdomen. To this end, we should pay attention to going to the hospital for examination to avoid lesions.

Second, what are the symptoms of early pregnancy?

Want to know if you are pregnant? You can't just look at whether your abdomen is getting bigger. Early pregnancy still has the following symptoms:

1, menstruation stops

Menstruation is the earliest and most important "signal" in early pregnancy. Generally speaking, it is normal to delay menstruation for 7 days. If it is more than 10 days, it is probably pregnant. This symptom causes women to notice more pregnancy symptoms. But it doesn't mean that you must be pregnant if your period doesn't come. There are many reasons why you don't come to menstruation, which may be caused by some gynecological diseases or mental stress. It's best to go to the hospital for relevant examination.

2, breast changes

An obvious feature of pregnancy is that the breasts begin to become sensitive, swollen and feel sore for no reason. When you are looking for a comfortable sleeping position, when you are exercising or taking a shower, or when you are wearing clothes, you may feel abnormal breasts.

3, easy to fatigue

One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is fatigue. I may go to bed earlier, but I find it more difficult to get up in the morning. If you have a job, you will feel sleepy at noon 10 and need to find a place to lie down and rest. Besides, simple activities such as shopping will make you feel very tired and even top-heavy. All these symptoms are due to the increase of hormones in your body after pregnancy.

4. disgusting

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is nausea and boredom. This may surprise you. This symptom may appear in the first week of pregnancy, and many women will vomit when they drink coffee and have breakfast on an empty stomach in the morning. This is what people call morning sickness, and some pregnant women will feel sick in the afternoon or evening; Others will feel sick all day.

5. Changes of basal body temperature

Women who measure their basal body temperature can learn about early pregnancy. The normal basal body temperature of women shows a bidirectional curve, that is, it is lower before ovulation and higher after ovulation. For example, if menstruation comes and the body temperature does not drop after rising, and it remains at 18 days or more, it means that she is pregnant.

Is the belly getting bigger and bigger pregnant? Combined with the above, it does not mean that the enlarged abdomen is pregnant, which may be caused by other reasons. This female compatriot must be clear. If they really suspect that they are pregnant, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a systematic examination first.

The lower abdomen suddenly became bigger and farted like she was pregnant. 3 Be careful that this 10 reason makes your belly fat.

1, sweet.

It is almost every woman's hobby to like sweet and tempting biscuits and chocolates. Although she is full, why can she eat without changing her face and jumping? Sugar in sweets is digested faster than complex carbohydrates in rice or bread, and stays in the stomach for a short time, so you will feel hungry soon after eating. If you eat on an empty stomach for a long time, it will lead to a vicious circle. Furthermore, if the sugar in the blood increases rapidly, it will produce a lot of insulin to make fat, so people will become fat.

2. fruit.

Fruit can not only provide vitamins and minerals for human body, but also provide beauty beauty. Is it wrong to like fruit? In fact, fruits and sweets are monosaccharides, and eating too much will definitely make you obese. The heat of an apple is roughly equivalent to that of a bowl of rice. It doesn't matter if you eat two apples. Eating two bowls of rice will make a woman who loves beauty scream. So apples, oranges and other fruits are limited to two a day.

3. wolf down.

Eating fast and wolfing down will make your stomach bigger unconsciously, leading to obesity. The human brain sends out the command of "satiety" 20-30 minutes after the meal begins, but if the brain wolfs down before it feels full, it will lead to overeating. Also, eating while watching TV will unconsciously overeat. Some people lose weight by eating only one meal a day. Although they may lose a few kilograms a month, it is harmful to their health.

4. Habitual weight loss.

Many people suddenly lose weight in a short time, and then they can't stand the pain of losing weight and give up. If they are always so fat and thin, they will feel slim at first sight, but the fat rate in their bodies is increasing. This is the so-called "invisible obesity". Usually, when you lose weight, the fat will decrease with the muscles, but when you gain weight, you will only increase the fat without increasing the muscles.

Therefore, in the repeated weight loss behavior, you will unconsciously store a lot of fat.

5, terrible physiological cycle.

At present, there is no effective control method for the irresistible female physiological period. Women will have different degrees of irritability and lethargy before menstruation, which is called "premenstrual syndrome". During this period, they eat and drink because of irresistible hunger, lack exercise because of fatigue and weakness, and sleep will increase accordingly, thus unconsciously increasing fat.

6. trouble

Because of emotional frustration or work pressure, it is often easy to start with food, especially eating greasy and sweet food, which can give people a strong sense of comfort and satisfaction. Many people overeat to relieve stress. However, do some people use worry as an excuse for overeating?

7. Stay up late.

Horses have no night grass and are not fat. In fact, people are the same. Sleeping immediately after meals can lead to obesity. Because the gastrointestinal movement is high at night, it absorbs nutrients and accumulates in the body. Some people have formed the habit of eating midnight snack. Not only do they have a full dinner, but they also eat snacks one after another after dinner. As a result, I got up the next day and lost my appetite. They don't eat breakfast, and Chinese food is just so so. At night, they concentrate on eating enough at one time and become "fat balls" for a long time.

8. Insufficient exercise.

In winter, because it is too cold to move, sympathetic nerves will become dull, energy consumption will also decrease, and excess energy in the body will be converted into fat, which is easy to be obese.

9. snacks.

You can't resist the temptation of snacks, but snacks are the chief culprit in gaining weight. They are delicious, but not necessarily nutritious. The calories of snacks are as high as candy, and the calories of a bag of French fries are almost equivalent to the calories of a dinner!

10, season.

Is it really easy to get fat simply because of winter? In fact, it's because it's cold outside and you don't leave the house, or you don't leave the TV with snacks. In addition, the loose and heavy clothes in winter are also one of the reasons, which makes people relax their tension and vigilance against fat, so they get fatter every day.